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Turn back to God

Published November 30. 2019 06:27AM

To the editor:

Read your Bible and you will see nothing good happened to the Jews when they turned away from God. This is where our country is today. When they realized they were on the wrong track, they repented by putting on sackcloth, fasted and prayed until God forgave them.

When I grew up, almost everyone on the street went to church every Sunday, some even went back at night. It is a shame today that many children do not get to see the inside of a church anymore.

Back then it was rare to see headlines in the paper and on TV about drugs, rape, shooting, killing, stealing, child abuse and child molestation. So think about it, and see if you come to my conclusion that perhaps going to church made us better people.

Maybe it is time for us to turn back to God, instead of falling for Satan’s lies, and fill our churches once again, instead of closing them, so God will once again bless this country as he did in the past.

Here is something to think about. God created Eve for Adam, not as a sex toy or recreation, but for procreation and not for extermination of his creation. Read Psalm 139: 13-15. “Truly you have formed my innermost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me, wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth.”

If one family turns to God through this letter, it will be worth it.

Teresa Walck


Salvation comes through hearing, and hearing comes only through the Word of God.
Thank You Teresa
Many are indeed turning!
Aren’t these the same Jews that still reject Jesus?

Anyway, you are right, hardly anyone was ever murdered or sexually abused when you were a kid.
This is a wonderful time of year to find connection with a local body of Christ Followers.
If it has been a while, or perhaps you've never gone, you are never a stranger, when you're in your fathers house.
There's a new church in Palmerton, and it has many attending already. Very friendly people.
I’m all for freedom of speech, but let’s not wear rose colored glasses here, bad things happened all the time and much of it was sanctioned by the church itself.
Have we forgotten the inquisition, crusades, child rape and cover up? Have you read your Bible where god himself was an absolute brute and sadomasochistic tyrant for most of scripture.
Please if you want decency in the world, throw out the holy Books, bible, Quran, Book of Mormon and just be good to each other
That's cheap Tony, and here's why. Through all history of man, God was there. Through that history, many religions existed, but you call out only the bad within many years of GOOD!
Muslims invaded europe...pushed all the way to spain. Were the Christians to just lay down? They defended themselves....and beat the jihadians. If it wasn't for the crusades, you would be praying to mecca 5 times a day right now. They wouldn't be giving you the choice to thumb your nose at God.
Cheaper is to suggest that we all "be good to each other".
What is "Good"
Well, it's a relative word. True good is merely an ideal. Humans are fundamentally flawed, and therefore can't do any good nor can we experience any good. What is good for me, may be bad for you. Every single action we do, war, peace, lie, tell truth, kill, heal, live, or die causes bad for someone. So true universal good doesn't exist in this life.
Now base "Good" on a standard, and you can now get in to Right verses Wrong.
I hate to tell you, but that standard was set by God many, many, years ago. So for you to pop in here now and suggest we just get rid of any reference to God and good, and then be "Good" is a cheap slap in God's face. That's what Atheists like to do. I appreciate your posts, but often, your religion is unbecoming, and frankly, it just doesn't add up.
Levite, when you say “god is good” , your saying there is a human concept of good you are assigning god too. So to argue that we wouldn’t know good without god is immediately dismissed. Secondly, you glossed over a lot of harm religion has done especially Christianity. We all know islam is bullsh*t, but you fail to see the obvious bull in your own beliefs.
Like for example claiming god is good yet ignoring the genocide and rape, slave ownership, your “good” god allowed is laughable and proves my point we should throw the silly book away.

Christians today focus on “Jesus fluff”. The happy warm feelings associated with the long robed bearded god/ man. What Christians also routinely do is ignore everything else in the Bible to remain relevant. Because if we began teaching in Sunday school that god killed a man for pulling out during sex and not impregnating his sister in law, the congregants would dwindle away. Genesis 38

If your going to be honest Levite, at least decry the filth in your book before trying to decry others
There is more BS in your belief. Good is a relative term. Without God, there would be no way to find comparison, as God defines good, he is that standard to allow good to be right or wrong.
Did you know that God can and DOES use everything, both good and bad, for His good. It doesn't matter what it is, God will use something that looks like only bad can come from it, for good
Romans 8:28 says "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God-those whom He has called according to His plan."
So example... a person who's dealt with drug addiction can help someone with a drug addiction.
Noah had a drinking problem, Joseph was abused, Rahab a prostitute, Jonah ran from God like you, John the Baptist ate bugs, and still all accomplished good.
Pilate asked, "what is truth". To be honest, perhaps we all seek truth over good.
That "filth" as you call it, is merely there to bring about good in man, from a Godly perspective at least.
You appear to read the Bible to find filth, to reload for another attack, that's not the same as reading to learn or enrich. Read chapters 38 - 40 with open mind to get the whole story.
By the way, the Bible is a book of history. It's the oldest writing to where anyone understanding the Hebrew language, could find the oldest copy, and read it. That's history, and it's Truth that will set you free.
You finished your post with an untruth, the Bible isn’t the oldest and Yahweh is also predated by many many other gods such as the Sumerians, Mesopotamian gods and the Egyptian gods. Shows how little you are aware sadly, but I’ll never convince you Levite, your mind is made that you are right no matter what.

I was the same way, I was a “god said it that settles it” Christian, until I had a point of intellectual honesty and looked into what other cultures believed, and examined the claims of the Bible objectively.
I’ll never say there is no god, who knows maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true lord and savior after all, but I will say with certainty, while there may be a god im convinced the maniacal tyrant of Christianity, Islam, Judaism is absolutely a fabrication made from primitive man. What’s more likely that god made man in his image or many men made many gods in theirs? Occam's razor has the answer here.
Though insignificant, I must say, you only know what the Sumerian tablets have to say, because folks did translation. They developed a tool to even do that. In my post, I said Hebrew as written could be read by one learned in that Hebrew language today, not so with the Sumerian pictures. You see, Hebrew today is what it has always been.
When the space aliens finally make contact, they'll settle the translations of all those pictures.
You are not informed of those Sumerians I see. I met many Jewish Folk who could read the Dead Sea Scroll, never ran into a Sumerian who could read the parroting pictures on the tablets without that special tool.
Watch this... "When in the height heaven was not named, And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name, And the primeval Apsu, who begat them..."
The words are similar to that found in the Bible. The Bible was written after the flood, which both acknowledge, however, the tablets were dated way before the flood, yet survived and were found? I don't have enough faith to believe that Tony.
Just as there are similarities between the Koran and the Bible, so can be said of the Sumerian tablets and the Bible.
The key to unlock the pictures on the tablets? Man... and there are variations.
The key to unlock scripture? God's Holy Spirit. To better understand the original intent of scripture? Keep it in original language, and have a Jewish learned scholar join you. Find a Sumerian to help understand the tablets Tony. Good Luck, and I pray your faith in all that grow strong enough to... Believe?
What good is a little religion bashing without a joke....

Why was the Amish girl excommunicated?

She was seen with two Mennonite (men a night)
Old joke but I’m glad you bring up the peace churches such as Mennonite and Amish. These are the places you have the best chance at finding true peace In this world...not these bible thumping hate churches that are “born again” , evangelical or fundamentalist. We can learn a lot from the Mennonites.
Mennonites read the Bible. Being Born Again is very prominent from old testament, and through new.
The term “born again” refers to a new beginning in the relationship between God and the person who is born again. (John 3:​3, 7) God adopts those born again as his children. (Romans 8:​15, 16; Galatians 4:5; 1 John 3:1) Similar to those who are legally adopted, they experience a change of status, becoming part of God’s family.​—2 Corinthians 6:​18.
Read the Bible, it's great for the soul.
The Amish are an ultraconservative Christian faith culture. They are very religious, and they place high emphasis on works (legality).
What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor ? “Make me one with everything “. Upon paying for his hot dog, the Buddhist realized the vendor never gave him his change, to which the vendor told him change can only come from within ...
Law against criticizing Islam closer than you think, so get your cheap shots in now Tony.
A coalition of 56 Islamic nations plus the Palestinian Authority has pressed for protecting Muslims and their faith from any criticism.
"Together, we have begun to overcome the false divide that pits religious sensitivities against freedom of expression and we are pursuing a new approach," Clinton said. "These are fundamental freedoms that belong to all people in all places and they are certainly essential to democracy."

There is a very strong move to implement Sharia restrictions on criticism of Islam in the United States, and Democrats are on board with it. If we elect another Democrat to head the executive branch, it will be on the table folks. Laugh now, cry later.

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