Slatington to reissue property tax bills
Property owners in Slatington should disregard the borough property tax bill received last week.
A new orange bill will be sent this week, which correctly reflects no increase in the tax rate.
The first bill contains an error, and will not be accepted by the tax collector when payment is made.
The new bill will be orange in color to avoid confusion between the two bills.
Property owners are only required to pay the orange bill, and should dispose of the first bill.
Taxpayers who have their property taxes paid threw a third party should make sure that the correct orange bill is being paid.
Any questions should be addressed to Slatington Tax Collector Reta Stein.
The tax information that the collector bills from, is generated in the Borough Office.
Now here's my positive...
I'm positive there is no manager, just kick the tires of Borough Hall, you'll see.