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Worth impeachment?

Published December 07. 2019 08:05AM

My family, like many others, has been following the impeachment hearings. Strangely, it seems that our family and the Republican Party have been watching different hearings. Trump actually claims he cannot be impeached because he has done such a good job. So, let’s see if he is right. Fair is fair.

Have we gotten the best health care bill ever in the history of government? No, I can’t recall that one. Is he building an impenetrable wall that Mexico is paying for? Oh, I know. It’s infrastructure right? He’s developed a plan that, at this very moment, is repairing our old bridges, tunnels and roads. Gee, maybe that’s not right either. Gun control — that’s it. No, never mind.

To be fair, Trump has been very busy bribing Ukrainian officials to investigate an American citizen. He is also traveling the country raising money for his coffers. And let’s not forget the packing of the courts with conservative judges. Everyone knows that only conservative ideas deserve representation in the court system. So he and Republicans are solving that problem for us. Trump’s probably much too exhausted to work on the business of the country.

Last but not least we are forbidden from forgetting the wonderful tax cut for the rich. Who doesn’t appreciate that one? Maybe we could just impeach him for the simple act of corrupting our government and the Republican Party.

So, you decide, has Trump done such a wonderful job that we couldn’t possibly impeach him? Our constitution is in great peril, folks. If politicians will not impeach Trump, it is up to us to save ourselves.

Please, if you have never voted before, do it next November. It will be the most important thing you can do for our country. If you have taken the time to read this, I thank you so much.

Linda Maguire

Jim Thorpe

I agree with Linda about getting registered to vote. Our elections mean a lot. The participation rate is sad however. The Republic is at stake. Some seek power, not truth, they are out to prove the one is a criminal, without defining the crime. My view is much different than Linda's, because my concerns differ, and I get my news from a different source than her and her family does.
News media is the problem. Who do you watch? Can they be trusted? Are you sure things are as they say, or are they fabricating things? There are many examples of fabricated stories in many of our news outlets.
It all reminds me of when Jesus stood before Pilate, the Roman Governor.
A conversation with Jesus Christ, the messiah, the chosen one... imagine that!
Watch this...
“You are a king, then!” said Pilate.
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
“What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him.
TRUTH, what is truth! Linda, people, what is truth?
Pilate appears to have known enough to not have the truth killed. How about you? Do you have an inkling of what the truth is yet throw it to side for something selfish that will personally suit you? The Republic is at stake, and we need to find the truth. I've found Him, this is a wonderful time of year to seek Him... Jesus. That is the truth that matters Linda.
I'm not familiar with the Bill you speak of. Could you share details? What is the Bill Number?
I so wish Democrats had a young dark skinned bi-sexual female psychiatrist running as a candidate. The viable candidates now appear tb only be old rich white men. What is wrong with that party?
Jobs report = favorable (very) Best numbers in FIFTY (50) Years
Economy = strong
Stock Market = continuous records being broke
Consumer Confidence = Through the roof
And you clowns want to impeach?
But based on what?

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