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Campus ministry ex-director pleads guilty in child porn case

Published June 12. 2019 05:27AM

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A former campus minister at Villanova University awaits sentencing after pleading guilty to receiving child pornography.

Federal prosecutors said the plea on Tuesday by 52-year-old Timothy O’Connell of Drexel Hill involved obtaining images that depicted the sexual abuse and exploitation of pre-pubescent children.

One of the victims was a 2-year-old child identified by the FBI in another investigation.

O’Connell is the former associate director of campus ministry at the school. His lawyer, Heather Mattes, says he was terminated by Villanova.

U.S. Attorney William McSwain calls the case particularly disturbing because O’Connell was a spiritual leader who was trusted on campus.

Mattes says O’Connell is remorseful and will have more to say when he’s sentenced, which is currently scheduled for October.

Sin is no respecter of position or authority, and temptation runs free for all to flee, or...
God Help us.
Your god is the problem...
And, anyone who classifies pedophilia as a "temptation" is one sick piece of conservative protestant garbage. Send him to "Every Man's Battle" that's the Loser MAGA solution. You people are a disease.
Only a fool would say that God is the problem when it is just the opposite that is the problem. A lack of God is the problem. Whether someone is born a sinner or developed the sinful behavior from their environment doesn’t make it any less of a crime. DO, you are a low intellect rude nut job that always tries to blame God and or Republicans for everything. You, DO, have celebrated the death of soldiers and Law Enforcement Officers. You have also insulted the President of the United States. You have wished evil upon America. For that DO you can go to hell. DO, you are a hater that is fully owned by Republicans. You would be better off to use God, Republicans, and President Trump as role models DO. America is great! MAGA! Keep it up! DO, you seem to thrill over the shock value of insulting God. Let us see how much courage you have when you meet your maker. I want to see who is the loser then.
What the hell makes you think I give a crap what you think, Rambo? You don't like what I have to say? Do something about it, you rightwing nuthatch. Solve the problem like any other Deviant, loser, troglodyte republican. Hunt me down and shoot me!
DO, you are a rude low intellect punk that was thrown off of this site before for your vulgar posts. You have a high level of cognitive dysfunction that renders you useless. Republicans own you. Your smarter cousins are big Republican donors. Republicans are watching you...always. Republicans have your home bugged. Republicans are monitoring you by satellite. Republicans implanted a tracking chip in you the last time you were in the mental hospital. It is now time for another visit to the mental hospital, DO. You are a five alarm nut job on full display. Keep it up! Prepare for Trump to be re-elected. DO, you will be Republican Chair for Carbon County. Clean up your dirty act.
Rambo, you're a timid little lamb who hides behind a fairytale god and the collective ignorance of a deviant political party lead by a retarded child. You exude false bravado from behind the crumbling MAGA facade. You're a loser and feeble minded drone.
You're so easily manipulated it's pathetic. I post one word and you dance like an angry little monkey on my leash.
Ha Ha DO. Republicans love you. Republicans will carry you up the hills of life since you are weak and pathetic. You are a hater with documented mental disorder. America is great in spite of your petty hatred. You were forcibly removed from the TN website before for your vulgar dysfunctional posts. America is getting better and better every day and you hate it. Trump is President and you are not. I spent 20 years in the military defending your right of freedom of speech. When you misuse that right I am going to set you straight. You are a vulgar low intellect punk that should be ashamed of what you post. If you had any standards at all, you would be ashamed. Keep it up. You are the laughingstock of the area. MAGA! You are ignorance on full parade.
Keep dancing monkey...
And, the only thing your 20 years in the military means to me is that you had your hand in my pocket for 20 years. I fed you, clothed you, gave you excellent medical care and now a pension and you probably hatched critters that I had to put through DOD schools. You received the ultimate hand out, don't expect me to thank you, leach. FYI you're supporting an illegitimate president. who tramples the 1st Amendment everyday. There hasn't been a bigger direct threat to the U.S. citizen's rights since 1812. You served yourself not me. And, since you've completely lost site of this, one of your own "conservative, christian animals" in the article is a pedophile.
DO, you are a nut job. You are free because of the wonderful U.S. Military. When you rest that dysfunctional head at night you can thank your lucky stars that people greater than you put themselves in harms way to give you the right to open that big mouth. I buried better men than you will ever be. I am going to call you out in honor of the fallen. You only make yourself out to be an ungrateful fool when you disrespect the military. My guess is that you wouldn’t behave that way in public. That is how cowards like you operate. You post for shock value from your parent’s basement in pajamas as others protect you. Ha Ha. America is Great!
Got to agree with DO on this one. If you see child pornography as a matter of temptation I'm not sure what that says about you and the temptations you are confronted with.

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