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Legislators asked to consider 5 property-tax reduction plans

Published December 11. 2019 12:07PM

Now the real fun begins.

An informal group of state senators and representatives tasked with the tricky mandate of coming up with a plan to eliminate or lessen the impact of school property taxes has presented five competing plans for consideration.

Getting the General Assembly to agree on major legislation and have it carry over to get the governor’s signature has been problematic since 2015 when Republicans took significant control of both houses, and the Democrats won the governor’s mansion.

Although the Democrats made slight legislative gains, and Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf was re-elected in 2018, the political dynamics have not shifted much.

So when it comes to an electrically charged topic such as school real estate taxes, I am reminded of actress Bette Davis’ famous words in the 1950 film All About Eve: “Fasten your seat belts; it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” (Actually, Davis said “night,” not “ride,” but the latter has become the popularized word.)

The so-called “gang of 12” — seven House members and five from the Senate — have been huddling for months. They have heard from tax-relief and fiscal experts, along with those who have a vested interest in how this all plays out. They conducted a public hearing during the summer in Harrisburg to hear voters’ opinions.

They got an earful, especially from senior citizens, who have been leading the charge through their representatives to lessen their financial property tax burdens in retirement.

Tarah Toohil, a Republican Luzerne County representative who is part of the task force, recounted the sad story of a 90-year-old constituent who lost her home because she could no longer afford to pay her school real estate taxes.

Other legislators, including the task force’s leader, Sen. David Argall, R-Schuylkill, have been bringing similar heartbreaking stories to these meetings. For Argall, who has been leading this fight for years, he is especially concerned since his district has a disproportionate number of senior citizens who rely mainly on Social Security income to keep going.

In 2020, Social Security recipients will receive an ultra-modest 1.6% increase. Most can count on a larger increase in school taxes during the 2020-21 budget year to say nothing of possible county and municipal increases.

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Argall, who could have thrown in the towel after a proposal to eliminate school property taxes completely nearly passed the Senate in 2015. The vote in the upper chamber was 24-24, and then lieutenant governor and Senate president, Democrat Mike Stack, cast the tiebreaking vote to doom the legislation, claiming it was faulty and, basically, unworkable.

Other local legislators on the committee are Sen. Lisa Boscola, D-Northampton and Lehigh; Sen. John Yudichak, I-Carbon/Luzerne, and state Rep. Peter Schweyer, D-Lehigh.

There are still holes in some of these five proposals, especially when it comes to coming up with funding mechanisms. And, as you might imagine, while some of these plans might please our senior citizens, there are others who will get hit with significantly higher state income tax payments, and everyone would pay higher sales taxes, so, I assure you that whichever plan Republican legislative leaders decide to promote, it will be no slam dunk.

Not only that, but look for the lobbyists and special interests to come out of the woodwork and put pressure on legislators to do this or that.

Here are the plans:

• 1: Reduce school property taxes by $8.62 billion and raise the personal income tax from 3.07% to 4.07% and the state sales tax from 6% to 7%. Some jurisdictions, such as Philadelphia, already pay more than 6%. Theirs also would go up 1%.

• 2: Reduce school property taxes by $6.4 billion. Funding sources are still being calculated. This plan calls for curtailing $400 million in school spending. (This proposal is sure to fire up the Pennsylvania School Boards Association and the American Federation of Teachers, which were among 50 special-interest groups to oppose the 2015 bill.)

• 3: A rebate program would give $2,340 in tax relief to owner-occupied homes. Funding sources are still being calculated.

• 4: A rebate program that would give up to $5,000 in tax relief to owner-occupied homes. Funding sources are still being calculated.

• 5: $8.5 billion to eliminate all school property taxes for owner-occupied homes. Funding would require an increase in the state income tax from 3.07% to 4.82% and a 1% increase in the state sales tax. (This is similar to the 2015 bill which nearly succeeded.)

Bear in mind that none of this affects the current system of taxation for counties and municipalities.

By Bruce Frassinelli |

No No No
This all started as an elimination of the school property tax.
This reduce this, and reduce that, is far different from elimination folks.
The uniformity clause of the Pennsylvania Constitution comes against the taxation as is, and also with many new considered options. Property tax is not a fair tax. Eliminate the school property tax.
Tell the Pennsylvania School Boards Association and the American Federation of Teachers to go pound sand. Make PA a "Right to Work" state. Eliminate funding the government training camps through the unconstitutional property tax. Send them all to school. Heck teach them about economics and business practices by opening up a full blown voucher system. I'm TEA!
Vouchers? So the solution to out of control school budgets is increasing the number of schools on the public teat? Thank goodness for common core math standards, clearly what they were teaching in your day failed you.

Honestly, I understand why these Christian and Catholic schools support vouchers because its more money in their coffers but the second you start accepting funding from the state there will be expectations that they won't like. Don't want to accept trans kids? Not any more. Concerned about bathroom policies? Get in line with the federal and state regs. Want to make them pray? No anymore. There is a trade off to accepting taxpayer money
True, the strings attached.
What we now have isn't working Joe.
There's solutions, but nobody is moving on anything.
Burn the school code (from 1949).
Bust up the union of teachers (wink).
Sell off the brick and mortar, buses, and football stadiums, and privatize education.
As it is, many would be better off without the government training camps.
sign me
Old Grump
what’s not working? It is true that our education standards dropped through the 80’s and 90’s but the concerted effort to identify common core standards will allow us to understand our deficits and make needed changes to curriculum.

Are taxes rising? Yes! Do they have to rise? To keep pace with inflation it does. Contrary to popular belief, teacher salaries are not the issue. The issue is around health care plans and pensions. The pension issue will get worse before it gets better but the good news is that defined benefit plans are bring sunsetted so that in the future this is less of an issue. Healthcare premiums are rising everywhere, this is not just the school. As we see more aged workers and less young ones this will continue to increase unless we have substantial healthcare changes such as improvements to Obamacare

The answer is scale. Consolidate districts to find savings and even out the funding. The answer is stupid voucher plans that can’t work or changing tax code.

Honestly the best thing that could happen for the aged folks whining about property tax is for Medicare for all being passed.
Tenure, full time pay for part time job, accrued sick days that move with the teacher from district to district, Stipends for anything above and beyond, Furloughs, there's all kinds of perks most taxpayers didn't even know existed. Sorry, but instructional costs are a huge issue. Think about cyber school? No busing, brick and mortar, salaries, benefits, pensions, and strikes. How about home school? How about private schools, get rid of government school (Socialist Training Camps).
What grinds my gears is the liberal, progressive, and confused socialists, that are in charge of the classrooms. They fill the minds with mush on my dime. Medicare for all is another socialist idea. You are a public school teacher, or you are married to one. You should run for the school board.
Not related to a school teacher nor am I one. I'm just tired of ignorant uneducated workers thinking teachers have it great when their compensation is mediocre at best when compared to other professions at the same level. Yes they make more than you but in America those who work harder for education get more. Sorry you are humping boxes in a warehouse for peanuts but you could have made other choices.

But since medicare is socialist, I assume you will opt out when you get of age?
Do not worry about this it is just the legislators way of grabbing votes as NOTHING will ever happen,
Nothing has, is, or will ever happen. They get this dog and pony act out every election cycle.
Clean sweep PA
To think our GA gets paid to do what they do. They're some of the highest paid in the nation. Are they worth it? These bums knock down fat pensions too!
I hope you're reading this Dave.

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