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Not what we voted for

Published July 20. 2019 06:24AM

The bill proposed, House Bill 1675, on the front page of the Times News of July 6, 2019, is not what we as Pennsylvania citizens voted on in November 2017. Those results were 53.9% in favor of the Homestead Exclusions Amendment! School property taxes were to be frozen in the first year and to be eliminated in the second year. Both deadlines will not be met. Just increase the sales tax across the board.

Also the schoolteacher tenure program must be abolished. New York and New Jersey did just that! If teachers were in the business world, these prima donnas would learn a lesson. Also a principal up to and including a superintendent should live in the school district. Local qualified people are passed over. Now we have principals driving from Moscow to Slatington.

Webster’s definition of a prima donna is a temperamental person who takes a delusional and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience.

No politicians should ever ring my doorbell!

Ron Scheffler


You call it "school teacher hate". I see it as frustration of Mr. Scheffler and a majority in the state. As for me? I wouldn't mind the extortion used to fund the government schools, but they are never happy, and ask for more, more, more. My monthly tax bill will soon exceed the original monthly mortgage on my NLSD properties. But what grinds my gears is the end product.
We have teachers giving money (union dues) to thhe progressive left wing Democrats, who turn around and use that money (originates from the property owner), against me (property owner).
Our students, on our dime, recieve left leaning progressive crap, disquised as "Education", and by the time they graduate, the've been thoroughly confused on myth verses truth, in regard to U.S. History. Look Joe, we have far too many young folks flocking to the side of socialism. Explain to me why that is. Between the mush brain teachers of the public schools and the progressive professors of the university, the kids are being indoctrinated, not educated. They fall for things antithesis to our Constitution, and natural law. That's OK with you? The high property tax is OK too?
God help us.
Threatening to take away ones home for failure to pay school property tax is extortion. "the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats"
I'm not so much against the salaries, as much as I'm against the end product. PA spends toward the top of all states, yet we're below the mean.
But teachers threaten the whole community, when they act like spoiled little children, in threatening a STRIKE! Come on Joe... The very ones who tell mommy and daddy, "there's no room for bullies", are the biggest bullies in town. Teachers don't go on strike to get better books, or better cafeteria food, or sfer security system for the kids... nope, they strike over co-pays, or salary increases, or some other union suggested reason, and the bullies follow. Mush Brained idiots need a union to do their bargaining for them. Too ignorant to speak for themselves. Often times, afraid of meritous pay raises, and they sure enjoy the tenure crap. Who else gets tenure? I've lost respect for teachers, because teachers all seem to fall in lockstep with their furror, the union chief.
In love, I say... Hit The Road
Teachers organized because they bought in! They were coerced in to it, and the free thinkers had no choice. You folks are the champions of choice, yet the ones leading you around by the nose don't give you a choice. Pro Choice my butt. Get in line, or get beat up! Did you ever see the exceptions to the laws that union officials can enjoy? Like the freaking mob! Strikes aren't rare Joe... where have you been? You crack me up! Wake up Joe!
There was a wave of strikes in 2018, West Virginia being the largest case of bullying, became known as the Red for Ed movement. Strikes will continue come fall. They don't strike for the children Joe... Nope!
Mike gets mush brain too, but I don't charge any to see it, and I don't sell it as education.

Sign Me
Mike Meyers
Good Letter Ron,
Make PA a Right to Work State. Defeat these Public Service Unions, which generate MILLIONS toward the Democrats (socialists). We need to wipe out the propaganda, and power of the unions if we are ever going to straighten out Pennsylvania's State Run Government Education Camps. The first Union we need to destroy is the teachers union. The teachers union cares nothing of the children, if they did, they wouldn't lean so darn hard on the children's parents with the extortion.
I find it hilarious how these ignorant teacher bashing troglodytes are ok with State Reps and Senators being bigger leaches on the taxpayers. A 1st year teacher's salary doesn't come close to 1st term state rep salary. Not to mention per diems, travel expenses, lodging and that sweet free health care for their entire fatass family. And, they also get extended summer and holiday breaks. Their pensions are also insane. Full pension after one term, it takes a teacher years to be vested, not to mention they contribute to the fund, politicians don't. But your mom with that aren't you? You'll just keep voting for the same thieving, drunken, wife beating, rapist Republican pig. Who needs a Union when idiots like you give these Republican losers job security? And these idiots don't need skill or knowledge to win an election.
Know what the hell you're talking about before go polluting my air with your foul breath, you trumptard.
T2C, here you go again. Let us point out your hatred & hypocrisy. You state, “But your mom with that aren’t you?” From there you go on to disparage Republicans, in a vulgar way, on many things including intelligence. You have pent up rage that reduces you to intellectual shambles. Maybe it is time to clean up your dirty act. If you are a juvenile, wait until you brain develops. If you are an adult, maybe you should read books instead of shooting off with that big mouth. Also, you are infatuated with “foul breath” for some peculiar reason. Go buy some toothpaste. Use it, then the rest of us will get a break from your nonsensical garbage. If only there was a “brain paste” to clean your need it!
Where's your Boyfriend? Not making you feel like a man? So, you have point out typos to make you feel like you have a sack? You're a punk ass loser. Crawl back into the closet queenie, nobody is interested the little woman has to say. We all know you're an ass, you can stop proving it.
“So, you have point out typos to make...” T2C, I am pointing out your hypocrisy. You call people losers when they are superior to you. You have a severe cognitive dysfunction that is on public display. My “boyfriend”, as you say, will soon be in jail. It is illegal to impersonate people for purposes of blasphemy. I will have him (Hi DO!) write you. You have pent up anger that also indicates weakness. This is in addition to the low intellect issue we discussed before. Hug your emotional support bunny rabbit and remember that warriors that are better than you are keeping you safe tonight. You should learn some manners. Go learn some respect & manners in the military. Big mouthed cyber bullies usually can’t last a week. If you think you are a tough guy, you are not. I’ve been shot at a hundred times by worthier foes than you. I love America. You are just a piece of ignorant garbage. Wise up! “Interested the little woman...” by the time you make 2 mistakes in combat you are usually dead T2C. Bye, bye, to you...tough guy. You are a jerk. Keep it up.
All of you in this comment section have lost track of whats at stake, school districts should adjust pay scales to what they can afford to attract teachers to their districts, teaching is a very difficult job.
We live is a science/ math/ technology driven world, one in which the USA is dangerously close to losing our current foothold to countries like India that are "thirsting" for the standard of living americans and Canadians enjoy.
And frankly we lost a lot, just look at the shameful invocation in congress last week where a "pastor" invoked his invisible sky god to defeat his invisible demon enemies. We have gone from the nation that discovered flight and traveled to the moon to the nation that relies on invisible friends for safety. For shame!
Every tax payer should want to give more to educate the youth of the community, into the leaders of tomorrow before its too late...

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