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Support Property Tax Reform

Published June 04. 2018 09:09AM

Property tax reform is coming! Get it right! Legislators throughout Pennsylvania are focusing on property tax elimination due to the overwhelming passage of the November referendum. Our local legislators have sponsored SB/HB 76. Many legislators are also sponsoring feel-good property tax exclusion legislation that caters to special interests. Homestead exclusion bills reduce school property taxes for owner-occupied residences only. These toothless proposals let school districts retain property taxing authority, leaving businesses and renters stuck with property tax AND increased income and sales tax.

In contrast, the Property Tax Independence Act, HB/SB 76, currently in the Legislature, is the gold standard for property tax reform. Unlike flimsy homestead exclusion proposals, “76” eliminates school tax for ALL property in Pennsylvania and eliminates school districts’ authority to levy property tax.

Homeowners are not left holding the bag when an industry leaves or a hospital goes nonprofit. Companies will find the Poconos attractive again. Special tax abatement deals will no longer be necessary to lure industry to the area. One of these proposals will be implemented. It’s urgent that homeowners and businesses make sure it’s the best one.

Implore our distracted legislators to sponsor HB/SP 76 now.

Byron Schnell


Make PA a "Right to Work" state. Join the "National Right to Work Committee" These teachers unions, and public works unions rely on taxes, taxes, and more taxes.

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