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Lehighton Area School District

Published January 29. 2020 12:53PM

The Lehighton Area School District’s board of directors took action on the following items during Monday night’s board meeting:

• Approved a payment on the elementary center project to Lobar Inc. for $25,000.

• Refunded occupational tax for 2019 in the amount of $137.50 to Joseph Lutsko, for 2018 in the amount of $137.50 to Joseph Lutsko, and for 2018 in the amount of $122.50 to Valerie Neal.

• Approved the agreement with Pediatric Therapeutic for school-based therapy services through June 30.

• Appointed Tina Champ as delegate to the Carbon County Tax Collection Committee and Melissa Wagner as alternate.

• Approved a contract with Dr. Patrick Hanley and Dr. Vanessa Rice for Feb. 1, 2020, to June 30, 2020, with a $6,000 stipend paid with signed contract and $7 fee per physical exam and $3 fee per scoliosis examination, as recommended by the school nurses.

• Approved the Lehighton Area High School to offer a winter credit recovery program for students at a cost not to exceed $150 per class using the ELearn 21 system. There will be no cost to the district.

• Approved the agreement with Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 for the Dyslexia Screening and Early Literacy Intervention Pilot program expansion.

• Accepted donations of $7,000 from the Bowmanstown Rod & Gun Club, $220 from Griff’s Ale Haus & Grille to be used for the Title I reading program at Lehighton Area Elementary Center, a $250 gift card from Target to be used at Lehighton Area Elementary Center, $250 from the Bo Tkach Under the Helmet Foundation to be used for the Lehighton Area High School Aevidum Club workshop, and $1,392 from the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley for Girls’ Group.

• Accepted the notice of termination of lease with Bethany Wesleyan for use of the Lehighton Area Middle School as of March 31.

• Approved the memorandum of understanding with Panther Valley School District for nonpublic student transportation.

• Approved a memorandum of understanding with Lehigh Carbon Community College for Teacher in the Workplace for the 2019-20 school year.

• Approved the elementary school after-school remediation support program in English Language Arts and Math. The program will be for students in grades 2-5 and it will start on March 2 and finish on April 2. It will be held Monday-Thursday and run from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. The cost will not exceed $9,500. Funding is through Title I and no transportation is provided.

• Approved the annual tax collector’s reports for East Penn Township, Franklin Township, Lehighton Borough, Parryville Borough, Mahoning Township, and Weissport Borough. These reports are on file at the administration office.

• Approved the following retirements at the end of the 2019-20 school year; Lisa Bart, elementary teacher, 18 years; James Blakeslee, guidance counselor, 36 years; Martha Cox, elementary teacher, 46 years; Beth Daubert, biology teacher, 20 years; Julie McHugh, family/consumer science teacher, 12 years; Jo Ann Schoenberger, elementary teacher, 11 years; Todd Serfass, elementary teacher, 39.27 years; Laura Welkey, music teacher, 17 years; and Patricia Lombardo, paraprofessional, 14 years.

• Approved the resignations of Richard Everett, part-time cleaner, and Tina Blocker, part-time paraprofessional.

• Approved the second reading and approval policies dealing with admission of students, withdrawal from school, and Title I parent complaints.

• Acknowledged Carly Rinda, Kutztown University, as a student teacher.

• Added Amanda Nieves to the professional substitute list.

man they missed the motion the people put out there that says they are nuts and all hometown A@@es should resign and pay for the new buildings! figures
In other news:
Rubber-stamping directors gave their blind-trust to their subordinate administration, the very people they were elected to oversee.

By apparently abdicating their lawful authority to the administration, the stakeholder seemed to have been effectively silenced.

By review of the apparent failures to show moral character, it is my opinion, that Directors Nathan Foeller, Wayne Wentz, Rita Spinelli, Larry Stern and Steve Holland have failed to protect the students and save the community.

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