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Impeachment pie in the face of the Democrats

Published December 12. 2019 12:18PM

Upon reading this biased article titled “Worth impeachment?” I felt it was necessary to write my article in opposition of this one-sided commentary to impress on the fact that it is very important for all of us, regardless of our political affiliation, to look at the truth with some common sense.

Since Donald J. Trump was elected our president in 2016, the Democratic Party has done absolutely nothing to help make America great again by working with our Congress, and the president, but in spite of the total opposition from the Democrats, our president has still succeeded in creating the strongest and most prosperous American economy in our history.

Our president has rebuilt our military to once again provide “peace through strength,” and he has brought credibility back to our police and first responders, along with feelings of patriotism, love for America and pride for our national anthem and American flag. Donald J. Trump has done more to help all of the American people, regardless of race, in only three years, than the previous two presidents had done in their eight-year terms. Most importantly, he has kept God in America as “one nation under God” and he is continuing to fight for limiting abortion through defunding Planned Parenthood.

Imagine how much more President Trump could have achieved if he would have had the Democrats working with him, in just doing their job as what they were elected to do. Instead of only exhibiting hatred, and radical opposition like this phony impeachment hoax, which has not produced one bit of evidence of any wrongdoing from our president. Whether you like Donald J. Trump personally or not doesn’t really matter when you know how much he has done for America in such a short time. “Promises made, promises kept!”

If you want America to turn into a socialist, Third World country like Cuba and Venezuela, be sure to vote Democratic in the next presidential election in 2020. You have a wide selection of socialist Democrats campaigning to choose from.

Jack Selby


Democrats formed focus groups to formulate the most effective wordsmith to articles of impeachment. To them, the "Resist" folk, a list of Trump's accomplishments would in fact be the best listing of articles of impeachable offense. You see, these Democrats boil over in hate. They hate all of us who duly elected Trump 45 so much, they want to destroy our country. All they care about is taking Trump down. If eventually, we turn into a Cuba, or a Venezuela, it does not matter to them.
Never forget, for Democrats, the end justifies the means.
To people who wish to tear the Republic apart... the very whisper of "MAKE America Great Again" is a battle cry from the enemy. They hate you Jack. They hate me. They hate anyone who delights in America being great.
Hard to understand, I know!
The military is the same as it was on the day of inauguration, all the spending that began in 2018 hasn’t had time to yield one new plane. The economy was growing faster under Obama. But at the end of the day we cannot exchange short term economic growth for the health of the republic. Trump is a clear and present danger and congress must act as a check even if it doesn’t yield removal from office.
Our defenses (Military) are certainly changed from the Kenyan's inept ways.
the United States just tested a "ground-launched, intermediate-range ballistic missile with a range of more than 500 kilometers." Pretty cool for us!
That missile would have been forbidden under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the 32-year-old pact the Trump administration pulled out of earlier this year.
Stop reading Newsweek Joe Ha Ha Ha
By their own stamdard, Democrats are a national threat...
Two weeks before the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton tweeted, “Donald Trump refused to say that he’d respect the results of this election. By doing that, he’s threatening our democracy.”
Truth be told, Since Jan. 20, 1961, when Eisenhower left office, Democrats have introduced impeachment articles against every single elected Republican president.
As a dog returns to it's vomit, these fools return to their folly.
Never fails.
Basically, they refuse to loose, even when they loose.
Stick with the here and now, stop with the nonsense.
I post to provide information.
The dimmest among us know the spying of Trump's campaign, through Comey, McCabe, and other high ranking officials, is a violation of all of us (we the people).
The press will next demonize Barr.
Just sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch.
Post from your ridiculous blogs that you think are news sources.

The IG found no evidence of spying. Read the report, not alt right bloggers.
So all involved have been vindicated? Think again Joe.
Here's the words of Horowitz as said at the Judiciary Committee hearing this week...
“You know, I think the activities we found here don’t vindicate anybody who touched this,” Horowitz said that Joe.
He was also asked about FISA abuse, to which he responded, “Certainly our findings were that there were significant problems.”
Here's what my take away is...
• Obama Administration spied on the Trump Campaign
• They relied solely on the unverified Steele Dossier to justify spying.
• The spying was totally illegal
• The report does not exonerate a single person involved.
There were significant problems! Get the popcorn, this'll be good.
The report is just that... a report.
The investigation will come through the AG.
Comey is in a sweat, today he told Chris Wallace (yuk) "... I was wrong, I was overconfident as director in our procedures ... which was not acceptable," He's a coward who doesn't know when to shut his pie hole. Now he'll pass the buck. Just watch Joe, you're on the loosing side again.

Trump slammed FBI officials, and they deserve to be slammed. Look up Peter Strzok and ex-lawyer Lisa Page. Strzok was screwing the sleeze lawyer Page in an extra marital affair, while the two abused their positions to spy on the Trump Campaign. That's worse than Watergate. Haven't you heard about this? Heck, James Comey was all but apologizing for them and the sloppy way they behaved in an interview with Chris Wallace yesterday. Comey is in big trouble, as is the two lovers, and Andy McCabe. But the rabbit trail goes all the way to Obama.
The FBI officials, not rank and file, who did this FISA abuse are scum. They weaponized our national security measures, and used them for political gain. What you folks are unable to impeach Trump for, these scumbags did!
Don't let your panties bunch up just yet, the investigation is only getting started.
Actually Country Girl, the director of the FBI said he would make sure a presidential candidate would never take office. That is pretty damming in itself. 2nd, you party did not do shit as far as the agreement to replace NAFTA and you know it. Last but not least, the FBI deserves criticism for its handling of the investigations. If they did that to Obama your heads would of spun off in rage. It was ok Obama was ok with his constituents completely disregarding or abusing police though including the last issues that went on in NYC while the mayor and the ex mayor democratic presidential candidate did nothing.

Oh I forgot, all republican need to disappear, and orange man is bad and hate crimes are ok on white men and republicans. Oh, I would also love to see your statistic on white supremacy rise in crime also. I guess as long as it is white supremacy the stats count but the hell with gang crime??? Oh, and it is ok for anti antisemitism to come form democratic congressional women. That is perfectly fine.

Not sure if you realize this, but when you hate a group so bad that you bully them, censor them, law and manipulate information about them, and try to wipe them out due to your outright hate and closed mind, that makes you everything you accuse republicans of doing.
You soo don't know what you are talking about.
Signing off. Can't deal with Faux News conspiracy.
You're to intoxicated with hatred to our President to deal with the truth.
Truth hurts the ears of people addicted to having their ears tickled. How about just researching what the post says.

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