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April is ‘Month of the Military Child’

Published April 06. 2019 07:33AM

There are nearly 2 million children who have a family member serving in the United States military.

Many times, people forget that these boys and girls put on a brave face in the absence of a parent who is deployed or training away from home.

To honor these children, Carbon County has named April as “The Month of the Military Child.”

Georgeann Herling, president of the Weatherly American Legion Post 360 Auxiliary, said that 87 percent of children in Pennsylvania do not live near an active military installation, meaning that if they have a family member serving in the military, they don’t have the benefit of the support system military installations provide.

“We need to show them that we care, show them that we love them and that we appreciate their sacrifices,” Herling said.

Because of this, April 18 has been set aside specifically to remember these children through Purple Up Day.

“These children and youths are sources of pride and honor to us all,” the proclamation states. “It is fitting we take time to recognize their contributions, celebrate their spirit and let our men and women in uniform know while they are taking care of us, we are taking care of their children.”

Herling explained that the color purple was chosen because it is a blend of all the colors of the military branches — Army green, Air Force blue, Navy blue, Coast Guard blue and Marines red.

She said to honor the sacrifices 35 Weatherly area children make, the auxiliary will hold a Purple Up Day event at the middle school at 9 a.m. on April 8.

“We want to let them know people are thinking of them and care about them,” Herling said.

The county asks all residents to display a purple ribbon on their doors, porch railing and windows, as well as to wear purple on April 18 as a way to honor military children.

Every day should be a day for the military child.
Every day should be Veterans Day.
God Bless our awesome military!
Please remember our fallen warriors!
Yes, please remember them! Because The Deviant Republican Politicians piss on them every day.
Use them up and throw them away, that's the Republican way. Lousy healthcare, insulting financial benefits & treated no better than dogs by the entitled Republicans. Only a sucker would fight for this government.
DO you have mental illness. You are totally wrong also. I don’t know where to start to correct you. Your blind hatred of Republicans has ruined you. You are a condescending rude punk. You are unable and unwilling to learn. Your dysfunction is on full display. You have a hatred for America that is treasonous. For that you can go to hell. America is the greatest country in the world. You are free to shoot off that big mouth because you are protected by the military that you insult. Your statement that, “only a sucker would fight for this government” pretty much sums it up for you. President Trump has done a lot for the military. He...changed the ROE (Rules Of Engagement),granted a raise, improved the VA treatment, improved the morale, increased the budget, committed to updating weapons...and on and on. Morale is high. Now we have a President that understands. I was in the military. I speak to give voice to the fallen warriors that can no longer speak. Jerks like you have a right to speak, but, the voice of “real Americans” will never be shouted down by punks like you. Go join the military...get that big mouth up and do something. Republicans are all superior to you. You can stay in your pajamas all day. Republican Warriors will protect you. MAGA!
You really shouldn't suffer from this Cognitive dissonance. Your case so severe, I can't fathom how you can live yourself. Conservativism is the disease. You all do the opposite of what espouse. You're all users, closet queens, pedophiles and traitors.
What are you going to about? Bashing doesn't change the fact that you have a serious mental disease that effects the rest of us. We are patriots, innovators and the sons of Colonists. you are a vile weed and you will not choke us out. You Трумп, GOP losers have done nothing but talk about helping the Military and their families. It doesn't show up in legislative action. You are a, and you support 2 faced liars. Get a job with decent benefits and get help for your Deviance.
I don't waste my time making sure my grammar and spelling are text book when conversing with trump animals. I talk to you like you're my pet hamster. I'm a rude punk. You're sackless puppet. What are you going to do about it? Come on Violent Poodle, bite my ankle. Put the ruler away yours isn't big enough. BTW, look under psychiatrists in the yellow pages, before you make a fool of yourself again.
DO, here we meet again. You come on the TN site which is for social interaction. Ordinarily, different opinions would be welcome. Ordinarily, people can learn from those different opinions. I know I learn from opposing views. Instead, you come on here and insult others. You are a rude condescending punk that doesn’t get it. You never represent yourself with a reasonable opinion or a train of thought like an adult would present. Also, “I don’t waste my time making sure my grammar...” is a lame excuse. I am going to highlight you ignorance and hypocrisy. Why do you hate President Trump so much, a man that you never even met? You are what you post here. You owe yourself, your family, your country, and your God more than this. Why can’t you clean up your dirty act? Why are you such a hater? Why are you a rude punk? Why can’t you spell at an eighth grade level? Why is your terrible spelling OK with you, as you insult the intellect of others? Why are your faults Ok, while your perceptions of others mistakes brings out vulgar insults? You are a certifiable whack job. I am nailing you to the truth. Keep it up. Everybody sees your malfunction. Bad spelling indicates low intellect. Joke on you brudda!

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