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Kindergartners recite the Pledge of Allegiance

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    Peters Elementary kindergartner Alyssa Cespuglio receives treats from Karen Bandzi, president of the R.W. Fritzinger VFW Post 7215 Auxiliary of Walnutport following a Pledge of Allegiance assembly held Tuesday morning. Go to to hear the students recite the Pledge of Allegiance. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS

Published January 17. 2019 12:40PM

They stood up, put their right hand over their heart, and looked at the flag.

What followed was the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance in which Peters Elementary kindergartners promised to be loyal to their country.

The exercise took place as part of an assembly conducted by the R.W. Fritzinger VFW Post 7215 Auxiliary of Walnutport held Tuesday in the school gymnasium.

Kindergartners at Peters Elementary School also learned how to recite the Pledge of Allegiance as part of an assembly held Tuesday in the school gymnasium.

Karen Bandzi, auxiliary president, was accompanied by Michele Minnich, senior vice president.

Bandzi said this was the 15th year for the program.

“They learn the proper respect of the flag,” Bandzi said.

As part of the assembly, students were treated to a DVD to help them learn the words of the pledge.

Afterward, Bandzi picked two boys and two girls to lead them all in saying the pledge.

The students then recited the pledge.

Upon doing so, they received a certificate that they learned to say the pledge, a small American flag, pencil and a Random Acts of Patriotism coin.

Random Acts of Patriotism? Why not? We are seeing frequent acts of hatred towards America, so what's wrong with Random Acts against the left, or rather, in the "Right" direction.
Let's make things Right Again!
EMPTY REPUBLICAN WORDS.. Patriotism is another Deviant Republican smoke screen used to control the redneck rabble while Conservatives rape, rob & collude with our enemies for profit. Prostitute yourself and pimp out your children, but don't expect it from Americans.
Wow that thing little diggy is still babbling did you forget to take your meds again? And your mommy should turn off your internet access till you take them.

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