Police department posts April Fools’ Day message
It’s not exactly a get out of jail free card, but close enough.
A post that initially appeared on the Mahanoy City Police Department’s website at 8:48 p.m. Sunday tells the story.
The post asks, “Do you have a warrant? “How about a fresh start? “Come to the MCPD (today, and) “Your warrant will be removed and you will be given a chance to resolve your case!!!! All Schuylkill County warrants are eligible!!! No appointment necessary!!! Warrant forgiveness!!!
Contacted this morning, borough police Chief Mark Wiekrykas confirmed that the post actually has validity to it.
Wiekrykas said that one of the department’s officers came up with the idea.
“It’s a little bit of comic relief,” Wiekrykas said.
However, Wiekrykas said that while the post is April Fools’ Day-oriented, it’s not entirely a joke.
“It’s designed to encourage people who have warrants to take care of them the right way,” he said. “Obviously, if someone comes in, their warrant will be dealt with.”