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Published January 04. 2020 07:51AM


When Vietnam veterans came home from their overseas tour, myself included, we were met at airports and other ports of entry by hippies and liberals shouting at us, “Baby killer!”

And yet, now these same liberals and hippies are promoting abortion? BABY KILLER!

To all veterans, a hearty, “Welcome home!”


Bruce Morrison


Vietnam 11/67-6/68

To Bruce and all of our blessed veterans... THANKS!
To the families of those who didn't return... THANKS and may God's peace find it's way into your lives. Prayers...
Let's help America return to truth. We can have an America that concerns for all lives.
All lives matter.
Please, Please register to vote, 2020 is an important year.
Unfortunately, veterans are not coming home anytime soon and trump keeps sending more and more into endless wars.
Fake news. They are coming home on a regular basis. And as it's been since WWI, troops are continuing to be deployed to other counties including those we were at war with.
3,500 more were ordered deployed yesterday and levels have been increasing since the last month of Obama’s administration. Look it up
As I said, They are continually being deployed.
"The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, with approximately 170,000 of its active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories."
Including but not limited to:
55,245 in Japan
35,275 in Germany
26,525 In South Korea
All counties we were at war with in the past.
Plus, 40,000 are assigned to classified missions in locations that the US government refuses to disclose
Military personnel are not being “deployed” to Germany and Japan, they are being stationed there. Deployment refers to going into somewhere that isn’t your duty station on assignment, usually a war zone.

You should understand the context of my comment because I specifically called out “endless wars”, ie iraq Afghanistan Syria. Trump campaigned on the promise of decreasing and ending deployment in those theatres, but has done the opposite. When called out on this the trump administration moved to make deployment numbers to those areas classified. How convenient
Hey Joe,
Strictly speaking, "deployment" refers to activities required to move military personnel and materials from a home installation to a specified destination. For service members and families, it has come to mean much more: the preparations and personal needs that need to be taken care of at home before, during and after deployment.
Many of us, who actually have experience, know about these things. Joe, you appear to be here to challenge everyone. What with that?
Germany, South Korea, Japan are “home installations”. You don’t deploy there, you are stationed there. Deployment is what puts our service people in harms way and trump keeps breaking his promise and deploying more and more.

You were against increasing deployment a couple months ago when trump redeployed Syrian forces exposing the Kurds. In both cases congress should have been consulted. But still curious that your tune changed
Joe, although you always try to force and define everything to fit your definition, the meaning of deploy is much more that you try to assert:

Deployment does not mean that an army unit is being sent to a combat zone.

There are different types of army deployments that each focus on specific missions. Let’s talk about these three:
Sometimes, army units are deployed to war zones, like Afghanistan or Iraq.
Other times, service members are deployed to non-combat regions like South Korea, Germany or Japan where there is NO war.

Yet other deployments send army service members to areas for humanitarian missions, especially to help the region after a disaster.

“Deployment” is when service members move from a duty station to a specific destination. When the deployment is over, the service members go back to the same duty station.

Do your background research before you spout off more nonsense.
The amount of troops DEPLOYED to Japan is not a constant. My info was based on a 2019 article posted in the Stars and Stripes. You can't accept the facts shows your ignorance and your determination to misinform, or just plain lye to readers. Stop wasting our time with your useless responses.
If you can read, I gave you the definition of deployment... If you can't read, have an adult read it to you.

Cry, whine, stomp on the floor, it will not change the definition.
Now you are wasting my time responding to your nonsense posts.
We're done.
The mistake I made was to allow you to deflect. The issue is deployment to endless wars and the increase in these levels. You don’t understand deployment because you give the full stationed personnel numbers but I’ll let that go.
Americans can vote wherever they are. If you are an active duty military member stationed away from home, register and request your absentee ballot on the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website.
Make sure you tell all military to register and vote.
Dear Bruce, I would have thought by now that the Vietnam Vets would have grasped the Real Pain that Americans felt during that war. The so called hippies (liberals) as you call them and the people that followed the nightly news, had death, destruction and hell shown in their face every day. People with thinking brains wanted the WAR to END. Own up to the fact that our Government lied. Nixon lied to the public when he said he was de-escalating, and then invaded Cambodia. And to think he was re-elected by people that couldn't have cared less about it.

Where is your evidence of being called baby killers. Read the freakin Pentagon Papers. And now the Afghanistan Papers. I think using the analogy of abortion and American sentiments towards that War could only come from people who don't see women as having Reproductive Rights, rights to her own body, that she should endure forced pregnancy and be submissive to what others want.

Edit add on: Regarding our Government's decisions after 911 (actually caused by Saudi Arabs) and despite having spent a Trillion fighting Wars in the Middle East, as of this date, we don't have much to show for it but a bunch of bombed out Countries, and a Million+ people killed and or injured. Just know Americans.......You will be much Safer now.

I didn't order the killing of Soleimani to start another War.
Gas Lighting Perfected.

There were ten times more air strikes in the covert war on terror during President Barack Obama’s presidency than under his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Obama embraced the US drone program, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush. Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries.
No, I don't claim to be a know it all like you, but I do research to back up my posts.
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Council on Foreign Relations
USA Today.

No you cut and paste and pass of as your own.

You started the semantic argument, but the point is trump is putting more troops in the war theaters than what was there when he got there.
Eagle 1 - I know the Obama Adm. was also sited in the Afghanistan papers because I actually read it. For people that care about hearing the took the Washington Post, 3 Years to actually get a hold of the info via F.O.I.A. law suits.
Levite- You don't understand the intent of his letter?
Again..... not much dimension in your thinking and in what you have just said.
Being called baby killers, may be some are having guilty thoughts. The Government has only learned one thing after that war.
They do not allow the daily, devastating war footage to be shown to the public now. Gotta maintain your image.
Footage of one Village being Napalmed with the little girl
captured running naked in the road was seen world wide. Maybe that is what he was referring to.
wow really are a piece of dogshit. We should feel bad because people saw war on tv? And its ok to treat the troops badly because of this? Guilty thoughts? a really pathetic try by you to justify your words. You really are quite an uneducated hick bitch.

I wont disagree about the government lying, it has been for decades, and will for many more. BOTH PARTIES LIE!!! but to justify treating returning troops like shit b/c of them doing their job takes a true idiot like yourself.

As for proof..well, the writer of the letter said it happened to him, and my father, who returned a decorated Marine, was told to wear his civilian clothes on the plane due to the treatment of the troops (plus there are many other stories like this) Its b/c of this war that the 'support the troops' movement started with the following military actions. Just b/c you may not agree with the politics behind it, the troops are only doing a job that they signed up for.

But go ahead, hate the troops, hate the're a poor excuse for a human being

Rivertuber - you are completely twisting around every thing I said. He wrote the letter. Why was he bringing up the war again. It is very clear that he attached it to Abortion and to please the R Wing agenda. He didn't think people would respond.
Watch Ken Burns documentary on that War. Many Vets were interviewed and said exactly what I have printed. I have seen the real life affects of that war, the emotional aftermath, the heavy drinking and vehicle accidents, PTSD, wives/girl friends being beaten by the boys when home.... I could go on and on. I have personally been very affected by it and could never bring myself to see the Washington Memorial. So stop with the moral high ground that you think you alone own. Many of those Vets are now involved in (I personally know) Peace groups.
River - Now I remember who you are the same person that got angry when I was making statements about girls and women regarding porn and sexual assaults. And I told you, I don't use Stepford Wives for thinking. I am sorry if any of my statements have offended you. I don't varnish serious aspects in life that affect real people.

Don't know what you're trying to insinuate here...but just so you know, I am quite against sexual assaults, and child porn. So much so that I am on a task force that works to bring those pieces of trash to justice.
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MY STORY HERE IS REAL AND GENUINE. My name is Adams Vienna and i am here to testify about Great Mother who brought back my man to me when he broke up with me because of another woman who he met at his place of work. Great Mother is a very powerful, real and unique woman with special powers. I tried to get help from many places and sources to bring back my man but nothing worked but when i contacted Great Mother, she made me smile again by bringing my man back to me with her special powers.. If you are experiencing any problems in your marriage, relationship, and you have any similar problem to this, contact this Great Woman now she will help you. Here is her website:   and here is her email address:   and you can also contact her now on her own Whatsapp number: +17025514367 You can either contact her on her website, email or her whatsapp number. Thank you Great Mother.  

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