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Lehighton school district faces budget dilemma

Published February 11. 2020 01:56PM


Hard decisions lie ahead for Lehighton Area School District’s board of directors as it looks to tackle a preliminary budget calling for a $3.49 million deficit, its business administrator said Monday night.

Patricia Denicola dove deeper into the district’s 2020-21 budget during a finance committee meeting and addressed how she thinks it landed in its current financial position.

“The goal throughout this entire process is to move forward with a plan to never be in this position again,” Denicola said. “Yes, we fall back on real estate taxes because that is how the state funds education. It’s unfortunate that the state relies on the local taxpayer to fund education.”

Denicola also reviewed historical revenue and expenditure data for the district. Expenditures rose from $41.47 million in 2016-17 to a projected $44.41 million in 2020-21, while revenues only rose from $40.57 million to $40.92 million over that same period.

“This district is in the position it’s in because it spent more than the revenues it took in,” Denicola said. “Since 2016-17 through the 2020-21 preliminary budget, expenditures have increased, on average, 7%, while revenue rose less than 1 percent.”

State and local funding has remained relatively flat, Denicola said, with the exception of PlanCon reimbursements in 2018-19, which came later than expected.

“That was about $700,000 and portions of it should have been coming in 2016-17 and 2017-18. For one reason or another it did not and I was able to get them shortly after I started (last March) for 2018-19.”

The largest cost driver in Lehighton, or any district’s budget for that matter, is salaries. Lehighton’s current teachers contract began in 2016-17 and runs through June 30 of this year. Denicola pointed to a statement in the minutes of a November 2015 workshop, when former business administrator Brian Feick said the contract represented a 9.8% increase over four years including $200,000 for the first two years and $120,000 for the next two years.

“The actual numbers don’t align with that statement,” Denicola said Monday. “Lehighton had 327 employees in 2015-16 and currently has 289. There was a drop in the final two years of the contract, but not the drop I would have expected to see with that much of a decrease in the number of employees. I don’t know where those numbers came from, but the total salaries did not trend in that fashion.”

Denicola began Monday by outlining what the 2020-21 proposed state budget means for Lehighton.

If adopted by the state as proposed, Lehighton would receive a basic education subsidy of $9,470,583, a special education subsidy of $1,631,497 and Ready To Learn funding of $374,159. It represents a $225,075 increase over 2019-20.

In his budget address, Gov. Tom Wolf proposed to establish a flat tuition rate for all cyber charter schools and apply the same formula used to distribute special education dollars to local districts to the state’s charter schools.

“If the reform went through, our potential budget relief is $140,914,” Denicola. “It does, however, seem like this is a long shot to pass.”

Final budget adoption must happen by June 30. Lehighton has a board meeting scheduled for June 22.

According to Denicola, key budget numbers are still being determined including state funding, salaries, benefits, charter school and special education costs.

“Collective bargaining negotiations with teachers is ongoing so that will be a big factor going forward and the potential for cyber charter reform is also out there,” she said.

Budget updates will be provided at Lehighton’s monthly finance meeting, which are held on the second Monday of the month.

“We’ll continue to discuss program and personnel alignments,” she said, “as well as examine options for supplies, software, textbook and other expenditures.”


In my opinion, the board didn't do this town any service by hiring a business manager that helped create a budget projected to spend $3.49M more than they take in. How much did the board pay to have that homework turned in?

Projecting a shortfall is as immoral as it gets. This board, the five that abdicated much of their authority to this business manager, apparently believes the doom and gloom, and yet they fail to look at all the actual numbers.

The budget should be built from scratch, removing the corruption and waste.

Where is the Benecon (Insurance ) invoice we seek?
Where is the insurance policy we pay premiums on?
Where is the lawful transparency?
Where is the list of employee responsibilities?
Ask Director Unky Wayne how do we have 1 employee for every 8 students, yet fail to supervise a pack of students allegedly hazing, bullying, and creating alleged assaults?
Supervised students rarely do such things. How liable is the district for failure to provide supervision? In my opinion that blind trust the five give this administration appears to be misplaced.

As this board allows this business manager to cloud the real issues, over consumption, this district falls deeper.

First, seek the resignation of the rubber stampers that failed to protect the students and save the community.
Rita, Larry, Unky Wayne, Steve and Nathan Foeller all voted for a preliminary budget.
Once they resign, the records can be released. Blockage can be broken and we can all see the books.

Step One - Get all the financial records as outlined in PA School Code 518.
Step Two - Review mandated educational benefits found in PA School Code specific to our students.
Step Three - Propose a list of options for the public that this government serves. Remove the corruption and waste, discuss options.
Step Four - Adopt a balanced budget WITHOUT A TAX INCREASE, do not layoffs teachers or have cut backs in educational benefits. The data from the state proves this can be done.

Protect the students and save the community. Allow the directors that honor our oath to collect and share the information with the stakeholders we serve.
Allow a true moral businessperson(s) to hold the administration accountable as the board is elected to oversee them.

Weak, ignorant and naive the five on the board give their blind trust to the very administration they were elected to oversee. President Stern's wife works for the district, Superintendent Cleaver is her boss.

Check out the many others on the board who voted for the unbalanced budget with continued overconsumption.

The stakeholder deserve a seat at the financial table, especially with employee negotiations taking place.
End the blockade, protect the students and save the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Again, frightening lack of understanding about budgets for an organization. The business manager doesn’t determine the budget, that is the job of the board. That’s you. The board is the fiduciary, not the bookkeeper or finance manager.
If you had been watching the actions of this board, you would have seen the many statements by Mr. Bradley stating the board creates the budget. But, the controlling faction of the board is allowing the administration to do it, with no input from the board as a whole. While the controlling faction may have access to figures if they wish, the minority faction is not allowed and has been refused by the administration to see all of the documents, billings, etc. to help make an informed comment on what can be done with this out of hand budget.
The board approves the budget. If David is unable to turn opinion on the board than he is ineffective and should let someone else try.
The excerpt from the November 9, 2015 Workshop meeting seems to reference Benefits, not Salaries, given the comments of other Board Members, the Superintendent and the Solicitor. The current Board Members who voted yes were Larry Stern, Stephen Holland, and Wayne Wentz. The referenced comment is on page 3. The Minutes for that meeting can be found here. Just click on the correct date.
How do people with no common sense keep getting elected? It really makes me wonder about the people casting votes. I think it’s time we just stop paying property taxes. What are they gonna do take everyone’s house? I think Larry, Rita, Wayne, Steve and Nathan should pay our taxes they voted for this mess.
They will take away your greatest asset, your private property, to which you no longer have rights to. The powerful government indoctrination camps will own your private property, they'll take it from you, they kick you to the side. Aren't these public schools just dandy? Hey man, look at the nice football field they built.
Just pay your rent and shut up! (sarc)
The teachers were all for the new school and stadium. Since it’s contract time maybe it’s time to cut salary. Maybe they should help the 5 board members pay for the mess.
What we need, is for people to show up at the meetings. We have children being harmed in the district on school property and now this. The people need to show up and make the change happen.
People don't show up at meetings unless there is a proposed dress code change, or the football schedule gets changed.
What is needed, is to get the government out of education.
What's needed, is competition in this thing you all call "education".
Many teachers could also be replaced... cyber education.
They don’t seem to listen or even respond to anyone at the meetings.
They have to listen, that is the law. They do not have to respond. But more people attending the meetings will get their attention. Just like back in 2018 when the room was stacked with their supporters. They felt empowered. Time for the people to step up and show them, even with just their presence, that they are being watched and will be held accountable. The law has repeatedly been broken, School Policies have repeatedly been violated. But no one was watching. Now we are and it's time they see it. Really see it. They wanted to build a new Middle School years ago and the community rose up. Time we rise again and force them to live within a budget that is reasonable. Time we force them to provide for actual education of the students. Time we force them to put the safety of the students first. Hold them accountable and let them see we are doing so.
Seems to me like the current business manager and the board members that don’t show up wearing bullet proof vest are trying to get the district out of a bad situation that was created by the previous leadership. Citizen David couldn’t be more wrong in his comment. Maybe he should try mentally attending a meeting instead of causing unwarranted accusations and drama.
They were repeatedly warned you cannot spend more than you take in (common sense really) or this would be the result. And now here we are, the taxpayers left holding the bag, again. But you just go ahead and keep blaming the ones that warned them.
David Krause, Hal Resh, Gloria Bowman and now Larry Stern and his feckless five all failed to provide proper oversight of the administration they were elected to oversee in my opinion. Just look at the actual government documents on the PDE site.

The primary reason we are in this mess, in my opinion, is the government lies to itself in a circular logic of tax and spend. This goes back to 2011, and the then impending PSER problems, apparently ignored in the planning phase. Shortsighted board members let their arrogance and egos get in the way of common sense. The slumlord board failed to use proper asset management. Well documented failures.

This Krause guy asked for those who could read a bond document to step forward yet he failed to accept the offered help. This is a key sign in my opinion, of a director's incompetency, the inability to properly accept stakeholders input, a lawful requirement. Thus, we have a legacy of debt that appears to be crushing the community.

Fools and your money. Shouting down reason does not make reason go away, just increases the consequences of ignoring reason.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Passing an immoral preliminary budget is not correcting the situation, on the contrary, it exacerbates it.

Get the data
Cut the corruption and waste
Provide mandated educational benefits
Protect the students and save the community.

A simple plan, this in only a $40m budget. Not rocket science. Collect and disburse, the key is not to agree to disburse more than the district collects. It takes moral character. Regrettably, the board majority has proven their failures in these regards.

They should all resign. Soon the State may take over anyway. Or the slipping credit rating will crush the district further. This is the time for moral action, and Larry, Nathan, Rita, Wayne and Steve have proven with their vote for the preliminary budget that they apparently lack the needed morality.

Personally, I am most disappointed with Nathan Foeller. He claimed to be a Christian business person, how can he justify voting on a budget that could bring so much harm to so many people? Disgusting, truly disgusting.

A fifth grader knows you can't plan to spend more that you take in. Ugh. Again, in my opinion, his vote appears to be a sign. Did he just ignore the people and joined the cabal with that vote?


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

As for lies, baseless claims and false allegations here is one for you. Watch the video where Larry lies like a rug and he is not corrected by the panel, nor does he apologies when the lies is made perfectly clear that he made a mistake in judgement or just told a huge fibber. Since I was right behjnd him during the pledge, it is hard to believe he didn't hear me there, and the doors to the meeting room are typically left open. But more importantly, be sure to don some protection from the risks of laughter induced urination, in my opinion that is a sure risk.
So funny, Larry lies, and then Rita and Nathan Foeller appear to me to be doing their emperor's got no clothes thing, attempting what appears to be protecting and covering Larry's BS. Then when asked they double down, and even when asked a second time to correct the obvious mistake and verbal attack on the citizen speaking, they pile on, yammering Rita and a near silent Nathan Foeller both failing to correct President Larry. Apparently Larry has a magical snowjob aura around him that allows him to just make stuff up. And, even after getting called out, the snowjob seems to create an echo chamber of illogical support and blind adoration from the rubber stampers.

More funny than any reality show, Larry Stern lies, practically everyone seated at the table knows it to be a lie, and yet no one says a word, very funny in my opinion. Definitely may want to have some extra laughing pee protection watching that one.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

Actually, John Galt would play well in Lehighton.

We know John well, we see him now and again in many people fed up with an unfair tax system, the corruption and waste.

For one, I am Citizen David F. Bradley Sr. And for nine years, you may have been asking how does this board get away with it? Well, now I know. As a man who loves his life and personal freedom, I will not sacrifice my love or my values. As one of many persons maintaining my rigid, moral principles, we will use lawful transparency to rid this district of evil.

I am but one man who has decided to serve one term, honor his oath, and bring lawful transparency to this community so we the people can once again stop the evil, and form a government of, by and for the people.

On your next visit to Galt's gultch, bring some of that individualized freedom back to Lehighton, so we can once again take pride in protecting the students and saving the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
LMAO..Lehighton school board has been a joke for past 30 years. Worse thing is those idiots run for county offices like their experience bankrupting Lehighton is an achievement. Why doesn't Lehighton build a few more schools, or install a few more artificial turf fields. That will help keep taxes down! What can people do? School boards are volunteers and only people who run for that office have pre-determined agendas to spend out their asses. Its always some ex-teacher or crazy parent. Good luck spending more that you bring in w revenue. I live in Palmerton and our board is trying to keep up with Lehighton. Soon we'll be just as in debt. Kids don't need a new school every 5 years. Too much millennial parenting and thinking they can always give their kids everything! They need to learn..everything else isn't that important.
So......How are those brand new school buildings doing? Like children you didn't need them by wanted them even though you couldn't afford it.
Same Enrollment for past five years.
Expenses skyrocketed.

Bigger schools, bigger problems.
Legacy of debt.
High interest only scheduled to go higher. Lowered credit rating.

Bullying, hazing, assaults, alleged criminal activity, drugs.

It seems in my opinion that School choice, charter provide a safer environment, and a better education.

I was floored when we saw the state numbers. We need to fix all these problems. But first the board should read the emperor has no clothes.

The Elementary Center needs a safety overhaul, as does the district in general. The board should focus on protecting the students and saving the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Anyone know when the next negotiation meeting is going to be and who's on the negotiating committee?

Yes that's a rhetorical question
Thank you all you MORONS that keep electing those lying A@@holes from the hometown team hope you like your tax increases!!!! Stearny and company are and always will be a big bunch of lying jerks!!!!
I see a BIG tax increase coming. These feckless 5 could care less. How many of these feckless 5 live in rent and don't pay taxes?
Still no Pa School Code 518 record access. Payroll documents, Benecon invoices (benefit reports), financial records, Annual Financial Report,

Hmm, how did the board make a budget without verification of financial records?


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Ever wonder why it is such a mess getting information from this board?

Maybe the board should honor their oath, and hold the administration accountable.

What happens when the district fails to turn in their homework? Take a look at this email to Director David F. Bradley, Sr. From Pennsylvania Department of Education who asked for the LEA (Local Educational Authority - ie. Lehighton LEA) numbers.
Email excerpts

The 2018-2019 AFR for Lehighton SD has not yet been submitted. Please request a copy of this report from your business office.


Commonwealth Accountant 3
Bureau of Accounting & Financial Management Pennsylvania Office of the Budget | Office of Comptroller Operations 555 Walnut St., 9th Floor | Harrisburg PA 17101
--------------- followed by ----------
Submission of the Annual Financial Report is due by October 31st following the close of the fiscal year. PA School Code section 2552.1 gives the PDE the authority to assess forfeitures of $300 per day for certain reports due to the Commonwealth that are not filed within 30 days of the due date. PDE can also waive the forfeiture due to extenuating circumstances.

In an LEA feels there are extenuating circumstances that might prevent the timely filing of a report, a filing extension may be requested by contacting the PDE directly.
So, hey Larry Stern,
Rita Spinelli,
Wayne Wentz,
Steve Holland, and Nathan Foeller.

Exactly what numbers did these people that voted for a messy budget use if the State report is so late?

in my opinion, this is just more evidence of immoral, rubber-stampers giving a misguided blind trust to the very administration they were elected to oversee. Any wonder why they fight so hard to prevent me from lawful transparency?


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
AntiHaze and antiBullying awareness and educational programs will be held at the Franklin Township Fire Company February 17 starting at 10 am. Please attend, bring you children and share the announcement. This is a FREE event.

Dennis Goodwin is a nationally acclaimed motivational speaker addressing prevention and methods to stop Hazing, Bullying and assaults on students.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

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