Thou shalt not kill
I just finished reading “Way out of hand” by Frances Stahl, Tamaqua.
Thank you! Finally, someone telling it like it us.
All I have to say is: Thou shalt not kill.
There is a heartbeat, there is movement, there is life.
All of this in the last 3 or 4 months and then there is birth! Live birth! A living breathing tiny human being!
Thou shalt not kill!
When did we put our laws above God’s laws?
His punishment is and will be more awful than any of us can imagine.
Ruthann Schlecht
you ask, "When did we put our laws above God’s laws?"
I think it started in the universities, especially those which were originally founded and intended to teach in the ways of God. Harvard, Princeton, U. of PA were all Christian schools of higher learning. But the intellect of man, overshadowed the infinite magnificence of God. Man became lured in to believing we could do it without God, even at these once Christian Institutes. I take it back to the arrival of the Fabian Society, which got their foot into the doors of first Harvard, others followed. their pitch was this new economic model (socialism). This was in 1894. From that point the universities went down that very progressive, wide road, no longer on that narrow road. Look at where all this progressive garbage flows out of, the universities. I might add, the Fabians embraced eugenics. George Burnard Shaw, Margaret Sanger, John Dewey, are just some members of the Fabians. Just so you know, there are at least 200 members of Parliment, currently, who are members of the Fabians. Look them up folks. They formed in England at Oxford. They have recently been revived.
Now about it taking a while, please look up the Fabians, and you will learn of their preferring the use of gradualism and deception. One of their logos is a turtle with one front leg striking, like perhaps a cat would, and written under it is these words... "When I strike, I strike hard". With taking over the institutes of higher learning? They struck HARD. In convincing us to kill of our babies? They struck hard. Oh... one more thing, A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing is on their coat of arms. LOOK THIS UP!
Peace All
Tell me about God's happiness when a 10 year old girl gets impregnated by her father or when the State executes someone falsely accused of a crime. I'll bet he throws a buffet, right?
Gotta run - have a hot date tonight with my sister.