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Thought’s on Trump’s celebration

Published July 11. 2019 12:17PM

Dear Editor,

I read with interest Jim Zbick’s column praising the Independence Day celebration ordered by President Donald Trump and paid for by the taxpayers of this country. I was surprised he did not also praise Mr. Trump for the history lesson. I had no idea that we had airports during the War of 1812, or was it the Revolution?

I also wonder if Jon Voight, who lectured on the evils of socialism and was praised by Mr. Zbick, realizes that Sweden and Norway, two prosperous democracies, have been governed by socialists for years.

Finally, Mr. Zbick seemed to think the extravaganza had nothing to do with the president’s re-election campaign. Within 24 hours of his appearance, the Trump re-election campaign was running ads featuring the rally.

Deborah Smith


This was a campaign rally, make no mistake of it. Or maybe he was making up for disrespecting our veterans by skipping the wreath laying ceremony last Veterans Day. Or making up for wishing us a "Happy Memorial Day!" Hell, pick any number of acts of disrespect to our military that he was trying to compensate for.
Come on Joe, that event was to repair the deteriorating national pride that once was the very "Heart Beat of America". He doesn't have to do anything extra to win 2020.
History tells us three of the four presidents preceding Donald Trump didn't participate in the traditional Arlington Ceremony at one time or another.
Disrespect to our military?
That was the Kenyan who gave the ‘latte salute’ to his Marine guards. Barry was too concerned over illegal aliens earning $15/hour at McDonalds, yet used a loophole in the US Code to deter a pay raise to the military. I remember that Joe.
Lest you forget dear Joe, how the Kenyan set 5 of the most evil terrorists in Guantanamo Bay free in exchange for a soldier who went AWOL and who soldiers died trying to locate and save. Screw you Joe, I had sons serve under that horses ass. His care for our vets, especially wounded veterans was dreadful.
Hey Joe, I remember President Trump skipping a debate during the primary season and raising $6 million for veterans instead. You are a mixed up person, whoever you are.
You need to stop watch MSNBC and CNN.

Mike Meyers
Walnutport, PA
A Proud American
Thankfully, the younger generation isn't as racist as you. You are not Christian, you are the opposite.

None of those previous presidents skipped the wreath laying due to not wanting to go out in the rain.
There is no such thing as racism. It is a lie perpetrated by the liberal socialists.
I side with Alveda King on this.
Since racism is a made up thing, I can't be a racist. I don't see skin color as you do.
What are you talking about? My reference to the Kenyan is more of a cultural basis, and really leans more to ridicul of his questionable origins. In my heart, I believe he's Kenyan. He never really acted as one who loved this country, and certainly his wife doesn't. Get out of here with that racism garbage you rhetorically spew... you don't know me. Heck, you don't know Obama either. Look up who the last president really is. Check him out, and you might think of him in a new way.
When did Obama live in Kenya?

Obama is far more of an American than trump. Obama dedicated his entire life to public service. Trump dedicated his life to greed, sex and immorality. Obama is a faithful husband who didn’t pay porn stars for sex and secrecy.

I’m not even a supporter of Obama but I know a good man when I see it. You hate Obama because he is black. Black is worse than all of trump’s immorality. That’s sad
Joe, why are you wasting your time arguing with people that have minimal critical thinking skills, and don't seem to even read articles by respected journalists. I get a kick out of reading some of these posts and wonder where the heck they were educated. Hopefully in the next election the lower class, lower middle class and middle class will not continue to be deluded in thinking that King T. actually cares about them. The younger generation is fed up with what they see and women are not going back. Recall the election on 2018. Educated women prevailed and will again!
Dear Deborah,
You'll learn that the success of these countries is only based on a capitalist foundation.
Sweden has been privatizing socialized sectors, to be more like us. They're privatizing education and health care, cutting tax rates, and making welfare less generous. Sound Familiar?
But please... You are free to MOVE!
Let those who hate her, leave.

Dear Deborah Smith,
I am in review of your letter concerning the recent 4 July “celebration in DC.” You are certainly entitled to your opinion. Thank you for that. I, however, see things differently. I begin with the basis that America is a great country no matter who is President. It is always funny when a politician makes a gaff. I would hope that you would not have any animosity toward our great military directed through President Trump. Firstly, we hold a parade for every sports team like the NFL, NBA, NHL, USA Women’s Soccer, USA Olympic Team, etc, when they win a Championship, right? Why not have a parade for the US Military Team too. The Military has a never ending season. The Military is the reason we are free and continue to be free. The Military has fine people that risk their lives with specialized training to prepare for their “game”, which just happens to be life or death. To showboat and recognize all branches of our wonderful Military was awesome. I was a USAF pilot for 20 years and I can tell you that the President recognizing the service and sacrifices was worth it’s weight in gold. 40 Gold Star Mothers were there, several WWII veterans, several Medal of Honor recipients, and several amputees made the event worthwhile from that aspect alone. Secondly, morale boosting is like advertising in that you can not determine the cost benefit relationship. Everyone likes a pat on the back after a job well done. I am sure you do too. I remember when I graduated from Officer Training School, and when I had my wings pinned on me after Flight School as two of the happiest days of my life. The Military is hard work, not easy, and matter what you do. Having President Trump give a parade made every veteran present and past proud. A nice history lesson was given to those that were unfamiliar. Watch as recruitment rises as young people volunteer for a military career. That is what happened to me when I was 5 years old. My dad took me to an air show. I saw the USAF Thunderbirds fly. I told my dad, a former US Army Drill Instructor & Combat Vet, that I wanted to be a USAF fighter pilot...and...years later I was. If you hate President Trump for this $1.5 Million expenditure remember that the Mueller Investigation cost $30-35 Million. Also, President Trump donates his $400k all to charity.
I just wanted to tell you that to Military personnel the event was priceless. To citizens the event was at the very least an introduction and at most a career for many. For Americans the event was wonderful to behold. President Trump has given the military a raise, better equipment, better morale (by far- check out changes to the ROE-Rules Of Engagement). If you hate President Trump that is your prerogative. Since you brought the subject up, I just wanted to tell you that I am so proud to be an American. I am so proud of all of the veterans whether it is their first day or last in service of this wonderful country, whether their service was in the Revolutionary War (protecting airports) to now. Thank you President Trump. I appreciate the pat on the back. The real heroes didn’t make it back...or were wounded. You guys & girls deserve a parade every day. Patriotism should not be a one way street. The Red-White & Blue Team deserves a trophy. Maybe I appreciate America more than most since I was shot at a couple of times. Maybe I am biased. God Bless America. About 100 friends of mine still in the military all think the military is the best it has ever been. Sometimes, good things develop out of the unexpected. Such is looking to be the case with President Trump. Who could believe it? We just have to be patient and see. Please keep an open mind in honor of the fallen...if not for anything or anyone else.
Right now there is a 19 yr old soldier that left home less than a yr ago about to go out on patrol in a foreign land, like Afghanistan, for the first time . He or she is about to put his/her life on the line for our freedom. If he lives through the night he will never see a ticker tape parade, nor will he see Millions of dollars. He will be satisfied if he and his buddies make it home. To him/her the Independence Day Parade meant the world.

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