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The question is why?

Published November 30. 2019 06:27AM


The question is why?

Why do people have to work two or three jobs to live?

Why do I have to pay more for the same thing I used to pay less for?

Why do I pay the same and get less?

Why do some teachers act like baby sitters instead of teachers?

Why don’t we have a $15 minimum wage?

Why do we allow robocalls?

Why doesn’t Congress do their job instead of fighting each other?

Why do people love their guns more than their kids?

Why doesn’t this government stop the B.S. and do what’s right for this country?

Why didn’t you vote last election?

Why isn’t this government working like it should instead of fighting like one tribe against the other?

Why don’t people believe in God and country anymore?

Why do we let people in government get away with all the B.S. they do?

I remain

Robert (Ski) Siesputowski

Summit Hill

My conclusion is that we are here on earth for a short time. That time is for us to gain knowlwedge and wisdom to share with others in Love (I fail in that from time to time).
All of the hurts, pain, suffering, and even the B.S. is part of the process. This time here is short, as you know, and when we die, we leave. This is not the final destination Ski.
The Bible says, "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Jesus shows us the way, for he is the Way.
Peace Ski

Because the economy is mainly producing low paying jobs



All professions have a share of lower performers


Special interest money from telemarketing firms

Been a problem for years but now is due to trumps hold on the gop

Most don’t love their guns more, just the vocal gun owners toting ARs

See answer 7

See answer 7

See answer 7

Because we have evolved

See answer 7

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