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Sarah Sanders knows about ‘empowered women’

Published June 24. 2019 12:38PM

Last December, during Politico’s annual Women Rule Summit, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, was asked if she thought women can have it all.

“I think it would be a true disservice to every woman in the country if we ever believed anything differently,” Sanders answered. “I want my daughter to see that if she wants to do anything in this world, she’s capable of doing that … she’s capable of having and raising a family and doing that in a powerful way.”

If there’s a person who can speak with authority on “empowered women,” it’s Sarah Sanders, who’s been able to balance her grueling job in the administration with being a wife and mother of three young children.

Few women could have survived such a pressure-packed job.

When first asked by the press to describe her boss, the 45th president, Sanders answered that he’s not going to hold back, adding that Americans elected Trump “because he’s a fighter.”

Sarah is cut from the same cloth. Faced often by a liberal media, she’s managed to take criticism in stride.

One of the most egregious personal attacks on Sanders came at the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, an event which the president has chosen to boycott since his election in 2016. Sanders was sitting just feet away when comedian Michelle Wolf began hurling insults, calling her a “liar,” disparaging her looks and that she was “disappointing white women.”

Wolf also attacked presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway and even made light of aborting a fetus.

Most felt the ugly insults crossed the line, even by left-wing standards. Amazingly, Sanders walked into an after-event party wearing a smile. When asked about the personal attacks, she simply said they didn’t bother her and that she was praying for the comedian.

What Wolf did accomplish that night was to galvanize Trump supporters and throw gas on his negative press argument.

While Sanders showed a resilience in the face of personal attacks, her mother has not been as forgiving. In November 2017, Janet Huckabee wrote a letter to Los Angeles Times columnist David Horsey after he mocked Sarah’s appearance, calling her a “slightly chunky soccer mom” and stating that she “does not look like the kind of woman Donald Trump would choose as his chief spokesperson.”

The columnist said Sanders’ mother was mad but dignified, and Horsey apologized, removing the offending paragraphs.

At an Indiana campaign rally on the eve of Election Day last November, President Trump invited Sanders and Conway on stage with him. After the crowd roared their approval, Sanders joked: “You have to forgive Kellyanne and I, we are a little speechless. We’re not used to friendly crowds.”

Sanders then explained how it was a great honor to serve in the administration and one of the most important jobs she could ever have, but that the greatest title she could ever hold is that of a mom.

After recently learning that Sanders would be leaving her post as White House press secretary, talk began circulating that she’s seriously considering a run for governor of Arkansas.

One thing for certain is that Sanders is no novice and can play political hardball.

She met her future husband, Bryan Sanders, a Republican pollster and strategist, in Iowa, before the 2008 caucuses and worked on all seven of her father’s political campaigns before coming to Washington.

Going toe-to-toe with an often hostile and liberal media has earned Sarah Sanders the respect of millions who loved seeing the Trump team on offense and scoring points when she was on the field.

By Jim Zbick |

You are one hate filled man. Sanders stands on a firm foundation, you stand on quick sand I feel.
Why would you attack her like that? She'd eat you up in a debate Joe, and that's what really digs at your thin skin, isn't it?
Joe's not just a liberal, Joe's a woman! Ha Ha Ha
Joe reads crap from a lib's rag!
Vanity Fair is, "Left Biased based on editorial positions that always favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record." (10/18/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 5/11/2019)
Good for them, however, their story selection almost always favor the left and they routinely report negatively on the right. But my question is, why would "Joe", cite such a left leaning rag written to social snobs and confused babes?
Come on "Joe"...
I don't give a hoot what Vanity Fair Reports, knowing how left they lean sweetie.
As for not having meetings? Why should she? She's been spit on by the left leaning snobs of high society. She's clearly not at their level, and they clearly don't want to hear from her. That's been made obvious. Now move along toots, Rosie O'Donnell is giving an interview on TMZ, you don't want to miss it!
Google, one of the most powerful organizations in the world has just been proven to be pushing an anti-Trump agenda. How about that Joe? Didn’t notice, or, unproven Trumpian sources- which excuse this time Joe? Ignorance or refusal? Operation Veritas. You, Joe, are a fraud. You try to hold President Trump to a high standard that you can never attain. Impeach Trump because he said his dad was born in Germany, right? Didn’t seem to notice Google is “lawlessly anti-Trump”. Didn’t seem to notice bias and hatred toward Sarah Sanders. Keep it up Joe! Those bone spurs in your head are making your Trump Derangement Syndrome worse.
Perhaps God is on Trump's side? I mean, with all the cheating and help from FBI, DOJ, Google, Hillary still lost. That loss has the snowflake idiots in a anti Trump meltdown. Ha Ha Ha
May God Bless an America, that blesses God.
Very good article Mr. Zbick. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a fine woman that did a wonderful job. You could find no better example of a loyal God Faring woman serving her country and our President. Haters see things differently. Joe, you reveal your bigotry with your ends justify the means fraudulent position. When you refuse an education, you become a fraud to yourself. Of course your hatred of President Trump bleeds through as utter disdain for anyone associated with him. I am not sure what press conferences you witnessed to indicate (falsely) that Sarah hides from the press. Press conferences were reduced because of the disrespect of certain members of the hostile media that tried to use hatred of Trump to make fame in exchange for honor, respect, and ethics. In fact, a am surprised they had any press conferences at all given the lack of respect some gave.You, Joe, are intellectually disabled due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. You seem to enjoy the personal insults Sarah endured. Why is that? What happened to the all inclusive liberal posture? You insult Trump for fighting back...yet you are ok with that now. How would you address someone who tried to blackmail you? You liberals think Trump should lay down and take it...however, you blast your mouth over any perceived slight as you encourage blasphemy against all associating with Trump. Hateful liberals, like you Joe, want to even blackball Sarah from getting a job. You like that I suppose. I am going to highlight your hypocrisy. Liberals can dish it out, but, you can not take it. Sarah is a great person that puts frauds like you,Joe to shame. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Failed self proclaimed genius, keep it up. At the FL re-election Rally when Sarah spoke millions of people showed disagreement with you.
I might add that until recently(Trump’s election) unless you were a political junkie you didn’t even know who the Presidential Press Secretary even was. Now, Liberal hate groups won’t even let her dine in peace in a restaurant. Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display.
Come on Joe. What makes Sanders different from the other two...women is that she works for President Trump. Therefore she is guilty by association with someone that you hate. This is why Manafort is in jail. This is why some liberals boycotted the inauguration. This is why a 2+ year fake investigation that was a hoax was created and supported by fake news outlets. You, Joe, are rendered intellectually useless by hatred of someone you never even met. You also possess no interest at all in finding out the truth. Repeatedly you overlook facts that would set you straight. Trump Derangement Syndrome has eliminated your objectivity. Too bad...for you. Keep it up. Ignorance is bliss!

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