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Relief from the political divide, even on July Fourth

Published July 01. 2019 12:29PM

The political chasm dividing America continues to grow each day as we’re seeing partisan politics at every turn.

A generation ago we could escape the constant political bickering through entertainment and sports. National holidays like July Fourth would also bring people together, at least temporarily.

Today, each of these outlets have become polluted by politics and many times it’s women activists at the forefront, especially on social issues.

Actress Alyssa Milano and Megan Rapinoe, co-captain of the U.S. women’s soccer team, have sounded off in recent days. Both despise President Donald Trump and his policies.

Rapinoe’s outright hatred of the president surfaced in a vulgar response when asked by a reporter if she was excited about going to the White House if her team wins the Women’s World Cup.

“I’m not going to the (expletive) White House,” she swore.

Rapinoe made her hateful remark on a world stage, since it came before the World Cup game in France.

Switching from international sports to Hollywood, we recently saw Milano’s tweet attack on fellow actor Jon Voight, who is a vocal supporter of President Trump.

“Stay in your lane, Jon! Nobody cares what an out of touch actor thinks!” Milano tweeted, calling him a “has been” and a “F-lister trying to stay relevant.”

Voight, an Academy Award winner who was part of the anti-war left during the 1960s, said he discovered the “truth” and changed his political ways. He portrays U.S. Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger in an upcoming film about Roe v. Wade.

One of the few Trump-supporting actors in Hollywood, Voight has said the country is “stronger, safer and with more jobs under the president’s direction, and has called Trump the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln.

In response to Milano’s charges, he stated that he has sympathy for ignorant people and that he was once like that himself.

“I just root for everybody to come to the truth,” Voight said.

Voight’s response to Milano brought a barrage of tweets.

“How did Jon Voight keep his sanity, common sense and intelligence while working in show business all these year(s)?” one asked. “You rock.”

“The ‘Midnight Cowboy’ star proves all Hollywood elitists are not liberal lunatics, ie. Robert Dinero, Sean Penn, Alyssa Milano etc.,” another tweeted.

It’s sad when we see the nation’s great political divide extending to our national holidays.

This July Fourth, the president’s “Salute to America” event is being called “the largest celebration of Independence Day in our nation’s history.” Event organizers have said it is meant to stand for freedom and in opposition to the radical socialist policies being pushed by some members of Congress.

In the morning, A Rally for Freedom will be held on the U.S. Capitol lawn. At night, Jon Voight will join Moms for America in a stand against socialism in America at the Lincoln Memorial.

Some Democrats, including Rep. Betty McCollum of Minnesota, chair of the appropriations subcommittee overseeing the Interior Department, sent a letter to the president complaining about the logistics, cost and message sent by scheduling the event.

In a personal note she said the Fourth of July celebration is not about any one person and should not be used for campaigning.

The White House pushed back, saying the event is a time for the entire country to come together. Judd Deere, a White House spokesman, said the president just loves America and wants to help all Americans celebrate our nation’s independence.

By Jim Zbick |

Megan Rapinoe sounds like she's self destructing. Hate filled and just plain ugly. I too hope these hate filled evil people can find Truth, as the Truth will set you FREE!
Rapinoe is a Captain of the team representing the USA, is that not right? She just took a knee in the last game for the National Anthem, is that not right? I say get the SOB off the team. If you can’t respect the country you represent you should pack your bags. We can find a hundred better players that honor America. America is much bigger than a “self absorbing, self destructing...punk. Disagreement is fine. Character is the ability to rise above minor disagreements and still win.
Only a nut-job would wrongly accuse President Trump of trying to “take away your rights.” Trump Derangement Syndrome is a mental illness.
What is with this Hitler nonsense? Who are you to project morality upon anyone? As a correction, I read a newspaper article that stated that Rapinoe knelt at the last game. There was an accompanying picture. It turns out that the article was erroneous the picture was from a previous game. Apparently, the League made a rule that you had to stand for the anthem in order to play in the game. Rapinoe then stood in compliance, but, she refused to place her hand over her heart as a sign of respect. She refused to show respect like you Joe, as you do not capitalize the “T” in Trump. Does that make you feel better? By not giving the slightest respect to your country or your President only shows your (and Rapinoe’s) lack of character. Both of you live in the greatest country in the world. Citizens greater than you or she will ever be, sacrificed their lives to keep you free. If you are too shallow to understand and respect that...that is your dysfunction. You state that Rapinoe is gay. That is her business, but, since you brought it many gay players are on the Iranian Soccer Team? None...gays are killed. Rapinoe should be thankful of her heritage. America is the greatest country in the world. Rapinoe should display the character of a grateful champion rather than a spiteful you Joe. Jesus would want you to wise up.
Come on Joe...
Your Trump hatred comes from something he said nearly a decade ago.
This soccer babe is representing America. This soccer chick has one job, and that's kicking a silly ball around, not Presidents. The girl's lost her freaking mind! To many concussions? Put an end to this soccer stuff, it's destroying minds, like our dear friend "Joe". Now what rights is this snow flake soccer babe loosing?
I'm not Jesus, I'm Mike Meyers from Walnutport.
As for respect? That's earned in my world. This soccer broad has lost my respect because she's forgetting her place. She said, “So it’s kind of a good ‘f-you’ to any sort of inequality or bad sentiments that the [Trump] administration might have towards people who don’t look exactly like him. Which, God help us if we all looked like him. Scary. Really scary. Ahh, disturbing.”
What a classy broad.
Joe, be sure to capitalize the “T” in Trump as a sign of respect for your legitimate President and the great country he represents. Warriors put their lives on the line for you to be free. Freedom is not free. People who disrespect their great country are petty little frauds. Maybe, if you were shot at by hostile forces you would have a better understanding of the cost of freedom. I am so proud to be an American, everyday is the 4th of July for me. I buried better warriors than you will ever be. The least someone can do is show respect...that is duty, honor, & character.
Isn’t it strange how you stick up for Rapinoe as you belittle Sarah Sanders. Why is that, Joe? Let me tell you why. You hate Sanders because she is guilty of associating with someone you hate, President Trump. Isn’t it funny how you alter your position to support a Trump hater. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. America should cut Rapinoe from the team. She is a troubled person. Also, it looks like we can win without her. America deserves better than to have a selfish fool representing it. Be sure to show respect and capitalize the “T” in Trump. Or do you lack character...just like Rapinoe?
You are off on a tangent for homosexual behavior? Is homosexuality a religion? Are you a champion for those who's faith relies sexual release? Is sex your motivation? You have me perplexed? My God isn't a pleasure of flesh thing Joe. My faith causes no harm, and it doesn't cause me or anyone else to come against natural law and order. I'm not a coward, I even offered to have a sit down, face to face discussion... didn't I? Do I not use my real name in my posts? Come on Joe, you're coming apart at the seams. You are more confused than this soccer chick.

Mike Meyers
Walnutport, PA
Come on Joe, this society has allowed her MUCH! She's no victim! Stop it! She's molding herself in to a mess. Pride before the fall. Now just watch.
Now when it comes to how I would handle a POTUS who attempts to take away my rights? It happened. Barack Obama tried to take away first and second amendment rights. I waited the mess out. It was hard, but I didn't hate Obama, I prayed for him. As for my faith? It can not be taken from me.
That group made a decision to try and find happiness in a place they'll never be happy. Trump never made a threat, but that group keeps pushing against the norm, against God, and against the heartbeat of America. They'd be fine to have just remained in the quiet, but they can't, they'll shove their ways in the face of truth. Look Joe, these LGBTQ folk are causing others to follow them in to misery. Did you ever look at the stats behind suicide? Since this is queer pride monf, let's dig in to those stats.
Now as for this soccer bimbo... her position is to play soccer. She'll turn many away from soccer, as colin kaepernick turned many away from football. Her visit to DC isn't for Trump, it's for soccer. It's not even about the soccer chick, it's about the game. She can't contain her selfish desire to try and convince the world that she's normal in her sexual perversion. She made a choice, now shut up and kick that silly ball around.
Imagine if we had a citizen who:

Disrespected President Trump.
Refused to acknowledge the results of the Presidential Election of 2016.
Attempted a silent coup against a legitimate President.
Created a fake Russian Collusion Dossier to attempt impeachment of said President.
Held a fake investigation for over 2 years to attempt impeachment proceedings.
Targeted citizens with threats to create evidence.
Created fake news outlets that lied 24/7 against the President.
Overlooked crimes by Hillary Clinton.
Developed Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Get out of your narrow universe.

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