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Board hears outgoing superintendent’s goals

Published October 30. 2019 12:22PM

The Pleasant Valley School Board approved three amendments to the school policy during their recent meeting, and narrowly passed in a 5-4 vote the goals of Superintendent David Piperato, who will be leaving his position this week to become superintendent at Easton Area School District.

School board Director Laura Jecker said, “I think it needs to be more detailed.”

Piperato’s goals for the school district were outlined in four points.

First, he suggested examining the science, math and language arts curriculum to make sure they meet standards. He also suggested doing a gap analysis to look for redundancies and needs, and organize a spiral curriculum.

A spiral curriculum has topics that reoccur every year, but with increasing complexity as the child gets older. Piperato endorsed this curriculum to provide more content that is in line with state assessments.

Second, he wanted to see a comprehensive Positive Public Relations Communication System implemented in the school district. This would be done by issuing a districtwide quarterly newsletter “to highlight strengths, positive progress, new initiatives and to celebrate successes.”

Each of the building principals would also prepare newsletters and use social media to improve communication. Piperato also suggested that the superintendent will host parent meetings at each building level. The frequency of these meetings was not included.

Next, Piperato wanted work to continue on the Profile of a Graduate. He wanted the eight competencies to be included in everyday instruction for the 2020-21 school year, and to align it with the district’s current Chapter 339 and Pathways efforts.

And fourth, the superintendent wanted a study of the grade configurations and its impact on achievement. The study would determine if realignment is needed, and identify the challenges if it is needed — budget, staff, facilities and transportation. The study would also show if current research about age-appropriate instruction is in line with grading.

As far as amendments to the school policies, the board voted unanimously in favor of the three amendments to school board membership, student attendance and food services.

The amendment to membership states that when a vacancy occurs, a majority vote of the remaining members of the school board will appoint someone to fill the spot within 30 days of the vacancy, in accordance with the School Code and Sunshine Act. The appointed member will serve until the first Monday in December after the first municipal election.

Under attendance, the new amendment changes the number of days a student can be lawfully absent in the school year to six days, and requires that parents submit a written excuse within three days of the absence in order for it to be considered an excused absence.

As for food service, the school district must now email parents or guardians weekly and send a letter to them monthly if money is owed on a student’s school meal account. This would happen if there is no money left in the account to spend on lunches.

Piperato's mail goal was to pad his salary, so he jumped ship to Easton after only two years at PVSD and got a hefty $20,000 per year increase. Goal accomplished!

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