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Superintendent salary

Published July 18. 2019 01:05PM

To the editor:

What do most members of Congress and county judges in Carbon, Schuylkill, Monroe, Lehigh and Northampton counties have in common?

They earn less, in base salary, than the Parkland School District Superintendent of Schools Richard Sniscak: $174,000 and $183,000 compared with $187,326. The governor of Pennsylvania earns less than $12,000 more than Sniscak. Does that make him more important than members of Congress, county judges and Gov. Wolf? Hardly.

Richard Ochs


The superintendents make peanuts when compared to other chief executives in companies with similar sized budgets.
with one minor exception, school districts tax communities to fund budgets vs. private business which typically offers products or services at a price consumers agree to pay.
Joe the question isn't paying good school supers, the question is how, again this cannot equate to a private enterprise due to the fact schools tax the community. And to play satans advocate one could claim schools do produce a product, an educated young member of American society. I would personally in favor of appointing one super to oversee all districts in a given county, Pa has 501 school districts, that's 501 well paid ceo's in your terms, go by the county you are left with 67 high paid supers.
I would never be a fit for that job, I don't compromise on principal principles.
I would never be able to endure the folly of PSERS, and the Teamsters, as they waste the taxpayers money. Nope, not a place for me. How about you dear?
What did you do?

I’m not a superintendent but I am a chief executive. It’s hard work that requires dedication and education. If you immediately think you have to compromise on your principals to be a ceo than it’s a good thing you aren’t one.
I am just a Ham-n-Egger from Walnutport PA, who embraces family values and the teachings of Jesus.
I am far from perfect, but have common sense. I still do what I've always done, and I hate change.
You know that.
Joe, you embarrass yourself. Everything & every subject evolves into a Trump hating dysfunctional display. How about the awesome lunar that somehow Trump’s fault? Your Trump Derangement Syndrome has you defeated. You think everyone should hate President Trump just because you do. You are wrong. Did you ever think of rising above your condescending attitude and use an objective viewpoint? Many people are at least as smart as you. Who are you to insult other people’s morality? Your weakness causes you to project upon others the very failed concepts that drive you. You fail to see the Trump Tidal Wave on the horizon. Keep it up.
“What did you do?” Is this a nosey variation of the, “what is your level of education?” question, perhaps? We all know how that backfired on you. Are you a racist to raise this question? A CEO used to a leadership position would never pry personal information from others. Are you a corrupt manager? Maybe you should be replaced (if you haven’t been yet) for compromising your principles. Do you have a bias toward Republicans you work with? You are unable to see beyond your Trump Derangement Syndrome. You render yourself incapable of command.
Joe, as a business leader, are you able to put aside your extreme bias against President Trump? Do you use your grudge against employees & customers? Is it your principles that drive you to cheat workers & customers that are Republicans, every chance you can? Is it ok to spit in Republicans soup? Is it ok to fire employees that voted for Trump? Is that taught bias that requires dedication and education? Is your opinion, as a self-proclaimed genius, the only one that matters, just like the dogmatism you display here? Does your leadership style ignore information that you don’t want to hear, just like here? Are girls expected to lift as much as men at your facility? Do you argue with everyone about everything? Are you hot tempered even though you don’t understand the question? Do you exhibit tremendous gaps in knowledge and understanding at work too? Maybe you should be relieved of command.
Rambo, go away. I am not answering your posts because you’re a troll. Stop trying, it’s harassment since I already told you to go away
Joe I have nothing personal against you. This TN site is for polite social discourse. Everyone is welcome here if they give honest input to share with fellow citizens...especially those of different views. You go wrong when you disparage & insult people. For example, I didn’t care for much President Obama did. I even met him once. That will be one of the greatest moments of my life. Openly insulting the President of the United States is disrespectful & rude at the very least. If you hate someone you never even met personally, isn’t that strange? You have evolved into someone that is blinded by hatred. Again, I don’t hate President Obama. I just agree more with President Trump. People who like President Trump are not inferior to you. For example, President Lincoln was hated by the entire South on the eve of the Civil War. The South seceded when he was elected. Half of the North didn’t want war. That half hated Lincoln because in their mind Lincoln caused the war. So, 3/4 of America in 1861 didn’t like Lincoln. Now, ask any 4th Grader who is their favorite President: Abraham Lincoln, Why: he got rid of slavery.
Time has to pass before you criticize any President. Do you have the character inside of you to realize there is a chance you are wrong? Assuming you want America to solve the North Korea, Iran...etc, problems. I come from a military background family that served in every war that America was ever in from the Revolutionary War to now. I am a Patriot that was able to serve my wonderful country for 20 yrs. I love America so much I was willing to sacrifice my life for the ideals of American freedom. In my “military occupation” I risked my life all of the time. I do not want accolades for that. The only reason I mention it is to frame my opinion for you to see. After you gain that experience, it sours you on people who insult any President, burn any American Flag, insult any American, etc. these behaviors are juvenile & ignorant. People should find better ways to disagree. After fighting for my country, I should not be spit upon if I choose to wear a MAGA hat. Things have gotten out of control. All Americans today need to show respect for the heroes that didn’t come home, or came home wounded, by showing respect. Is this too much to ask? America is great. Help make America greater tomorrow than it is today. Simply, I am not going to sit down and watch the America I love be insulted or ridiculed by anyone, whether it be ignorant or intentional.

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