Atlas shrugged, Putin snickered
Lincoln said: “You can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Our socialist politicians are showing that you can fool most of the people most of the time. Do you really think that Russia wanted to influence our presidential election to elect the candidate who promised to “make America great again”? Perhaps they hoped that their interference would work out so that a candidate, with the urging of the previous administration, who signed off on the sale of a large amount of our uranium to Russia (through Ukraine) would win. Remember Obama told Russian President Medvedev that after he was elected to a second term he would be “more flexible.”
The anarchy in our country is growing by leaps and bounds. What do these anarchists want? What will they do when they get what they want? They call themselves by names like “Antifa” (Anti-fascist) and “Black lives matter.” The anti-fascists have always been communists who fought fascists in Italy, Germany and Greece. We know that when they gained power they acted just as violently as the fascists. Why not, since both share the common bond of socialism. Do we want to be a socialist country? Is socialism in any of its forms compatible with our Constitution (the law of our land)? Socialism has destroyed previously great countries, making them second and third tier.
The Second Amendment is the shortest and most important because it allows the citizenry to protect our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. The Leninists who want to take away and gun right, as Lenin did in Russia, would most assuredly lead us to that similar result.
Folks, these “flat earthers” are taking our ship of state over the edge. Our country is being attacked by the so-called “left” (Socialist). Remember truisms are true. Guns, no matter how many bullets they hold do not kill people. People kill people whether by gun, knife, hammer, bat, car, bombs or poison gas. We must keep blowhard politicians from destroying our Constitution.
NOS DROVIA, Comrades!
Walt Fagan
Jim Thorpe