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Stop the politicking and tend to the border

Published May 13. 2019 12:33PM

Last week, Carla Provost, the first woman to lead the Border Patrol in its 94-year history, told members of a Senate Judiciary panel that apprehension numbers on our Southern border are off the charts.

According to the latest figures, the number of migrants apprehended surpassed 100,000 for the second consecutive month. The 109,144 migrants apprehended in April was 5,400 more than March, and marked the highest monthly total since 2007.

Princeton Policy Advisors, a group focusing on developing policy solutions to issues like illegal immigration, also reported staggering statistics. It estimates 913,000 border apprehensions for 2019, double last year’s number. That would be the highest level since 2006. To give some local perspective, that many apprehensions is more than the combined populations of Carbon, Schuylkill, Lehigh and Luzerne counties!

Provost compared the crisis to holding a bucket under a faucet; the number of buckets you give doesn’t matter if you can’t turn off the flow. She said some agents are spending as much as 40 percent of their time tending to families with children and serve as child care professionals, medical care givers, bus drivers and food service workers.

Provost, who favors strengthening the border wall, also explained how the Mexican drug cartels are devastating American communities by peddling deadly narcotics. Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who organized last week’s Senate panel, thinks that the Mexican cartels are winning, pointing out that drug trafficking is a $64 billion a year industry.

So how are Democrats, who control the House, dealing with the crisis?

Because President Trump made the border wall a focal point of his administration, Democrats have shown they are out to block any funding to deny him any credit or GOP advantage heading into the 2020 elections. After denying Trump’s request for $4.5 billion in supplemental funding, Democrats charged him with overreach when he took executive action on the border crisis.

Some Democrats, like presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, are even denying that there is a crisis. He’s stated he would not strengthen the border wall and that he would even tear down some of the standing barriers.

Here are some other politicized reactions by Democratic leaders:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “President Trump must stop holding the American people hostage and stop manufacturing a crisis, and must reopen the government.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: “This president just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis, stoke fear, and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.”

Joe Biden, current front-runner for the Democratic nomination: “This is a crisis created by the administration, and that’s why you know he (Trump) keeps these hordes comin’.”

Ironically, it was former President Barack Obama who called the situation at our southern border “a humanitarian crisis” back in 2014. A number of Democrats have called for abolishing our Immigration and Customs Enforcement department. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a favorite of liberal socialists, wants to eliminate the department along with other New York officials, including Mayor Bill de Blasio and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts joins Gillibrand in wanting ICE eliminated. Both are candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

Border patrol chief Provost has said it’s difficult to see border agents being trashed when they are out risking their lives every day to protect this nation.

We agree. These overworked agents are the only line of defense in enforcing our immigration laws and securing our border to keep our communities safe.

The fact that Democrats are not accepting a border crisis is pure politics. It’s time to stop the politicking, playing to the cameras and start working for the American people who put them in office.

By Jim Zbick |

A letter well written! The numbers are well represented and accurate. Democrats find themselves in a position of denial that is increasingly difficult to defend. More immigrants are attempting to “break in” because soon there will be a wall to stop them. For many years now our immigration laws have been to our own disadvantage. Now, we are pinched between Democrats that ignore a crisis and illegals that want in before the door slams closed. Keep in mind that we still have a “legal” immigration policy.
“The reality is we need in migration”? What is this Joe? Our legal immigration policy is more than enough to handle our needs. Allowing everyone to enter our country through open borders is wrong on many levels. It is very expensive to provide services for illegals. It is a safety hazard for American Citizens that fall victim to criminals that enter. How about terrorists that could enter unvetted? Of course, only some of the illegals that enter are criminals, but, how many criminals does it take to kill your family? Ask any Angel Mother. The added financial burden is so great it cannot even be measured. Hospitals have gone bankrupt. Ranchers have their fields trampled. They find dead immigrants in their fields. Human trafficking occurs and children are the victims of predatory handlers and climate extremes. President Trump is going to fix this. In a similar vein, the tariffs imposed on China are long overdue. For over 50 years we have turned a blind eye toward China. Our economy is so good right now that it is time to set matters straight. We have double the GDP of China even though China has triple the population. China needs us more than we need them. China needs our money more than we need cheap products. Of course, changing the status quo causes market fluctuations that are temporary. It seems that things have been wrong for so long that righting them causes anguish. Just be patient and watch. America has a $500 Billion trade deficit on an annual basis with China. The American economy is doing great. President Trump is doing a great job. Things will work out fine as China learns that America will no longer lay down and be taken advantage of. MAGA!
Trump said he prefers NO TARRIFS, but your source of information forgot to include that in their stream of BS. You have been listening to Fake News. That's why you appear so confused. If you follow the ways of this world, you'll appear as a wind sock, being blown this way and that, by the political BS of the day. Find stability Joe. Believe in something, for you appear to fall for anything.
As for risk from illegal invaders? Low isn't good enough, I want zero risk. I want money spent on legal migration not illegal. The lawlessness of you liberal libertarians must stop. Stop referring to me as a racist. You don't know me.
We need to bolster the work force, and migrants are welcomed for that reason alone. It's the means through which they come, which has us troubled. I'm with the President 100%.
Most level headed, common sense thinkers agree with border protection. I see no argument, except from those hungering for power through and by any means. With a Democrat, the end justifies the means. No principle in that.
This is ridiculous Joe. I don’t know where you get your information. We have a crisis at the border. Open borders is crazy. President Trump has been trying to solve this problem that was long overlooked. You place Trump in negative light always. Children are victims in this too as they get passed off from one illegal to another to satisfy immigration rules that allow “families” to enter. So what if they don’t even know the kids name, right? Vetting Muslims is smart, otherwise, terrorists might chop off your head. Trump said repeatedly most immigrants are good. Only a few are bad. Ask any Angel Mom how many bad illegals it takes to kill someone. America already has a compassionate generous immigration policy. Did that slip your mind? The first interaction with America should not be an illegal act. Trump offered a great deal for the dreamers...Democrats turned him down. I know vets are offered citizenship. If this is true only one time it is wrong. I will write a letter to resolve. I would do anything to help a vet/immigrant they are the salt of the earth. Trump is helpful toward legal immigrants. Don’t try that racist stuff on me. America is great. Legal immigration should be metered. Illegal immigration has to end.
I hope that you, Joe, watched President Trump’s Rose Garden speech on merit based immigration today. Your previous post did not make any sense to me. I try to watch every speech a President makes. YouTube is available if you miss a live event. I agree with closed borders, over 1 Million legal immigrants per year, eliminating the lottery system, merit based criteria, etc. Earlier, you stated Trump called all immigrants drug dealers and murders. That is fully wrong. Trump stated accurately that some are drug dealers and/or murderers. CNN & MSNBC tried to make hay of this. America is the greatest country in the world. Fake news reeks with hatred against Trump. The Charlottesville VA example comes to mind. Trump said there are good people on both sides. He meant, those who were Civil War buffs that wanted the statues to stay, and the protesters that wanted the statues to be removed. That is all. Some White Supremacy nut jobs were there also. President Trump never sided with those racists. Fake news still purposely clings on to this narrative...which is wrong. I always seek out the truth. Sometimes, disingenuous sources try to alter the facts.
Hey Joe, did you know children can be bought to help get you in to this country?
The US isn't hurting kids, the parents are. Even here as a legal citizen, a parent breaks up the family when they break a law and are sent to prison. Actually Joe, much of what the left embraces, breaks up families. Heck, now that we're on the topic, we can talk about babies, and how the same people who are so worried about separating "migrant" children from "migrant" moms, see nothing wrong with going into moms womb and ripping out a baby, and do so in the name of women's health.
Nobody is banning Muslims, though I would understand why they'd be inclined to do so. Hey, you mention things that... wait... you're on a never Trump rant again.
Get some rest and turn off the TV.
Hey Joe... CNN won't carry this story, so I'll post it here.
In what could be one of the most prolific serial slayings in American history, an illegal alien from Kenya has been charged in the deaths of 12 elderly women in Texas.
Democrats are willfully destroying my country by turning it in to something I never dreamed could happen. How anyone voting Democrat can sleep at night is beyond me. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I sleep sound too.
Hey Joe, how smart can someone expect to be if they ignore and purposely overlook important facts? You have selective amnesia on good things for America, and, you scrape around anywhere for something against America. Do you hate America? Are you a Communist? Read “The Russian Hoax.” I will never be a socialist. MAGA!

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