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Keep Scouts separate

Published July 13. 2019 05:38AM

What’s happening to our world? Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts? If the girls want to do boy things let them, but they do not have to invade the boys’ territory in order to do those things!

The Girl Scouts can learn to tie knots, put up their own tents, put a worm on a hook, take a fish off the hook, build a fire and cook over an open flame, etc., all the things the boys do, and girls can do this all by themselves, or can they?

If I were a Boy Scout, I wouldn’t want to be held back just because I need to “help a girl” do boy things.

On the other hand, being a girl myself, I would rather find out that I can do all those things without needing the help of a boy! I think I’ve lived most of my life that way, I just believe the “old way” let boys be boys and girls be girls, the way God set it all up, and thanks be to God. Oh, and one thing more, I DO appreciate a man’s help when I find something I just cannot do myself, and thank God, again that we have men and boys, who will and CAN help us when we need it.

Ruthann Schlecht


This same ridiculous letter was posted before. It’s a shame Ruthann was raised to believe “girls hold boys back”
Very nice letter Ruthann. You are right about the confusion in today’s society. We can thank the liberal political agenda for this. Two bathrooms aren’t enough choices today. Use whatever bathroom you feel like using...right now. How about transgender athletes that were male using unfair advantages to eliminate young women athletes from competition, and ruining all chances of a coveted college scholarship? Forced gender confusion complicates everything. Liberals can not leave well enough alone. Liberals hold America back. When will this end?
Social experiments that fail, and take many innocent livesdown with it. There are many differences between boys and girls, in case you haven't noticed.
Look deeper Joe. Why has enrollment dropped? Look at funding too. There's much to this story that you are missing. One social experiment that helped take down BSA is our societies embrace of homosexuality. The BSA removed the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation, and that's when parents decided there were better places to take little junior.
Please, enrollment was down long before the policy changed. A social experiment is when you try to create social structures that are different from the reality. Having a single gendered organization is the definition of a social experiment.

Sorry, I know you prefer the BSA be a hate group against those with different sexual preference than you but they are far more relevant than you.
The Boy Scouts of America are (were?) a great organization that serves as a foundation of America in that it essentially turns boys into young men. These young men have a long list of accomplishments. I will take an Eagle Scout over you Joe any day. Scouts have (had?) an incredible list of achievements long before liberal whack jobs accusations of being “a single gendered experiment,” as you accuse. If you allow the BSA to be an experiment, then you must acknowledge the positive contribution to America and society in general. The BSA is not a hate group Joe. You are crazy to even say that. The girls have their organization too. The GSA are wonderful also. I was involved with the BSA for years and saw little boys become fine young men that helped old ladies across the street. Joe you are an intellectual fraud with hatred toward the BSA/GSA organizations. You should open your wallet for these fine organizations instead of your mouth against them.
No Joe, I never looked at the BSA as a hate group, but I did have a Scout Master who was a pedophile.
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country...
While the rest of the country went the way of " it is forbidden to forbid", the BSA didn't adopt that.
The nature of the Boy Scout program puts boys under the supervision of scoutmasters that spend days or weeks together – sharing tables, toilets, and tents. Such a program could not function well without a high degree of trust and morality. To give in on these points would ruin the program.
Liberals on local United Way agency boards soon accepted complaints about the “exclusionary” practices of the Boy Scouts against homosexuals. The United Way began excluding the Boy Scouts from their funding. That wasn't such a big deal, as private donations picked up, but the perverted sexual queer society kept pushing... why? I don't know... I guess just because they can. You see Joe, these perverts love to bully people.
In July 2015, the Boy Scouts bowed to activists’ pressure, by allowing openly homosexual (sexually perverted) scoutmasters. I saw way back in the 70's how that works, remember I had a queer pedophile as a scout master.
The erosion slowly continued. In 2017, the Boy Scouts decided to further modernize by accepting girls as members in October 2017. Perhaps to fix the contradiction of having girls as boy scouts, the BSA announced in May 2018 the official name would be changed to the supposedly more inclusive “Scouts BSA.”
It didn't take long for the LGBTQFBAH to ruin the Boy Scouts of America. And you think that's good?
You think men should be allowed to use the wommans bathroom too?
What about these gender experimenters? I know a girl that transitioned to be a man. She's a total head case! She's suicidal, can't find work, and looks horrible. But folks like you tell her to go for it. it's your libertarian right. You and the rest of this country pushing this garbage, will one day stand before God.
hmmm, your Scoutmaster was a pedophile huh? And this is before the policy change? In those glory days of the BSA they banned gays but allowed scouts to be raped by scout leaders then covered it up. Nowadays openly gay leaders can serve, there are strict controls on behavior and abuse is reported. You really want us to believe the old days of the BSA were better?

Please point to one case of sexual abuse by an openly gay leader since the policy change.

You are a very hateful person. "Queers and perverts". WWJD? You don't care because it is obvious you don't read the red letters.
Jesus would call them out, not let them lurk among the young men. Joe, you will argus till the cows come home, but you are on the wrong side here... again. The church where we met held leadership to no accountability, for you see, the lead pastor, the guy leading me through confirmation, left his wife for a woman from that church. I use my full name, and if I posted more details, perhaps another reader would back my claim. But that doesn't matter, as my point is clear. You can tire a person with your maniacle BS.
Bottom line... sexual perverts bullied the BSA in to near non existance. I bailed out before I could even begin aquiring badges toward Eagle. I fled the BSA in 1973. I don't claim all homosexuals are attracted to young men, but they certainly don't serve God in morality.
Hey, if you don’t like the BSA, then don’t join the BSA. It is simple as that. I don’t see why anyone wouldn’t like the scouts since they serve the local community and the individual and the nation. Why change a perfect organization? Girls can select to join the GSA, or not. Simple Conservative solution. If I am a Boy Scout member how does that hurt you, Joe? You liberal whack jobs interfere with everything that is not any of your business. Forcing liberalism on normal people is wrong. Liberal ideas fail when the truth about them is revealed. America is great. Boys that want to should join the BSA. Girls that want to should join the GSA. Get out your wallet to support both great groups.
Seriously though, why was this letter reprinted?
As the father of a daughter I am raising to be strong, my hope is that archaic attitudes like this disappear. I don’t understand why this letter would be reprinted unless the paper has an agenda.
Archaic? God made Man and Woman, and He's not archaic. God does not live in time or space. He is, was, and is to come. There is a difference between girls and boys you know. Good luck with your adventure.
I have two daughters and five sons, all grown. There is a difference between us all, but a distinct difference between the males and females. IT's His design, and man should stop trying to change the design.
Girls become woman, wives, mothers... oh wait, they can't become mothers without a male.
But, "the idea that girls needs boys help" isn't really the concern of the letter writer Joe.
You raise your kids as you wish, and allow the rest to do as God wishes. Most of us respect the economy of God.
You seem to follow the wind, which blows this way and that. Do you ever get tired of being tied in knots by silliness.
Liberal refusal of nature is funny. Joe, you state, “the idea that girls need boys help is archaic.” Perhaps, you are weak and need the assistance of girls and are unable to comprehend the question. Please remit the year in which this unique concept of yours became archaic, after thousands of years? Clear thinking individuals understand that at times boys need girls help, just as at times girls need boys help. That is the way of nature. Come on Joe, get real. Get your wife to help you understand this. That would be a fine example of a girl helping out a boy. Touché.
Come on Joe. Odds are that your lovely daughter will never bench press 400lbs. Odds are your lovely daughter will never be a Navy Seal or a Green Beret and rappel out of a helicopter with a K-bar knife in her mouth. Men and women are different Joe. I hope your daughter grows up to be strong and independent. Leave nature take its course as has been the way since the beginning of time. Liberal ideals of forced genderization is wrong. Liberalism is a fraud. Liberals always fail when they have the truth revealed about them. Maybe the paper needed some fluff to fill in empty pages. Don’t use your lovely daughter as a political pawn to push a fake liberal agenda. Failed liberalism has caused enough suffering. Meyers is right on this one. Please acquiesce to your wife’s judgement in bringing up your daughter.
There is no co-ed BSA troops or packs in Lehighton last check.
With a strong Girl Scout presence, there has been no interest in girls joining a cub pack or BSA troop.
I am a leader in both worlds and have seen the mud fly. Everything done in BSA is available in GSUSA... it is up to the leaders to listen to the girls and provide the lessons.
Great job Scout Leader. Thanks for your time. Taking time to help kids become adults through scouting is one of the best things anyone can do. Everyone should open their wallet and help instead of opening their mouth to insult. Keep those Girl Scout Cookies coming!

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