Be a hero, Sen. Casey
To Sen. Robert P. Casey,
I believe you can be a hero. Our so-called president wants $5 billion for a wall. I think he would deal.
Offer some for him signing to protect dreamers.
Offer some for him signing tax cut for low and medium. Offer some for him signing infrastructure improvement.
Offer some for him signing improvement on defense again new Russian missile.
Make sure everyone knows it’s Congress and not him (puppet president).
If he vetoes, there should be enough to override.
I remain
Robert (Ski) Siesputowski Summit Hill
The boy's offense? He wanted to leave the gang (Dreamers), his mother says.
Why do you foolish Trump Haters also hate walls for National Security?
Besides, he only want several Billion. What's it cost our society, to continue to treat all who struggle with heroin?
You are on the wrong side of history on this one Robert.
As for the story of the New Zealand shooting that left 49 people dead?
The shooter was from Australia. He reportedly posted a 74-page manifesto before the shooting, in which he called Donald Trump a “symbol of white supremacy.”
Is that what you're playing games about moron? How could you twist this into anti Trump Rhetoric.
One who "supports" a candidate would either vote, campaign, or send campaign contributions to said candidate. If I were a betting man, I'd bet you haven't read the 74-page manifesto. Facts/Truth, are hard for folks like you to acquire and understand.
Do me and the rest of the readers a favor, put the keyboard away until you can gather up some integrity.
This story is about illegal immigration and National Security. MS13 usurps our National Security Daily.
Typical too...
You Mock what you know nothing about. Jesus is my Lord. Mockers might say, I'm a fool for Jesus. Well, maybe I am, but, who's fool are you Joe?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
May God Bless you (Joe) in His Truth, sooner than later.
Peace Joe
I also made point to the endless stream of criminal activity by those pouring in illegally. You can't deny the, many, many incidents involving illegal trespassing undocumented lawbreaking aliens.
They may come here with dreams, but they end up on the wrong side of the law. There's no reason that they're even here.
You hide behind Joe! Joe Who?
Look Joe, I care more about my neighbors than I do people who lie try and be my neighbor.
I care about the drugs flowing in. I care that just maybe, terrorists are flowing in too. I care that activities by folk like you are enticing people here illegally.
Now how about that Joe?
Mike Meyers
Walnutport, PA
You are impossible just Joe