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Carbon Republicans ask court to stop vote count

Published November 12. 2019 11:45AM

Representatives of the Carbon County Republican Committee are petitioning the court to stop the hand count currently happening with the county’s election results.

Chairman of the committee Lee Becker, along with Wallace Putkowski and Katie Kokinda, all of Lehighton, filed the petition against the Carbon County Election Board Tuesday morning.

The trio is asking the court for an emergency application for special relief because it was “determined that immediate and irreparable injury will be sustained before the notice can be given or a hearing held.”

They cite three reasons for the emergency application: Performing the manual recount of the paper ballots from the Carbon County 2019 general election, permitting Dominion Voting Systems to perform an electronic recount of the paper ballots using a high-speed scanner and the election board is directed to perform a mandated canvass of the ballots before any hand count is authorized by the board.

After the polls closed Tuesday night, the election reports contained obvious errors in municipal and school board races. In some races, votes were only listed for the first candidate on the ballot. In other cases, candidates had a small number of votes.

The problem began when two candidates were left off in Lower Towamensing and Mahoning where substitute candidates for people who died didn’t make it onto the ballot.

The change led to a database problem, resulting in problems reporting the results after Lower Towamensing.

The petition states that the county election board failed to conduct a statutorily mandated canvass, citing one member said during the board’s meeting on Friday that there was one error found in the ballot figures and recommended the hand count.

The board then passed the motion for the hand count and high speed scanning unanimously.

The petitioners contend that the action was not permitted under the election statute.

Carbon County is currently on day two of the hand count of all ballots filed during the election. It has 20 days to certify the votes.

Becker, Putkowski and Kokinda are represented by attorney Keith R. Pavlack.

All of this by comes to you through a governor's unfunded mandate for corrective action to a concern, not an actual problem, just a concern. This wasn't happening with the old system, was it?
The roll out should have been done in primary 2020. There wasn't sufficient time to the counties to ensure that each voting machine was going to be working properly and being able to keep up with demand. A very costly and expensive mess! Thank you Governor Wolf.
Yes... Absolutely blame the governor for a current problem that the Republicans are trying to make, because he tried to fix a problem EVERYONE wanted fixed (Remember cry babies, you all wanted secure elections), but now that you have that, YOU ARE CRYING IT'S TOO HARD TO VOTE NOW

Personal responsibility ceases to exist in a Republican voters head
Dear NotABrain,
I recall a request for voter ID. I recall concerns over to dead Democrats voting in Philadelphia. Some wanted a hard copy of the cast ballot, but these machines should not have been forced to roll out just yet, they weren't worthy, at least the machines I used in Northampton County weren't. The Governor demanded they be in place by the end of 2019. Bad move.
Now please explain to me that bit you added at the end about "Personal responsibility".
Perhaps because we support killing babies when we can't keep our pants on?
Maybe you refer to our looking for government handouts?
You may be referring to our demands for free contraception?
Oh... wait, that's Democrats.
yo..thats because the republicans arent responsible 4 this fiasco..geezus..why would they take responsibility for sonething they had nothing 2 do with? and guess what. Fox news is more reluable than all combined. u r just an msm sheeple..Rusdia collusion..hardy har har
Maybe you should back up in time a little and consider the arrogance, stupidity and greed of this occupant to know that Russia had him in their sites for years. They had him when he needed money (U.S. Banks wouldn't loan) and his pitiful ego to build another Tower in their country. Its amazing how the R party can spin the B.S. out of what actually started all of this.
what does that have 2 do with him and Russia not colluding? u r an msm sheeple. do u know how many are associated with business/ businesses in other countries? wow. keep watching fake news. u r thinking of joe biden and his son with china and Ukraine..
We all know this whole bullshit the demos are doing is well. Bullshit. She lost. N 3 years later she still cant move on n now she is thinking of running again. Well to term a baseball term. 3 strikes n your OUT
The literal ONLY people talking about her running are Fox News and Breitbart

Hillary, nor any of the big, bad liberal media, are talking about her running again, but don't let facts get in your way of hysterical overreactions
ya talking about. Fox isnt claiming she is running..what? u cant talk about it? u shoulda said that after 2 years of Russia,Russia,Russia..smh. and. it is rarely brought up..share videos of who said it.. videos available of msm since Trump got in office. impeach ,impeach, impeach. thats what is being said over and over again.Since the day he took office..Hope u survive 4 more years,the dems have loonies for candidates...ha ha ha
ya talking about. Fox isnt claiming she is running..what? u cant talk about it? u shoulda said that after 2 years of Russia,Russia,Russia..smh. and. it is rarely brought up..share videos of who said it.. videos available of msm since Trump got in office. impeach ,impeach, impeach. thats what is being said over and over again.Since the day he took office..Hope u survive 4 more years,the dems have loonies for candidates...ha ha ha
Yeah continue to put out that spin about the 2016 election.
The R's will be a dying breed after not caring a damn about our National Security and kissing the butt of Putin instead of protecting our allies (Ukraine). He is compromised and doesn't even know it. You people have lost your minds, which includes your brain function. Your stupidity, mainly your inability to gather respected sources of information and analyze it makes me laugh. Levite, Vote Hill, and Softball.
Here's a good video on a president kissing Russian Butt.

Watch this, you'll like it.

Or... Here
i dont watch fake news. u r sadly mistaken hardy har har..te he he... obummer is the one..we all saw and heard the video of him telling the Russian diplomat 2 tell putin that after the election he will have more flexibility..ha ha. the 2 headed sneaky,snaky demonrats..thats how they operate..lie,lie,lie..
i dont watch fake news. u r sadly mistaken hardy har har..te he he... obummer is the one..we all saw and heard the video of him telling the Russian diplomat 2 tell putin that after the election he will have more flexibility..ha ha. the 2 headed sneaky,snaky demonrats..thats how they operate..lie,lie,lie..
u r truly delusional..kissing putins ass? hey lady do some who had more restrictions on Russia ,the wuss obummer or Trump.. u r the one putting the spin on the 2016 election. He won, get ove t.c it. u and killary..ha ha ha..
I don't pull up any ones stupid www sites. If someone can't put in writing their point they don't deserve my reading time.
The demos want illegals n dont want the wall. So wete is the security? Oh ya the demos want ISIS in
I guess you don't know that the State Dept. actually notified Fox News Hannity to stop with the John Soloman bullshit stories. I will go with information provided by the Military, FBI, CIA and State Dept. people any day. Admiral McCraven sumed it up perfectly "The Republic is under attack from with in"
Only morons follow and believe Faux News. B9073, Yeah restrictions on Russia to cover up for all the corruption underneath it all. The real hero's will be on TV tomorrow. :)
For people confused about "voter id", we have voter id - it is your signature. They have your signature on file at the one place you are registered to voted. If someone else votes in my name, they would find out when I try to vote and such a scam would be revealed. To those suggesting this should have been rolled out in 2020 - think about how much worse that may have been with a higher turnout.
It would have been far better to have electronic voting machines that printed out a paper ballot that could be verified. 'Nough said.

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