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P.J. Whelihan’s faces multiple food inspection violations

Published December 30. 2019 10:25AM


A Franklin Township restaurant was given until Tuesday to correct multiple violations leaving it out of compliance with its retail food facility license.

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services issued a report following an inspection Thursday that the license for P.J. Whelihan’s Pub and Restaurant, 101 N. Harrity Road, Lehighton, would not be renewed until the issues were resolved, and the facility may face $150 or $300 in inspection fees if a second or third follow-up inspection is necessary to achieve compliance.

According to the report, the violations were reviewed with the person in charge, Donna Schirer, who said the information would be provided to the owner for review.

Several of the issues, according to the report, were corrected while the inspector was on site.

The violations cited by the inspector included:

• Person in charge is not monitoring risk factors closely enough related to number of risk factors.

• Food employee observed eating or tasting food in the kitchen area.

• Food employee was observed touching salads — a ready-to-eat food — with bare hands. Employee was explained the need to don gloves after hand wash, when handling RTE foods.

• No sign or poster posted at the handwash sink in the men’s rooms upstairs and downstairs to remind food employees to wash their hands.

• Soap was not available at the handwash sink in the kitchen prep area. Soap dispenser was repaired during the inspection.

• Chicken wings in the upstairs walk-in cooler stored open with no covering. Chicken was covered during the inspection.

• A can opener, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch.

• A commercially processed refrigerated, ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food, deli meats and cheeses, located in the upstairs walk-in coolers, and held more than 24 hours, is not being marked with the date it was opened. All food was date marked correctly during the inspection.

• Spray bottle in upstairs storage area, used for storing cleaners taken from bulk supplies, were not marked with the common name of the chemical. Spray bottle was marked during the inspection.

• Potential rodent harborage areas inside the food facility observed in the dining room and second floor storage areas due to observation of old mouse droppings too numerous to count. Live rodents were not observed during the inspection.

• Food employee observed in salad prep area with soiled outer garments that may contaminate food and/or food equipment.

• Food employee observed in kitchen prep area wearing bracelets on hands or arms. Employee took off bracelets during the inspection.

• Food employees observed in kitchen prep area not wearing proper hair restraints, such as beard covers.

• Observed equipment, in kitchen area, with an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, debris on nonfood contact surfaces. Much of the kitchen is in need of a thorough cleaning, which may be contributing to mouse issues.

• Nonfood contact surface, hand rails from second to first floor kitchen, not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

• Nonfood contact surface, vegetable walk-in cooler floor, not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.

• Women’s toilet room, upstairs, is not provided with a covered waste receptacle for sanitary napkins.


Thanks Jarrad for writing this article for TN. Wow, what a list of serious issues. Again, thanks to PA for having the Dept. of Agriculture. Aside from this article, and to my knowledge employees in food establishments are not to handle food and money. How's that rule working. Ever hear about the serious kinds of bacteria found on money.
PA Dept. of Ag. phone number in the N.E. Regional III office for complaints is 570-836-2181
Cancel my reservation! These concerns were identified as the managers/service employees were aware of the inspection. Take a moment to speculate what a surprise visit might uncover. We better call citizen Bradley for leadership and guidance concerning how to make this problem worse.
What a wacky statement by LakeH.

One thing we all know for sure is the inspectors transparency and proper oversight will ensure things are fixed in a timely fashion. I trust this government agency to verify the results of the managements corrective actions. And expect the restaurant to allow for open inspections. Once complete I hope the TN follows up with another article confirming same.

Every government should be so efficient, and consistent, with their enforcement of policy.

I also would expect that the management and management at other restaurants will all be better from this regrettable experience.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
An employee who is handling money may not handle food at the same time without washing and sanitizing hands between contact.
Every Food establishment is supposed to have at least 1 Employee that has taken the Serv Safe Food Course and is responsible for the staff following the food safety Guide Lines. Sorry, but the person mentioned needs to be replaced if she was certified as Serv Safe Manger. I would not trust her knowledge/seriousness of her role again.
Guess mc'DS Burger King taco bell are all breaking the rule. Better fine them to for that food safety course code
They can handle wrapped or packaged food and its ok to also handle money in the transaction.
* One more thought to share if you eat at a Buffet. (I do not) If the customer goes back for 2nds or 3rds that customer MUST pick up a clean plate each time. They are NOT to reuse their plate.
I.E. when they scoop, or ladle and possibly touch their used plate and then you pick up and use that ladle.
This place has always been proof that if you have the right location people will eat your overpriced garbage and come back for more.
Won't be eatin' there any time soon. Don't like my food served with a side of mouse turds.
I'm just glad to see the State Employees working and doing their jobs. Every time I read or hear something with the State, it seems they don't have any intiative or backbone or support from the Gov, or are mini swamp dwellers. So thank you Dept of Ag. for finally doing your jobs and keep up the good work. Now other places will have to get straightened up too just because they don't need bad press. This one inspection covered a lot of territory. Still, please do a few more in Lehighton, JT and Penn Forest.
"Finally doing their jobs"....The PA Dept. of Ag has always been doing a good job with the little resources they are allocated. Trying to make insults you know nothing about is disgusting. They have completely closed Restaurants in my area that didn't follow food safety guidelines. I might add the Public needs to learn about basic food safety and they need to speak up immediately at the food establishment when they see something is not safe. That PA number I gave.....well check out the large territory that office has to cover.

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