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What Democrats have to offer

Published December 14. 2019 06:41AM

Last month I highlighted some of President Trump’s many accomplishments. This month I am highlighting what the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates have to offer us in 2020. Quite a stunning contrast.

• Free health care for illegals.

• Gun confiscation.

• Reparations.

• Open borders including tearing down the existing wall.

• Sanders’ de-funding ICE.

• Increasing the number of refugees the U.S. is willing to accept each year.

• Warren’s Medicare for All, costing $52 trillion over 10 years.

• Eliminating private health care insurance for 159 million Americans.

• Supporting sanctuary cities.

• Free college for everyone.

• Free income.

• Supporting third trimester and post-birth abortions.

• Supporting the Green New Deal (eliminating fossil fuels). Per the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the cost to the average American family in Pennsylvania would be $70,000 for the first year the plan was implemented, $45,000 for the next four years and $37,000 for each year after that.

• An expanded Social Security plan paid for by increasing payroll and investment taxes.

• Warren’s K-12 education plan costing $800 billion over 10 years paid for by a wealth tax (apparently, she is unaware of the fact that when you tax the rich, aka business owners, they leave, taking our jobs with them).

• Increasing foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

My takeaway: Goodbye massive middle class tax cuts implemented by President Trump. Hello massive middle class tax hikes implemented by the Democrat Party.

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township

Do you remember Virginia's governor getting flack after suggesting that a pregnancy could be terminated after the baby's birth? It was in response to the VA legislation on on third trimester abortions.
Gov. Ralph Northam a pediatric neurologist, described a hypothetical situation where a newborn infant could be left to die. Northam legislation would allow a pregnant woman who is dilating request an abortion if a doctor certified that the woman's mental health was impaired. Define impaired! What about the dad? Insane, but true.
A libertarian would never agree with that would they?
Pretty shallow of you Joe.
What's not accurate about my post. Do you at least now know what a partial birth abortion is?
I'm certain all that I posted is fact, you just may not want to accept it.
Facts confuse some people.

Cheap shot Joe!
You're deflecting Joe!
You basically called me a liar here in a public forum, and when I asked you to correct my post you come up with that? Again, what was inaccurate about my post?
I said nothing about making decisions for anyone, but if I would, it would be for the one without a voice, the one fleeing from the forceps inside mommy's womb.
How is killing a baby "medical in nature"?
Killing isn't healthcare either Joe.
Don't libertarians care about babies? Why not?
You're not painting a very good picture of libertarians Joe.
Who are you anyway? Fake username, Fake political philosophies, what else is fake about you?
Thanks for taking time to point these thing out.
Edmund Burke lived at the time of the American Revolution. Burke was famously quoted to say, "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."
It is time for the good to unite.
We must return to the faith of our fathers, for that is the foundation of our freedom.
In Christ we are set free. Our founding fathers knew that.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!" Isaiah 5: 20-21
Don't we see that taking place among some?
In 1939, H.G. Wells revealed the socialists' plan to create a world government. In his book, The New World Order, he wrote:
"There will be no day of days... when a new world order comes into being. Step by step and here and there it will arrive, and even as it comes into being it will develop fresh perspectives.... Countless ... people will hate the new world order ... and will die protesting against it." ( Wells, The New World Order, op cit. pp. 122, 129.)
Does that scare you?
Not me...
“If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? ... It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.
Read this with certainty, it's of the Bible...
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? ... Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:31-39
Take rest.
I encourage anyone who criticizes the Bible to... well... don't do that if you're not well read in the Bible, it'll make you look... well... wrong. God's Word was intended to teach all.\
Perhaps it's been years, or perhaps you've never attended a church service. I want to encourage all to take in a candle light service.
There will be an outdoor Candlelight Service in the Park - Lehighton Constitution Ave.
Sun, Dec 22nd
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Hope to see all of you there.
Mike, there is a special place in hell for those like you who bastardize and weaponize our faith for the purpose of politics. Enjoy
You're ill Joe. Bad case of "Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). It's is a mental condition, and it has become full blown fever with you Joe. You need to turn off the main stream news media, and get bed rest. TDS has effectively driven you insane. You've abandon all logic and reason.
Also, I don't think we are of same faith...
I base my faith on the Bible, to which you appear to have little understanding. As for my destination? Jesus gave warning in matthew 7
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Stop it Joe!
Peace Joe, through Christ I still love you.
That is uncalled for Joe.
I tried to arrange a time of meeting to get to actually know each other, and you didn't show.
Stop with the judging of my faith, that's between God and I. Not Joe and I.
Please, as a gentleman, I ask you refrain from such. It comes off as a house divided. Stop!
Really? Is it not our responsibility as brothers to call out when we stray?

Seriously, look at what you are doing. Trump is at best the golden calf, at worst the anti-Christ. You have tossed aside your faith to follow this fact its worse than that, you have adjusted your faith to allow for worship of trump. No politician should have this kind of control over a Christian or have his worship. I don't hold up politicians as the "Christian choice" because that is a mixing of the secular and spiritual that is almost always false.

You are lost. God is even trying to give you clues but you ignore them. For crying out loud the guy is orange!

Your path is one to hell, wake up.
Seek help Joe!
You are unreasonably intoxicated with hatred toward the President of these United States.
Stop it!
Your hatred has you in attack mode. Why do you attack me the way you do?
Get help Joe, everythings gonna be just fine... watch!
To RUKIDDING: 400 of the largest Corporations paid ~ 11 % after deductions last year.
The lowest in 30 years thank to T changes. Wall St. Journal.
Pretty clear who are the REAL RETARDED BRAIN WASHED people in this Country.
Have you read the Pentagon Papers.
Have you read the NEW Afghanistan Papers.
There went our Infrastructure.
This is a free market capitalist economic system which works well, as long as the government stays out of things. Now I know you work for the government health care system, but leave your mitts off the private companies.
You appear to be the "brainwashed" one C-G
At a time when world economies are failing, ours is kicking butt! Open your eyes mam!
Oh... using that word, "Retarded", doesn't represent well. Just saying.

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