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The battle is not over

Published January 05. 2019 07:05AM

I always find the columns by Bruce Frassinelli interesting and well-researched.

One example is his recent column about the proposed PennEast gas pipeline titled “Goliath’s Looking Even Better.” It is true that those of us who oppose this unnecessary pipeline are fighting with stones and a slingshot compared to the billion-dollar PennEast Company. But don’t count us out; remember little David won that battle.

This pipeline will not benefit Pennsylvania or New Jersey. Studies by the U.S. Department of Energy show that New Jersey does not need additional gas for the next 50 years, and Pennsylvania is an exporter of gas. So why is this pipeline being built? It is simple. Pipeline companies are guaranteed a 14 percent return on investment by the federal government. Are you getting 14 percent on any investment? The residential and business customers of UGI and the other members of the PennEast consortium will ultimately pay for both the pipeline and the guaranteed profit. It is likely that customer costs will go up — not down.

Even though we can find no benefit for consumers, the pipeline company was given the power of eminent domain. The company can force landowners to sell their land. We think this is wrong and is one of the major reasons we oppose this pipeline.

Sadly, landowners in New Jersey and one in Carbon County were recently ordered to allow PennEast access to their land, and hearings for other Pennsylvania landowners will begin soon. These hearings are not the end of the battle. The pipeline company still needs permits from both Pennsylvania and New Jersey before it can begin construction. We will continue to fight them every step of the way. We oppose this pipeline on the issue of eminent domain and because it will cause extensive environmental damage. When you consider the economic incentives for pipeline builders, this will not be the last pipeline proposed. Let’s stop them now and save what we love about Carbon County.

Linda Christman,


Save Carbon County

You loose me when you say the pipeline will cause extensive environmental damage.
There's a natural gas line 100 yards from my front door, and you wouldn't know it was there if I didn't point it out to you... Relax Linda, Carbon County isn't going to be destroyed over the pipeline. Go build some solar panels, or put up a wind mill and let me know how the alternative energy serve you. I own solar, and the past 8 months were a killer.

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