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I’m Voting for a Better Pleasant Valley School District

Published May 15. 2019 11:07AM

Every school board election is an important event. It gives the parents and community members the opportunity to elect citizens that they trust with their children’s education and with the relationship the school has with the community. This year the election for the Pleasant Valley School Board is very important. That’s why I am voting for Sue Kresge, Bob Serfass, Norman Burger, Ed Coyle and Robert Butler. I feel that the community is tired of the infighting, obstruction and politics and want the board to focus on what is best for the students and the community. The Pleasant Valley School District needs to heal. The district has long had a great reputation of having terrific teachers who give our children a great education.

The focus needs to be on that. The superintendent, Mr. Piperato, was tasked with the job of putting Pleasant Valley on a track to do just that. The students and their parents need that to happen. This community needs that to happen. It can only happen if the elected board gets past the politics of negativity and obstruction. Sue, Bob, Norm, Ed and Rob are not waging a negative campaign, don’t have an ax to grind, but bring a positive message that calls for educators, administrators, parents and community members to be working together for the students.

I have long held the belief that the vast majority of the citizens in the Pleasant Valley community are proud of their children and the education they received in the PV school district. That the vast majority of the PV community that graduated from the school are “PV Proud” and want our district to be the very best in the area. I want that to be the case. I am confident that the voters next week want the same thing. If so, they will join me in putting Sue Kresge, Bob Serfass, Norm Burger, Ed Coyle and Robert Butler on the Pleasant Valley School Board.

Dan Wunder


Mr. Wunder, I agree with you that the community is tired of infighting. As I remember, you were the person who fired the first shot when you attacked Mrs. Jecker for asking questions concerning what the district was doing to stop bullying. Weren’t you the person who called Josh Krebs “a good soldier” in the grand jury report? Wasn’t you friend, Sue Kresge, cited in the grand jury report as not knowing anything about issues the District Attorney asked about even though she spent more than 20 years on the board?

Let me sum up what you are really asking of our community. You are asking us to vote for those individuals who have or are likely to vote with the Superintendent without question. No sir, I will vote for those who I feel will do their jobs and ask questions no matter how uncomfortable it makes the administration.

Yes, Mr. Wunder, every school board election is an important event. Vote with me for those who will not be “good soldiers” but will be “warriors” for the students and taxpayers in the Pleasant Valley Community.

Vote: Delbert Zacharias, Teresa Greggo, Todd Kresge, Deb Mayer
In 2013, I voted for Mr. Wunder. I thought it was a wise choice because of his experience and time in the district. Little by little, my wise choice turned into a bad choice. All he did was vote in line with administration. He did not vote for what was best for the students or the community. I was at packed meeting and a mom of children in Special Ed addressed the board with passion requesting and begging the board to not hire an Asst. Special Ed Supervisor on the agenda. She gave reasons and even said the person who also interviewed was more qualified and taught Special Ed for many years. I have several friends with children in Special Ed in PVE and PVI and they all complained about the Asst. Supervisor hired that night. Mr. Wunder voted for that employee.

My disappointment continues. Mr. Wunder backs big spending and expanded administration. He also backs an incumbent board member who has been on the board for over 20 years. All the issues under investigation with the Grand Jury happened under her tenure in office. Yes, Mr. Wunder we read the entire report. You mentioned obstruction and infighting. What I see are new board members questioning the status quo and stale board members attacking their efforts to make changes that are long overdue an then are verbally attacked by illiterate juveniles purposely calling them out in public. Their calm demeanor during attacks is very professional. I do not know how they do it but, it is obvious they are responsible citizens and they do the job they were voted in to do.

If Mr. Wunder backs a candidate, you need to ask yourself WHY. I say if Mr. Wunder is backing them, it is enough to look the other way. To make it worse other stale board members also back those candidates. Run as fast as you can and do not look back.

I know and trust Teresa Greggo. She supports our students, staff and our community. Teresa is calm and reasonable. She is an excellent fit for this board. Teresa supports TODD Kresge and Deb Mayer. I know and trust Jim Spinola and Delbert Zacharias. Vote with your brain not with empty promises and with the status quo. Vote for a better Pleasant Valley like Mr. Wunder says but vote for Teresa Greggo, TODD Kresge, Deb Mayer, Jim Spinola and Delbert Zacharias.
Dan Wunder supporting these candidates is frightening but understandable. Dan, Sue Kresge, and Bob Serfass are part of a group of school board directors who can not accept the directors who ask questions and do their research. Mr. Wunder calls this questioning obstruction, I call it directors doing what they were elected to do. Mr. Wunder is tired of the infighting but doesn’t tell you that he, Sue Kresge, and Bob Serfass are part of the group doing the attacking.
Mr. Wunder, I will not support any person who you recommend that currently sits on the school board. Anyone watching board meetings can clearly see that you are part of a group of five who are unable to respect the opinions of others and continuously bow to the wants of a superintendent.
Mr. Wunder, I can’t help but notice that you left Teresa Greggo off of your list of people you are backing. This speaks volumes about the type of person you truly are. Many years ago I sat in a meeting with you and Ms. Greggo and listened to you tell me that she was compassionate, kind, fair, and your strongest first grade teacher. You were right about that. Teresa Greggo will get my vote because for the 20 years I have lived in this district I have never heard one parent complain about her willingness to see both sides. Perhaps you, S. Kresge, and Serfass could learn from her.
It's refreshing to see citizens engage. In my district (NASD), meetings aren't attended, and the board does as the administration suggests... "Accept..."
The shame is that the major decisions in our local Government School Systems, aren't made locally any more.
Anyway, it's nice to see engagement. Hope all works out.
I WILL vote for Greggo, Zacharias & Mayer but NOT Todd Kresge
I support Dan Wunder but NOT Laura Jecker
I support Len Peeters, but NOT Sue Kresge.
Donna Yozwiak has been a wonderful addition to the board of directors. She is well spoken, carries herself professionally and is fair.
As for Spinola, I haven't made up my mind totally yet, but so far he reminds me of Krebs and Sieler

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