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Budget questions continue for CCTI

Published March 26. 2019 12:24PM

A lively discussion took place at the Carbon Career & Technical Institute Joint Operating Committee meeting this month about a number of items regarding the school’s budget.

Items on the agenda triggered concerns by Lehighton Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver.

The items, including an authorization and approval to transfer $1,950,000 from the CCTI General Fund-Budgetary Reserve/Fund Balance to the CCTI Capital Projects Fund; and an authorization and approval to authorize the transfer of funds in the amount of $1,950,000 from the CCTI General Fund to the CCTI Capital Projects Fund for future CCTI building and equipment needs had been tabled at the February meeting.

Cleaver questioned whether such a budgetary transfer was possible.

Administrative Director David Reinbold addressed these concerns.

Reinbold assured the committee that “our auditors and financial advisers were all aware of those motions beforehand and had no problem with them.”

Before including these items on the agenda, Reinbold and CCTI business administrator/treasurer Jeffry Deutsch presented the idea to the CCTI auditor and financial adviser.

Both agencies responded that “it’s clean and appropriate and follows all of the guidance prescribed by Governmental Accounting Standards Board and PDE for fund transfers. … Lastly, of note — in my nine years working on the audit, our firm has never had any discrepancy or disagreement with accounting policies with the institute and we don’t disagree with this motion either.”

A roll-call vote was taken and the motions passed by majority, with Lehighton and Weatherly voting no. Both Lehighton and Weatherly school districts have yet to approve the proposed CCTI budget.

Career pathways

Cleaver announced that the Lehighton school district is exploring the idea of creating career pathways for students who may wish to explore a career but are not ready to commit to attend CCTI.

Wayne Gryzik, the JOC committee member representing Panther Valley, questioned whether this type of program would negatively impact enrollment at CCTI.

Cleaver said the programs they are exploring are “nowhere in depth” and would not lead to any certifications the way the CCTI programs do. Cleaver said such a program would provide students with experiences that would help them decide if a selected field was a good match for their interests and would help prevent students from paying for a year of tuition before deciding a career was not what they were seeking.


Good afternoon. CCTI produces results that can be measured. Student have a choice of curriculum that interests them, and earn valuable skills. It is hard to teach 'talents', but CCTI takes ambition and does just that.

As for Cleaver, his oversight is welcomed and valuable. He must have learned it from all the angry taxpayers in his district. They barked but in his district they were muzzled for providing transparent oversight or being outspoken. Police escorted out citizens that also asked for a rebate and reduction. (Jericho plan). The fund balance was nearly 40%, from overtaxation in the Krause and Bowman era. Raising taxes and not repairing the safety items in our schools.

CCTI is shifting monetary allocations in a conservative way. It is not like they are out shopping luxury items or new stadiums etc. CCTI is not telling their funding base to Kiss their derrieres like Lehighton Board member did. Did Wayne ever apologize? Just checkin'

CCTI are answering questions and teaching the five supporting district about fiscal responsibility.

Bravo CCTI. Your results are respected. Give those dedicated teachers all the credit, they do a great job in a competitive market.

All educational facilities should actively compete for their student's enrollment. This way it is the results, as judged by the parents and the students that will hold the institution accountable.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.

Jericho Plan? Is that the plan with Trane? The deal that Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr., an authorized Trane provider at the time you would have received a kick-back?

There were no school tax increases when Mrs. Bowman was on the Board.

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