It’s time to speak up
Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office and thumbs his nose at Congress. He thumbs his nose at the Supreme Court, the rule of law and the citizens of the United States. He does what he wants when he wants. He now has an Attorney General standing behind him showing him how to circumvent the very laws he swore to uphold.
Mitch McConnell stands behind him and says, “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll protect you from any pesky legislation that may get in your way. I have your back.” Trump is isolating us from the rest of the free world, and we are looked at with derision by those countries. Republican Party members sit quietly and watch the chaos continue. They watch this administration’s disdain for the Constitution grow.
Nobody speaks up. Nobody defends us. Since my senator doesn’t answer my questions privately, I am publicly asking Pat Toomey where he stands. Does he stand with the constant chaos, lies and corruption or does he stand with the Constitution of the United States?
Linda Maguire
Jim Thorpe
A real Republican man loves his man and his country!
P S. I love that Mitch "The Bitch" McConnell
President Trump embraces the Constitution as it was written, and in accordance with the original intent of the founding fathers as they penned that fine document, the envy of the world. The nose thumbing goes many ways in DC, so don't solely focus on Trump. As for chaos? Please take time to look up the black masked folks named ANTIFA. These people cover their faces and create Chaos (aimless destruction) everywhere they go. They are not Republicans, and they are embraced by the media. Perhaps you might ask yourself, why are so many against our President, and if they hate the POTUS so much, what does he stand for, and what does the distractors stand for. What are you intersested in? The Constitution, Law of the Land, Bill of Rights, Freedoms, Liberties????
We are very divided. Compartmentalize the major divisions and ask where you fit in.
As for me? I love America and want her to be seperate from the rest of the nations. I want them to be more like us, not us to be more like them. I see many of the other countries turning in to scrap heeps, or Sh _ _ holes. I don't want that here, nor did the founding fathers. I say, embrace God, His Word, The US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Common and Natural Laws, and Love one another, just as God loves us.