Crash closes Route 248 in Lower Towamensing
The east bound lanes of Route 248 in Carbon County are shut down as the result of a crash in Lower Towamensing Township.
The crash occurred just before 8:30 p.m. the vehicle slid off the roadway onto a set of railroad tracks.
The driver was being evaluated at the scene. State police at Lehighton are investigating the incident. The Lower Towamensing township fire company responded to the scene.
Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why. (Alabama Lyrics)
SLOW Down! This weekend will see many like situations as these wet spots freeze over.
I drove by this, just after it happened. Good thing a train didn't come along.
Also, his car did NOT land on the train tracks. He was about 7 feet AWAY from them.
I'm fully aware of the spray off northbound cars, I was there just after your friend tried to merge onto the train tracks. He would never have ended up over there, had he been driving according to the road conditions.