Don’t be surprised
Lehighton voters,
The election is now behind us and the candidates of the “Hometown Team” have claimed their victory. Bravo at winning the election by preying on the fears of the teachers/administration/support staff/former teachers/family of employees of the district. Now, You OWN IT. You own the $3.8 million deficit, not including the road work in and around the school complex that needs to be done or the new roof for the administration building, the upkeep on two vacant buildings that haven’t even been publicly listed for sale or the myriad other “unforeseen” expenses that will pop up. I see voters expressing their belief that it was somehow the fault of David Bradley, mainly the lawsuits, that the $3.8 million deficit exists.
I ask you this … what percentage of the $3.8 million has to do with David Bradley? Let’s throw out a number, even if the lawsuits and legal fees totaled $100,000 it would be a mere 3% of the $3.8 million. Rational conversations between the board members would have resolved this issue but the hatred for Mr. Bradley trumps any semblance of rational discussion and the “anti-transparency” wing of the board decided to retain a law firm. Anyway, voters, your fears can be put to rest now you got your way and the “Hometown Team” won the primaries. So now they OWN all the bad news from here on.
Don’t be surprised when tax hikes come along. You can blame nobody but yourselves. Sitting here with popcorn,
Jeremy T. Glaush