Response to letter on Lehighton school board candidates
Dear Editor,
Rebuttal to letter published April 4. Their statements in quotes.
“Mr. Bradley voted no on hiring much-needed substitutes.”
Nine votes on substitutes since Feb. 18. He voted 7 yes, 1 no, 1 out of room.
“Christman fields were debated for several months before finally being approved for transfer of the fields to Franklin Township where all children will benefit.”
All benefited for previous 39 years. Nothing changed.
“Mr. Bradley continues to file lawsuits against individuals on the board as well as administration”
Lawsuits withdrawn in December. No new ones filed.
“Unfortunately, the three new members (Gail Maholick, Joy Beers and David Bradley) ran on campaigns to entice the community into thinking they would help eliminate school property tax tied to the referendum vote on the Homestead Act.”
They supported the referendum.
“The lack of interest by them is displayed during certain presentations, exiting meetings to get a drink, and laughing and disrespect have become the norm at meetings.”
Which presentations? Since I was not out there I cannot comment on what they were doing once they left the room. Much of the laughing and disrespect is provided by the teachers, former board members and administrators. I am there. I hear and see it.
“For the fifth row in a year, there will be no tax increase for school taxes in the district.”
Because taxes were raised when there was a surplus to the point of being able to pay $6.5 million cash for the new stadium and leaving such a large fund balance as to be able to use it to balance the budget each year. We spend more each year then we take in. Fact.
“We are very aware that many people did not want the new elementary center, athletic stadium and renovations for the middle school and high school.”
You are aware now since you got rejected in the last election. Were you really aware then? I don’t think many had issues with renovations, but have no way of knowing for sure.
“Everyone has a right to their own opinion on this subject, but the facts do not lie. The renovations at the middle school and high school have saved us, the taxpayers, 50 percent (middle school) in electricity.”
Fifty percent savings on electric while adding air conditioning to the middle school? I think not.
“Presently, the center is seeing a $1.5 million consolidated savings, which has enabled the district to stabilize and have no tax increases.”
The lack of tax increase is due to the sizable fund balance being used to balance the budget.
“So, we ask you, what type of district and board members do YOU want representing Lehighton Area School District?”
I want board members who are honest and inclusive. Ones who understand that the community is the ones who pay the bills and should have a voice. Ones who understand who put those board members in office. I want board members who are accountable for their actions. Board members who understand and take their responsibilities seriously.
“We firmly believe in authentic transparency and public participation.”
Since when? It was not in evidence prior to your being voted off.
“We also know the new members believe in public participation and push for transparency. However, they have never confirmed what specifics they look for in transparency”
Perhaps you should read the minutes. The answers are in there.
“So please be mindful of who you vote for in May and be knowledgeable of those candidates who align with Mr. Bradley, Ms. Beers, and Ms. Maholick. They are looking to lower high school standards and cut programs for students, as well as staff. If you don’t believe us, take the time to read the finance minutes from Nov. 12, 2018, where Mr. Bradley asks the business manager, ‘How can we get rid of more staff?’ ”
I have read those minutes. Are we also to take Ms. Spinelli at her word when she states, “She has no plan, she’s stupid, she is a stooge and she is a puppet, she can’t read.” I will state once again. We have our own mind and our own voice. We make our own decisions influenced only by what we believe is right and the actual facts. We have the ability to listen to ALL sides and make an informed and considered decision to benefit all, especially the students.
“Let’s not fall into the mistakes made in neighboring districts permitting the loudest voice being the one that is heard and not the most responsible, respectful voice.”
The voices from the audience who are yelling and laughing are the teachers, administrators and former board members. At least one of which has signed this letter. Who’s twisting the facts? Choose and vote wisely.
School board candidate,
Barbara A. Bowes
Ravaging this community has to end!
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
The community will persevere provided the incumbents are removed from office.
Look at the good news, the past oppressors didn't even put their names on the ballot. Other than these few incumbents, we have rid this community of the evildoers on the board. Transparency, and those that fear it will all be purged from the government in the next cycle or two. As promised a government of the people, by the people and for the people will soon be restored. Took almost a decade, but the intimidation has failed, the oppression has been exposed, and the facts are beginning transparently displayed, in the minute you cited, the live stream and YouTube.
It is as if the government of the Lehighton district has built our own CSpan, but with teeth.
God Bless America!
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
The April letter to the editor wanted to point out Mr. Bradley’s inconsistency on voting, whether voting on substitutes which was the example used, a no vote to petition the court to request police resource officers and then voted two months later to hire two police resource officers, a no vote to accept PLANCON dollars for the elementary center when Mr. Bradley campaigned on saving taxpayers dollars. Then why wouldn’t you vote for state money to help this community? There are many other examples of him voting no to pay bills and various other motions over this past year. These are important votes and common sense would tell you that votes in favor of the above are not rubber stamping, the term he loosely uses.
It is true that Mr. Bradley may not have filed more lawsuits after February as his fifth one was just settled close to that time. However, the email lawsuit continues to be a thorn in this community ‘s side as there is now a lawsuit with Simon Campbell, which was precipitated by issues with David Bradley (note that this board meeting was Feb 25, 2019 regarding this issue). As for him withdrawing lawsuits, the simple fact is he lost them, although he will argue that. The judge also did not recognize his request to drop the lawsuit regarding the request of 7700 emails as it was a moot point at that time. Mr. Bradley’s latest harassment with an employee has cost the taxpayer a minimum of $1600 for the stenographer. We know he will twist the information from the clearing hearing for the assistant principal in order to try to clear himself.
Yes, our children, our future, have enjoyed the Christman fields for years and will continue to do so. It was unfortunate that months of debate had to occur before deciding to transfer the fields, which the community supported. Mr. Bradley, however; still posts comments online in the Times News that he thinks that the Fr Township Athletic association should buy the fields. Mr. Bradley is not one to let anything go including decisions made by prior boards almost fifteen years ago.
As for the reference to voting for them to eliminate taxes, several community members heard the” Flip the Board” pollsters while handing out their cards saying they would save tax payer dollars by tying in the homestead referendum vote by voting for them. The other candidates supported the referendum vote, but never tied the referendum to property tax elimination. The referendum, November 2017, was to vote to increase the homestead act money to 100% instead of 50% which it is presently, although taxpayers have not received fifty percent from state gambling money since the bill’s adoption.
There is no doubt, in our opinion, that the facilities have improved this community. Thankfully, there have been visionaries on the board over the past several years, who had insight to plan for new and improved facilities. Contrary to what you believe, renovations would not have seen the reimbursement from the state as the new center has. The sitting board members at the time, including Mr. Beltz, who by the way is an incumbent and not a new board member, Mr. Ahner, and Mrs. Dwyer went from supporting renovations to repairs. Mr. Beltz said: to this effect in February, 2016 just “plant some more trees, open the windows and give students bottled water. Our schools are prisons.” The district took a leap of faith and was able to get into the PLANCON process before a moratorium went into effect and borrow at the best rates. Mr. Bradley continues to provide misinformation to the stakeholders by stating that the bonds the district holds, are at an escalating interest. This is Not true: when all was said and done, the bonds are a FIXED rate with interest rates between .25-4% with the average rate of 2.65%. The bonds also have a call feature of 5-10 years where they can be renegotiated. Several bonds should be due in about 7-8 years to be reviewed. The QZAB loan, paying since 2015 is interest free. This helps our community. As a sitting board member, he should have reviewed this with the business office. Maybe we should all do a RTK request to the business office on this as well as the dollar amount for consolidation savings.
As for transparency, it appears that you may be confused with providing information (transparency) with stakeholder input. Information over the years has evolved on our district website with minutes, annual reports, superintendent evaluations being posted. Information is shared at board meetings, committee meetings and workshop meetings as needed. True, there is still need for improvement which we will all continue to push for. No one questions that stakeholder input has not been valuable. We hope that stakeholder in put will continue within the atmosphere of civility.
We did note, that you didn’t say anything about the November 2018 finance minutes where Mr. Bradley asks how more staff can get cut. It is in black and white in the minutes. You did mention though, what Mrs. Spinelli said at that November meeting , which was Mr. Bradley asking of her, “what is the plan” referencing things he had said to her at prior meetings, that included : “she had no plan, she was a stooge, she is a puppet, and can’t read.” She was restating what he had said to her as he added , “ to continue” with her dialogue as he left the room to get a drink. Leaving the board room to get a drink happens frequently with him.
As for people in the audience laughing and clapping, please be careful of who you accuse. It is Interesting that back in 2014 and 2015, it was okay for the stakeholders to bring in signs, yell out, clap, and berate board members constantly. No one should be condoning this type of behavior. We know you don’t but we have witnessed some of your supporters engaging sometimes doing some of the same things. It is now time that we all start attempting to put our differences aside and get along.
If you want to get more facts, maybe it is a good idea to go to other sources besides Mr. Bradley and what you think you have heard or assumed.. .Just a thought.
There was no mention of his vote on resource officers and police officers in the original letter so I have not researched that in the minutes. As far as pollsters telling voters what you stated in your comment is there proof of that, or is it just more rumor and hearsay? That was not what I was told by the pollsters at my polling place. I was asked to consider voting on the referendum.
As far as Mr. Bradley's continued comments on Christman Field and FTAA I've not seen them. I'm not in the habit of looking for where he has commented.
As far as your comment on the PLANCON motions, neither motion was for the EC. One was for the Middle School and one was for the High School. And as far as the moratorium, the district had applied for PLANCON for the renovations and was able to switch that application for the new EC. The district would have received less reimbursement due to reduced cost for renovation. I am not sure if there is a lesser percentage given for renovation as opposed to new construction. PLANCON reimbursement is still taxpayer money, it is just spread out amongst all taxpayers in the state.
On the Bonds you mentioned, for bond issue 15A the interest rate starts at .5%, moves up to 2% and then in 2023 goes up to 5%. It's in the bond document. And I got that information from the document itself, not Mr. Bradley, by the way. On the QZAB bond, yes it is 0% interest and is good for the community. But I've not yet been able to find what the principal payment is each year, or if it is paid each year or just at the end.
I did not mention Mr. Bradley's comment at the November 2018 finance meeting because I had to cut so much from my original rebuttal. I used Mrs. Spinelli's comment as it appeared in the minutes. My point was, was either comment made sarcastically or tongue in cheek? One cannot infer inflection in the written word. Although you have explained Mrs. Spinelli's comment, since I have no idea who you might be, nor if you are privy to her intent, I will take it as stated. Although in my opinion it was made in sarcasm. To be fair across the board I will apply the same to Mr. Bradley's comment.
I've no idea what occurred in board meetings in 2014-2015. What you state does not seem to be present in the minutes, the official record of the meetings. And as far as my facts, much come from the minutes and other documents. Little if any come from Mr. Bradley. And, if I can't corroberate what I'm told by anyone, I take it with a grain of salt.
Mrs. Spinelli and other board members have stated more than once that we should trust the superintendent and administration. And that is true, up to a point. But it must be able to be backed up by fact. Trust but verify. I prefer to verify. I trust no one explicitly, we are all subject to making mistakes. Lord knows I've made my share throughout my lifetime.