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Pennsylvania moves to expand National Guard college aid

Published May 16. 2019 05:00AM

HARRISBURG (AP) — Legislation is on the move to extend the Pennsylvania National Guard’s higher education benefits to family members.

Gov. Tom Wolf said in a statement Tuesday that he supports the bill and urged the Senate to pass it. The bill passed the House unanimously on Monday.

Under the bill, a Pennsylvania National Guard member who signs up for a six-year re-enlistment can pass along the service’s higher education benefit to a spouse or a child.

The benefit provides for up to 10 semesters or five years’ equivalent of the in-state rate at a Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education university, or that assistance can go toward an institution of higher education that’s approved by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.

The Democrats are so generous with other peoples money. Someone tell me of just one private sector business who extends such a benefit. The kicker is, the kids get to go to the States School, or one approved by "The State". Do you remember that term, "Big Brother"?
These Socialist Democrats will legislate for more power to them, and at any cost... to me!
Wake up people, we're about to loose the Republic!
Tons of private businesses have educational benefits. PP&L and BBraun provide nearly 100% tuition reimbursement for example. Just about every private college provides 100% tuition for employees and dependents.

This is part of the compensation package and given the difficulties our country has recruiting to the military this may be necessary to compete.
Come on Joe... Read Much? "pass along the service’s higher education benefit to a spouse or a child"
Now listen to the question. Show me one private sector business who offers that. You just confirmed my suspicion of your presence here. You don't come here and read to become informed, you come here to react. Don't be in such a big hurry to pull that trigger. The only ones offering free tuition to the entire family would be a university, which much money in their coffers comes from taxes. As I said, Democrats love to spend other peoples money.
You didn't read my response, I told you private universities pay for dependents. Also, Chrysler, Chevron and Starbucks provide tuition reimbursement for dependents. There are many more, just do a web search.

Personally, the drop in military recruitment is a big concern for me. The military is doing exactly what any company would to attract applicants, sweeten their compensation and benefits. Military budgets are being raised by the Trump administration, I would complain to them. While youre at it, complain that every time Trump wants to go golfing its costing the tax payers enough to pay for 30 kids to go to 4 years of college
Here you go throwing golfing time against President Trump. Do you remember President Obama golfing 250+ times? President Trump conducts business deals nearly all of the time. Trump puts in long work days and rarely takes vacation. Do you recall the many vacations of President Obama? Do you remember Michelle leaving in separate planes two hours earlier with 40 assistants? Did you notice that? While “youre” at it? (Sp) you view the world through rose colored glasses. How about did you see the Rose Garden speech on immigration today? President Trump laid out a great plan that is merit based. America is a wonderful country that takes in over a Million legal immigrants a year. MAGA!
The Obama defense does not work unless your speaking to a. Obama supporter. I just remember Trump pledging he wouldn’t golf as president.

You say Trump is conducting business deals all the time? That’s a pretty concerning thing. The president should not be engaging in business, especially while the taxpayers are picking up the tab.

Come on Joe. You use every opportunity to bash President Trump. You willfully ignore positive information time and time again. At the same time, you dig around for negative information. Things seem almost delusional. Things are much more complicated than what they seem on surface value. Recruiting for the military was down under the previous administration. Good soldiers were languishing in the brig because they had to make battlefield decisions that were judged by lawyers that never understood what combat was like. The Rules of Engagement were in favor of the enemy. I know of at least one hundred military personnel that were so discouraged by President Obama’s policies that they separated. Of course, you disagree. Who wants to have the CIC (Commander in Chief) do stuff like this. Also, the fitness level of young people is waning. Between, legal drugs and video games, people have a tough time making the standards. Contrary to what some think, the military takes the best of people. According to military sources, recruiting has risen because of higher morale. A lower fitness level of recruits makes it tougher to fill quotas. The Army just debated lowering fitness standards. I am not sure what the results of their study found. America is great because of our military.
In Texas, an immigrant goes to college for free while a military family has to pay full price. Is this fair? College expenses are out of control. If companies offer tuition reimbursement, that is great. There should be a better compensation package to entice military service. The military does know the value of an education. You can get the time to take courses. I always liked the “pro education” environment in the military. It is always a benefit to be in a learning environment.
The National Guard is used as much as Active Duty military for overseas contingencies. This bill is simply giving the Guardsman the same benefit as active duty Soldiers and Airman. To say this is part of some socialist take over is ridiculous. Many Guardsman leave after 6 years and all benefits are done this is the least the State of Pennsylvania can do. In a 6 years enlistment you are guaranteed to deploy at least once.

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