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2019 general election: Carbon County school district races

Published October 24. 2019 12:49PM

Unique situations occur on the general election ballots of the six area school districts that include Carbon County municipalities.

All six districts — Hazleton, Jim Thorpe, Lehighton, Palmerton, Panther Valley and Weatherly — are slated to elect five school directors to four-year terms. In five of the six districts (all but Panther Valley), four candidates have won both Democratic and Republican nominations, leaving apparent head-to-head races for the fifth seat in each district.

And in Panther Valley’s case, three candidates won both parties’ nominations in May, leaving a race between three other candidates for the remaining two seats.

Jim Thorpe Area

In the Jim Thorpe district, the four successful candidates on both ballots in May were Cindy Lesisko Henning, Pearl Downs-Sheckler, Scott R. Pompa and Paul Montemuro.

Wilmer Redline won the fifth Democratic nomination but withdrew his candidacy. The Democratic Party replaced him with Benjamin L. Walbert III, who is running against the fifth Republican victor in the primary, T.J. Garritano.

The district includes Jim Thorpe Borough, Penn Forest Township and the Southern District of Kidder Township.

Lehighton Area

In the Lehighton district, the four candidates who won both Democratic and Republican nominations are Wayne W. Wentz, Larry E. Stern, Rita L. Spinelli and Nathan R. Foeller.

A fifth candidate, the late Frank Ruch, also won two nominations. Ruch was the victim of a fatal motor vehicle crash in Schuylkill County before the election, although his name remained on the ballots.

The Democratic Party named Jack Finnegan to fill that vacancy while the Republican Party put Richard Beltz on its ballot, setting up that one-on-one matchup for the fifth seat on the board.

The district includes Lehighton, Parryville and Weissport boroughs and East Penn, Franklin and Mahoning townships.

Palmerton Area

The dual winners in May in the Palmerton Area School District balloting included Audrey Larvey, Brandon Mazepa, Sherry A. Haas and Doris D. Zellers, whose names will appear on both the Democratic and Republican ballots this time around.

Running for the fifth position on the board are Democrat Brenda L. McGrath, who was named by the Democratic Party to take the ballot position won by Jeffrey Henry, who withdrew from the race, and Republican Tammy L. Recker.

The district includes Bowmanstown and Palmerton boroughs and Towamensing and Lower Towamensing townships.

Panther Valley

Three candidates won both Democratic and Republican nominations in May in the Panther Valley School District balloting. Gary Porembo, William J. Mansberry Jr. and Marco D’Ancona will have their names on both ballots this time around.

That leaves two Democratic candidates — Joseph J. Faenza and Renee DeMelfi — and one Republican candidate — Daniel Matika — left to compete for the other two positions on the board.

The district includes Lansford, Nesquehoning and Summit Hill voters in Carbon County, and those who vote in Coaldale in Schuylkill County.

Weatherly Area

Democrat Barbara Sipler and Republican Gerard E. Grega will go head-to-head for the fifth seat open on the Weatherly School Board.

The four candidates who won both Democratic and Republican nominations in May and will appear on both ballots this time around include William Knepper, April Walters, Thomas Joseph Connors Jr. and Matthew D. Von Frisch.

The district includes East Side and Weatherly boroughs, Packer, Lausanne and Lehigh townships and the North District of Kidder Township.

Hazleton Area

The four successful winners in May in the Hazleton School Board balloting were Tony Bonomo, Ellen McBride, Jackie Scarsella and Wister Yuhas Jr. Their names will be on both ballots in November.

Aspiring to the fifth spot on the board are Democrat John F. Busher and Republican Robert J. Fiume.

Beaver Meadows and Banks Township voters in Carbon County participate in the district’s at-large balloting.

There is a write-in campaign for Lehighton to stop the Hometown Tax Team.

Barb Bowes
Byron Schnell
Kerry L Sittler

Elect Richard Beltz, Barb Bowes, Byron Schnell, Kerry L. Sittler

The other guys raised the budget by nearly 10%, raised taxes, and is letting the administration negotiate most of the union contract. Who's side are they on?

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