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Thank you, Mr. President

Published November 14. 2019 12:16PM

Thank you, Mr. President, for the following accomplishments:

All-time high S&P and consumer confidence, 6 million new jobs, rebuilding our military, biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history, death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi without loss of American life, negotiating free, fair and reciprocal trade deals with Japan, South Korea, Europe and China, VA Accountability Act, nominating Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, record low unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanics and Asian-Americans, women’s unemployment rate lowest in 65 years, unemployment claims at a 50-year low, 3.9 million Americans off food stamps, energy independence.

Median middle-class household income at an all-time high: 8 years of Bush up $400, 8 years of Obama up $975, 2.5 years of Trump up $5,000, plus $1,400 for taxes. Replacing NAFTA with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, First Step Act criminal justice reform, creating opportunity zones, securing $6 billion for fighting the opioid crisis, Securing $3.6 billion for construction of 175 miles of border wall, withdrawing from the Iran Deal, Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

Lastly Mr. President, NO, we are not tired of winning yet.

Not even a little bit.

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township

You just laid out the articles for impeachment!
Democrats don't want prosperity, and they despise that you and I are winning.
Democrats hate you, me, and the rest of America on the side of common sense.
Democrats want us eliminated, but Trump stands in the way.
Keep America Great.
Wow! With all that I bet trump is the most supported president ever!!!

Oh wait, 37% approval rate in PA? 42% nationwide? What is wrong with these people? Don’t they know he is the second coming of Christ?
Wanda, thank YOU for writing a truthful letter in support of our leader who unlike his predecessor, is getting things done as he said he would! God bless America. Keep America great!
Trump stands for common sense. For some reason, certain people disrespect the office of POTUS, if it's not a person of their choice. I endured Obama, prayed for him, and respected his position, though diametrically opposite of my views. These Democrats will do any and everything to get rid of us. I'm not going anywhere. I'll stand firm.
Let’s review his major campaign promises:

Build the wall: no
Make Mexico pay for it: no
4% gdp growth: no
Decrease the deficit: Making it worse
Bring troops home: there are more overseas now
Hire the best people: no
Lock up Hillary: no
Repeal and replace: no
It was never imagined, the push back and obstruction by the Democrats.
Why can't he get USMCA Ratified?
He finally obtained Wall $$$
Economy is kicking butt.
But his time in office isn't over.
Do you agree with the Impeach crowd and what they're doing?
You never Trumpers stop at nothing. Do you think this is how things should run?
Trump is winning for America.
Put your hate aside "Joe". Throw of that fetter of bitterness.
Perhaps after the next election he'll have more flexibility.
Hey "Joe", do you think the attacks against those of us who voted for this president should become the new norm? Should we follow the Democrats in ways? Will that Make America Better , or worse?
Do you think cases should be determined in the courts of public opinion? After all, you live your life by polls. Do you agree with Adam Schiff's way of doing things? Is it OK to lie and make up things in front of congress then call it "Parody"?
Time for you to answer questions "Joe"
What do you stand for? You appear to just come here and stir up... you know, take on.
You are saying that we who voted for him and support him, need also be removed?
How about answering the rest of my questions?
The way Democrats continue in the coup against a duly elected President should make precedence?
You approve of the strategy of Schiff and Pelosi?
Do you think the Resist, Antifa, and all the other Soros funded Chapters for Chaos, are not a threat to America?
You are accepting the swamp?
Wow, you are one confused person.
Please answer at least some of my questions.
I believe there are many examples of Antifa members being arrested and charged. I never heard of chapters of chaos but I imagine they are not above the law either. Neither should the president.

What the democrats are doing is in the best interest of a country founded by men who endeavored to keep us free from autocracy. I and the majority of Americans support it.
What law did Trump break?
I read the transcript, nothing there.
Russia... Nothing
Stormie? personal and not my concern.
Taxes? Nobody knows.
This I know, you show me the man and I'll show you the crime.
Abuse of power, conspiracy, non-profit fraud, campaign finance violations and conspiracy (a man is in jail for following trumps orders). But beyond that trump lacks the morals and intellect to be president..that’s enough for removal according to our forefathers
living by the polls!
Trump's campaign is getting a boost from this Impeach Stuff.
Thanks Joe
He also continues to fill yuge arenas. Ha Ha Ha
MAGA Joe! Join Us, you'll never beat us, and you ain't getting rid of us.
We've not yet begun to fight back at the crazy lefties. You liberals crack me up!
Oh obstruction of justice too. But this is what the impeachment inquiry is for, to determine what crimes or abuses of power occurred. If trump would man up and allow his people with first hand knowledge to testify we could understand better what happened. I don’t recall Obama barring Clinton from testifying on Benghazi. Obama is a man, trump is a little boy. And Hillary had bigger balls than mr small hands too given she took the questions and stood up there
So far, the hearing brought out... NOTHING!
Schiff is loosing yet another round.
The winner so far? Trump.
It's a fund raiser for Trump, not the Demoncrats.
Hillary Clinton committed obstruction of justice by destroying evidence related to her email scandal. Trump never did anything to obstruct, even you man Bill Maher will agree on that.
Then let the voters “remove” him from office on Election Day, don’t play these games that the Democrats are currently playing over absolutely nothing. And yes, this impeachment is a nothing burger,
America is lost if it allows a president to misuse power. It wasn’t the democrats who started this, it was trump appointees that raised the red flags
The founding fathers gave us the road for impeachment. Democrats are making sport of the process, actually abusing the power of impeachment.
Joe Biden, while tasked to oversee US dealings with Ukraine, got his drug addict son Hunter, on the board of Burisma Holdings. Hunter did receive payments. That payment came from $$$ raised through CRIMINAL MEANS, Siphoned, Laundered From Ukraine.
Where's the outrage over that Joe?
The Clinton Foundation Money is dwindling. No more coming in, because they no longer can market influence. Abuse of power there?
Let's be fair. You list seasonal, or entry level jobs here. There needs to be incentive to move on. Imagine the cost of service/product, if they were forced to implement a minimum wage beyond affordability.
You wish to cry victim, and that's the way of the left, victimize America, so all those victims come running to god... I mean government. The Olive Garden Waitress has the opportunity to move on, as does every other person in any of those positions. Innovation and Incentive get's destroyed when things come too easy, or for free.
Imagine the cost of goods if we forced companies to bring manufacturing back to the US. Any free market pro business conservative understands we should allow industry to get their COGS down even if it means offshoring it. The rise in consumerism is more than enough to compensate for the loss of crap jobs in manufacturing. Just look at the unemployment rate over the last 5 years (low) plus we won’t have enough workers soon anyway and will need to back fill through immigration. If you are a white nationalist trumper who wants less immigrants you should support offshoring manufacturing
Economic Advisor Gary Cohn left the Administration because he disagreed with T on imposing Tariffs. Its called free trade and it killed the farmers. Actually literally.
Who said this:

“ ....I am a Tariff Man. When people or countries come in to raid the great wealth of our Nation, I want them to pay for the privilege of doing so”

You can’t possibly be this ill informed
The Dow rallied to record levels today.
28,000 for the first time ever.
Combination of Shifty Schiff's great failure in his Impeach Circus, and, China and the U.S. were getting close to reaching a trade deal.
Making America Great, and the idiots on the left can't stand it.
Winning, winning, winning!

The 30-stock average closed 222.93 points higher, or 0.7% at 28,004.89. It took the Dow just over four months to go from 27,000 for the first time to 28,000.
Two years in to B.O. we were at 9.4% unemployment in PA
Big difference "Joe"
Do you already forget how Obama tried to extend unemployment benefits via executive order? How about the Food Stamp President?
A Joke of a president. Beer Summits, and Rainbow Colored White House.

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