Governor vetoes $100M private schools bill in Pennsylvania
HARRISBURG. (AP) — Gov. Tom Wolf is vetoing budget-season legislation to substantially ramp up taxpayer support for private and religious schools in Pennsylvania.
In Wolf’s veto message Tuesday, he questioned why Pennsylvania should expand a tax credit that subsidizes private institutions while the state’s public school system remains underfunded.
The Democratic governor also criticized the tax credit program as lacking accountability, saying little is known about its educational quality or the middleman groups that can withhold 20% of the money.
The Republican-controlled Legislature passed the bill over Wolf’s objections amid budget discussions. Just four Democrats voted for it.
It would have nearly doubled the Educational Improvement Tax Credit to $210 million annually. The program effectively lets corporations and business people direct tens of millions in tax dollars to favored private and religious schools.
Now you tell me... Why would this governor come against common sense, as this proposed bill is?
As for accountability? A sad excuse Tom Wolf. Do you hold the Philadelphia Public School District accountable for all the folly going on down there (look this stuff up folks). In 2016, PA Government Schools ranked 41st in "Cost Per Student" ($15,418), yet we rank 24th overall the states, in quality. How's that for accountability?
Now remember how this disaster is funded. Look folks, if you don't pay the thugs in charge of the Government School, those thugs will take away your house. Wake up to the reality of government education! Wouldn't it be nice for all to unite on this one issue? Well why not? Oh... because the teachers have already poisoned the water.
What's taught in the classroom today, will be embraced by Government tomorrow. Can anyone say "Socialism" ?
Are you so one-sided that you don't realize that the GOP is being greased by the Catholic Church and private schools to support vouchers and other schemes to divert tax monies into their coffers?
Do you even have children Joe? We raised seven.
Are you a teacher? You don't have to answer that. You are all over the place in your belief... hard to nail down?
So Joe... I hate giving them all, so I vote nothing.