Board votes to retain Schwab
William Schwab will remain the Lehighton Area School District’s solicitor by the narrowest margin, following Monday night’s school board meeting.
By a 5-4 vote, Schwab will serve through the 2018-19 school year at a rate of $165 per hour.
Voting for Schwab’s reappointment were Andrew Yenser, Larry Stern, Steve Holland, Wayne Wentz and Rita Spinelli, while David Bradley Sr., Gail Maholick, Richard Beltz and Joy Beers voted no.
Bradley outlined what he considered “questionable activity” by Schwab and recommended looking elsewhere.
“(Schwab) is the solicitor for the school district and Franklin Township,” Bradley said. “Franklin Township has interest in purchasing Franklin elementary so I think there should be a conflict of interest signed by both parties.”
Schwab was not at Monday’s meeting, instead representing Franklin Township at its meeting.
Eric Filer, who stepped in for Schwab, said there is no pending motion to sell the school to the township, alleviating any current conflict of interest.
Bradley also questioned Schwab’s use of the Sunshine and Right To Know laws.
“He also leverages attorney-client privilege when I don’t believe there is any,” Bradley said. “We believe he disclosed information protected under the Sunshine Law to a prospective buyer of real estate and did not give that information to another interested party.”
Changing solicitors, Bradley contended, allows someone to bring fresh ideas to the district.
Spinelli, however, said experience is the main factor for her when considering a solicitor.
“(Schwab) has that,” she said. “I see no reason to go elsewhere.”
Later in the meeting, Bradley made a motion for Lehighton’s business office to create a list of 10 prospective solicitors within 35 miles.
It failed by a 5-4 vote.
Lehighton Area School District
Director David F. Bradley, Sr.
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Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.