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Trump offers budget with funds for border wall, Space Force

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    President Donald Trump, first lady Melania Trump and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson walk from Marine One to board Air Force One at Lawson Army Airfield, Fort Benning, Ga., Friday, March 8, 2019, en route Palm Beach International Airport in West Palm Beach, Fla., after visiting Lee County, Ala., where tornados killed 23 people. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Published March 11. 2019 07:51AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will be making a significant request for border wall funds and seeking money to stand up Space Force as a new branch of the military in the White House budget being released next week, an administration official said.

For the first time, Trump plans to stick with the strict spending caps imposed years ago, even though lawmakers have largely avoided them with new budget deals. That will likely trigger a showdown with Congress.

The official said Friday that the president’s plan promises to balance the budget in 15 years.

Trump will seek $750 billion for defense, a boost for the military, while cutting non-defense discretionary spending by 5 percent below the cap, said the official, who was unauthorized to discuss the document ahead of its release and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Budgets are mainly seen as blueprints for White House priorities. But they are often panned on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers craft the appropriation bills that eventually fund the government, if the president signs them into law.

Trump’s budget for the 2020 fiscal year will increase requests for some agencies while reducing others to reflect those priorities. Reductions are proposed, for example, for the Environmental Protection Agency.

The official said Congress has ignored the president’s spending cuts for too long. The federal budget is bloated with wasteful spending, the official said, and the administration remains committed to balancing the budget.

The cuts being requested by the White House would hit discretionary spending as well as some mandatory safety net programs, which Trump has proposed in the past. Many Republicans are often eager to reduce government spending, but Congress has had trouble passing bills that seriously slash the safety net programs used by many Americans.

Budgets often rely on various accounting measures to achieve desired results. This one, for example, counts $546 billion in defense money as a base, but another $174 billion in another account to keep within caps.

And while the budget will suggest it balances in future years, it is also expected to rely on projections for continued economic growth from the tax cuts Trump signed into law in 2017. But there’s no guarantee that would cover the lost tax revenues.

By proposing spending levels that don’t raise the budget caps, the president is courting a debate with Congress. Lawmakers from both parties have routinely agreed to raise spending caps established by a previous deal years ago to fund the government.

Trump, though, has tried to resist those deals. He threatened to veto the last one reached in 2017 to prevent a shutdown. Late last year, a fight over border wall funds sparked the 35-day shutdown that spilled into this year and became the longest in history.

Loser! The Art of The Deal? The Quif with the Little Girl Squeal!
Impotence... a lame duck in his first and last term.
RUK you are still a rude condescending little punk for insulting the President of the United States. Who are you? How many Billions of $ are you worth? How many Presidential elections did you win? How many buildings have your name on the side of them? How many successful businesses do you run? We all know the answer. The answer is zero. You are a zero. You are a zero that suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Too bad for you. Your insults serve to shine the light on you. Clean up your dirty act.
Clean up my act? Who the hell are you? What are you going to do about it? You're whining little girl too, just like Trump. I'm laughing Rambo! Laughing at you.... you clown. You're just another keyboard tough guy hiding in your closet wanking to Trump photos.
Laughing at you....
Can't stop thinking about me? In your head, your head, head, heaaaaaad...
Love that echo!
Alpha Mike Foxtrot
RUK, you need to clean up your dirty act. You are a rude punk. Every rude condescending punk I know has a glass jaw. “You’re whining little girl...There we go again with grammar mistakes. You can insult President Trump, but, you can’t even post a paragraph without errors. Who is great now? Who has Trump Derangement Syndrome? Republicans reduced you to a shambles...Keep it up. I am shining the light on you...the great insulter...that has difficulty with diction. I pity you. You embarrass yourself. If your parents catch you...that skinny little a** will get a whipping!
Trump offers a budget? That's funny.
This loser thinks he actually has credibility! Putin craps on him. Kim Jong Un craps on him. Pelosi spanked his ass. What a joke. Deviant Republican dirtbags.
DO, President Obama didn’t submit a budget for years. Why is it funny that President Trump has? It is actually a law to submit a budget. No wonder that President Obama had record deficits that exceeded all other Presidents in history...combined. Why be bothered by facts? You liberal haters don’t have credibility. $750B for defense...yea! Spending caps...yea! Let’s see what is in it before we insult it. You show your hand if you dislike something before you see it. I am shining the light on you. Hate before you see. Too bad for you. America is great! 15yrs to a balanced budget...yea! “Deviant Republican Phantoms” own you! We are not sick of winning yet!
Calling for a total of $2.7 trillion in reductions over 10 years. It also includes $220 billion cut from food stamps. This administration aims to balance the budget within 15 years.
Sounds like a good proposal for anyone who cares about the country. Democrats will, leagalize pot, decriminalize prostitution, Give away all kinds of freebies to freeloaders, and take away our guns and cars over the next 15 years.
Democrats have lost their minds.

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