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Copperhead infestation

Published December 28. 2019 08:09AM

The ugly presence of the copperhead is infesting the United States in numbers not seen since 1865. These venomous snakes have crawled out from under rocks and other dark places to prey on the innocent and the naive. This particular species has a way of using its mind-numbing venom to gain control of the creatures it wants to enslave.

This vicious reptile has but one purpose, destroy the society around it and gain complete control of every aspect of the host’s life. Beware the serpent. Is this the last invasive species to infest our fields, forests, and homes? No, it is a reference to a group of Americans, primarily Democrats who vexed President Lincoln during the American Civil War. These loyal, caring politicians and their minions openly and vociferously opposed the abolishment of slavery; they supported the division of America and foreign collaboration with England and France in violation of the Monroe Doctrine. These snakes fomented race and draft riots across America. Does any of this sound familiar?

Come back to the present. The copperheads of 150 years ago have raised their ugly heads again in the form of the liberal, socialist Democrats. They spew the venom of everything for free. Free college, free medical care, and the long list of things we all wish were free. But then the fangs are born and you, the average American citizen, will have to support the burden to support their policies, so instead of paying a fee or a premium for a privately administered service, you will pay for it by taxes.

They will want to take control of how you live, what you eat, drive, work and your faith. It is total control of an individual’s life from birth if they let you live beyond delivery, to death. It doesn’t sound like freedom to me, looks more like slavery. America will become subject to the will of countries that continue to pollute, exploit and enslave, such leaders of freedom as Russia, China and Iran. Yes, my friends, I guess an invasive species is trying to enter our lives. Beware the copperhead.

Barry Gangwer


How true;

and the only real antidote is the Second Amendment..................

#diversity SUXs, build the Wall & build the pipe-line

This is not accurate. The copperheads did not support a divided America, it was the opposite. The wanted appeasement of the south to preserve the status quo. They were conservatives resistant of change. Sound familiar? But not democrats today

The charge that democrats were slavery supporters may be historically accurate but it’s dumb to think that somehow this is applicable to today. It is the GOP that has become home to neo-confederacy. It is the GOP that opposes the removal of confederate monuments that romanticize the treasonous acts (Killing loyal Americans) of the confederate leaders. Historical context is important to understand, Mr Gangwer is missing this.
I agree with your post up until the...
"It is the GOP that has become home to neo-confederacy."
What a bunch of baloney. You could do better than that.
This invasion is of progressive nature. It has been realized around the world, and we're not going to let it continue. The advantage we Americans have? 300,000,000 guns, and those who shoot best also know what bathroom to use. We're not confused. Don't forget, if God is with us, who can come against us. You go look in a mirror and figure out if you're a boy or girl, I'm going to the firing range, I know what I am and who I am... An American!
Who cares about neo-confederates? We care about history, and leaving it alone.
neoconfederates... making stuff up, pulling it out of your behind.
Neo: a new or revived form of.
Confederates: a supporter of the Confederate States of America
I'm not sure there is a group such as this that we need to concern over. I've never met a person claiming to be such. I suppose I could get some information about these folk from the SPLC.
But it's not really the here and now... is it?
You folks create these terms and labels for reason of what... I don't know.
My foundation is the Bible First. How about you Joe?
Several opposing hate groups were permitted to gather, and for some strange reason, police stood down. What's that to do with the far left's desire to destroy America, unless you want to get into the works of Robert Creamer and the Democracy Partners.
Is your foundation hate too.
yes, far right hate groups assembled to protest the removal of a Robert Lee statue. Lee was responsible for the deaths of thousands of loyal Americans. These are neoconfederates and trump thinks many of them are good people. There were counter protests and one of these protesters was murdered by an alt rightist. Let’s not peddle in revisionist history.

The worst part of this is that these neoconfederates were reacting to steps being taken in the aftermath of the Charleston church shooting. Instead of healing After the murder of innocent church goers, they chose to support neoconfederacy. Disgusting
Black Lives Matter, and Antifa protesters were paid to come and create havoc as a counter to the KKK, White Supremacists, and other alt right haters. All involved had unity. Both sides were fueled by hate.
What's this all have to do with the rising up of evil and hate among you and your type?
Besides hate that is?
Try love Joe.
No moral equivalence between nazis and those who oppose them, especially when one side committed murder and an assault that left a man with spinal injuries. As David Duke put it, the Unite the right rally was: "a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back. We're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump.“ That’s your boy, he is the hero of the nazi movement in this county.

BTW you plagiarize from the alt right and neo nazi/confederate websites all the time.
Only you could bring rosy palms, long legs, and boobies in to a conversation about the destruction of our Republic. What are you talking about? Oh... you use medical marijuana, I see.
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