Lehighton Area School District
Lehighton Area School District’s board of directors on Monday night took action on the following items:
• Refunded the occupational tax for 2018 in the amount of $245 to Kristin G. Stewart.
• Accepted the donation to the general fund of $250 from Griff’s Ale Haus & Grille to be used for the Title I program at the Lehighton Area Elementary Center.
• Approved the letter of understanding with the Lehighton Area Education Support Personnel Association for the position of food service liaison for the 2019-20 school year. The work includes state and federal reports for nondistrict student accounts.
• Approved a new activity fund for Lehighton Area Middle School show choir.
• Authorized the business administrator and treasurer to pay all bills of the school district in their discretion without further board authorization until its next regular meeting due to the extended period between meetings over the holiday season. Any bills shall come before the board at its first regular meeting thereafter for ratification.
• Accepted the donation of $1,392 from the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley Inc. to be used for the G2 (Girls Group) program at Apollo Farms in Palmerton.
• Approved the contract between Bayada Home Health Care Inc. and the district from Nov. 16, 2019, through June 30, 2020, for student #58521.
• Approved the contract for transportation services from Behavioral Health Associates for the 2019-20 school year.
• Approved Jacen Nalesnik as a long-term mathematics teacher for the 2019-20 school year at $43,850.
• Approved the regular board meeting dates for 2020.
• Authorized the superintendent to approve all school journeys, use of facilities requests, and professional course requests without further board authorization until its next regular meeting.
• Approved the first reading of policies dealing with admission of students, withdrawal from school and Title I parent complaints.
— Jarrad Hedes
Board abdicated authority to blah blah blah
Board rubber-stamped the recommendation to blah blah blah
Board BLOCKED the review of actions taken by ...
Board BLOCKED the review of the bills and review of ...
Oh, and the Complaint Policy was originally for all parents and all complaints, not just Title 1. When rubber stampers write the copy and give their blind trust to the administration we all lose.
Soon, we will see the rats jumping off the sinking ship they created instead of providing proper leadership and guidance to this very basic form of government. A moral minded buisness person task force designed to provide transparency was rejected. The collection of taxes and disbursement of educational benefits should be transparent and lawfully overseen by the elected governing board.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.