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Saving our Democracy

Published June 22. 2019 07:02AM

Yesterday we saw, right before our very eyes, just how little influence the individual citizen has in our sacred elections. When Justin Amash spoke the truth about what Robert Mueller put in his report, the DeVos family announced that they would no longer fund his campaign.

While we have long known that our politicians are bought by the rich, the rich used to at least do it quietly. Not any longer. Apparently, being bought is no longer a bad thing. You can only be a candidate if you have the backing of the super rich. And you only have their backing if you govern their way, not the way that is best for the country. That is why, when I write to my representatives, I get no answer. Oh, granted, I get an answer if my question fits into one of their form replies. If, for example, my email includes the word immigration then I get their immigration form reply. I never get replies to my questions about ethics, rule of law or the Constitution.

They are only answerable to the deep pocket. As someone who has never contributed to a political party or candidate, I say it is time that we contribute, in our small way, so that we can become relevant again. We will never get politicians to make laws restricting political contributions so we must take the process into our own hands.

Through the internet it is now easy for us to make a difference by contributing to candidates we think will reflect our ideals. Don’t kid yourselves, the Constitution is currently in peril. We are watching as the White House ignores the rule of law and any ethical standards we thought we lived by. Its occupants ignore our Constitution and try to rule like dictators. The longer they do this the more Republicans fall into their web of corruption. Please, we must do our best to stop the corrosion and put ourselves back on the right track. We must earn our democratic form of government. We cannot just continue to assume that it will always be there for us.

Don’t do nothing or we are lost. Contribute and VOTE. PLEASE.

Linda Maguire

Jim Thorpe

DO, this is one for the ages! Here you are supporting a save America from ignorance campaign! I laughed until I cried, this is so ironic! This is the greatest post ever! Thanks for posting it!
For the first time in history a legitimately elected President was rebuffed by haters with Trump Derangement Syndrome. Organizations conducted a hoax investigation that lasted over two years. A silent coup had “insurance “ against him if he were to assume office. Several news media outlets enflamed hatred in disillusioned viewers as lies were propagated. Even before he assumed office Democrats decided to boycott Trump’s inauguration. Never Trumpers and Trump Derangement Syndrome inflictees set the tone of resistance ever since. President Trump is unorthodox. This air strike on Iran thing sure is surreal. It will be a while before things develop. For you to say that, “...Fox and Friends...coaxed...” is wrong. This indicates your extreme bias and hatred. I was on some air strikes and find this tactic unusual, but, maybe a glimmer of brilliance is in it. Only the ignorant ridicule before the situation develops. I surely wouldn’t look to you, Joe, for any military advice. Yet, you are all ready to give it. You are programmed for negativity. This is why you, Joe, are always wrong. Joe, you are the moron we need to keep out of office. Even months after you are proven wrong you can’t give it up. Don’t go join the Iranian Army yet Joe.
Dear Linda,
You need to first understand this, loosing the Democracy would be good.
The United States of America was never to be a democracy. The Founding Fathers were mostly educated men, who knew history, civics, and philosophy. Consequently, they understood the distinction between a Democracy and a Republic.
In brief, a Democracy is Rule by Majority, while a Republic is Rule by Law.
Now shut off CNN, NBC, and The View.
Well Joe, this is a represented republic. We lawfully elected Donald Trump. He is doing much good in spite of all you anti Trump folks. Just accept that we have who we have.
We'll see in 2020, if the heartland is still alive. Or perhaps by then... the Demoncrats will have been revealed for the crimes they've been engaged in.
Come on Joe...
In a republic, small geographical region elects a leader who represents that region, taking those regions opinions to the meeting of all the other leaders, and voting takes place. This turns 316,000,000 people into 551 people (on the federal level). Much easier to vote that way. Throwing the word "democracy" in there is what has all the kids confused and willing to referendum everything. Stop it! America is a Represented (Representative) Republic. But the liberal ways of the "Demoncrats", is turning America in to chaos.
Justin Amash is leaving the Republican Party to join Democrats and Joe in the freak show of the leftist radicals.

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