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City removes monument that included KKK-sponsored brick

Published July 18. 2019 10:18PM

WILKES-BARRE (AP) — Wilkes-Barre city officials have removed a public monument that included a recently added brick that was sponsored by a Ku Klux Klan affiliate.

The Citizens’ Voice reported Thursday the column monument in the city’s Public Square was taken down three weeks after a brick was placed on it bearing the name of the East Coast Knights, a KKK chapter that has recruited in Wilkes-Barre.

Harrisburg citizen activist Gene Stilp tried to chisel it off last week, resulting in a disorderly conduct charge. He says he plans to fight the charge.

The monument was installed in 2008.

Supporters could purchase engraved bricks for $35.

Wilkes-Barre Mayor Tony George tells the paper it was time to tear down the monument, which he says wouldn’t have survived ongoing renovations to Public Square.

While I do not subscribe to a tit for tat, knowing two wrongs make not a right...
We have a hate spewing Muslim babe in congress, who tweets, ‘Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel."
In 2013, Omar blamed America's "involvement in other people’s affairs" for an al-Shabab terrorist attack on a Kenyan shopping mall that year which resulted in nearly 70 deaths and 200 wounded. During that interview, Omar laughed and joked as she talked about Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.
She spews hatred toward Jews, as much as a member of the KKK, yet she remains in congress?
She is a brick in the wall of communism, a wall that many GREAT Americans gave their lives to tear down. She is a brick of anti America, and she too should be removed.
We either have freedom of speech or we don't. The "hate speech" legislation, is what has folks confused. A person with a deep sun tan can spit out all kinds of hatred, it seems. If that sun tanned person is a petite babe of some unknown religion? Well go for it toots, after all, you've got your own cigarette now baby, you've come a long long way.
All lives matter. Love your neighbor. We've lost our way folks. We've allowed America to be "Fundamentally Transformed". It's not too late to get things back in line.
Omar is about to be unveiled folks. Her story is very complicated, and I don't have half the details, but she is a fraud. My dislike for her has nothing to do with her sex, religion, or where she came from. My dislike is from her hatred toward Israel, and embrace of my countries enemies. I'll not get in to it, but time will reveal her for who she is. Wait and see.
No Joe, I'm a free thinker. I care, because she was given great opportunity, yet chooses to encourage others to hate that which raised her to the top. She's causing many to fall. I hate to see innocent people to be lead down the wrong path.
The second reason I care, is because she swore on oath, to uphold the Constitution, she hates the Constitution, and encourages others to follow her. I also care, because she called the POTUS a "Mother F _ cker", as she chanted the charge to impeach him. I could go on, but you won't listen.
You only wish to argue.
You are very tiring,
Wrong "Joe"
I have principles, I apply them, and I walk in truth.
Don't post such idiotic words, it merely blows your case.
You blow your case daily my friend.
You are an irritant.
Come on Joe. “At least for the time being”...Muslims are allowed to exist. Soon, Trump’s evil plan of Muslim extermination will begin. Is this crazy...or what? One can certainly be critical of anything in America, including Israel, if they wish. One should conduct themselves with class & integrity...especially if they are a member of Congress. Liberal blasphemy has been so common that you might not even recognize it because you encourage it. Maybe if you had standards you would notice.
Come on Joe. It is time for an intervention if you think Meyers supports the KKK. Maybe the heat is getting to you. Go get a drink of water. Please ignore any Democrat George Wallace speeches you might recall in your mind until you rehydrate. A good racist always stays hydrated. Keep up this stuff!
And here's "Joe"... you're a racist, no you're a KKK, no a sexist, a Christian, a zena...
Give it a break! All that name calling and poking makes you out to be a little sissy girl on the elementary school playground.
Grow up little Joey.
Wow, and how he (Mike) invokes the name of God in some of his his one post - God sent
King Trump. I get the impression you think you are a Christian, and that is pretty pathetic. The GOP has made a mockery of moral standards and now after the last campaign are morally bankrupt. and fail to even understand our constitution.
Not quite like that Country Girl, don't put words in my mouth.
Behaving morally is often the antithesis of self-interest, and many on the left care only about self.
I try to deny self daily. I fail, and try again. I am far from perfect, and I can trust you'll remind me of that.
Thanks, and enjoy the day Country Girl

They're back, our grandfathers thought they wiped the evil fascists and their hate for the "other" from the face of the earth but now we see those same eyes glazed with hatred and chanting the same vile slogans. Decades ago in Germany it was "get out Jews" and now at Trump rallies it is "send them back". The Jews were citizens of Germany then and the congresswomen are citizens of the USA now but that doesn't matter, all that matters is the color of their skin and the religion they practice. And oh my, why, because they dared to criticize our and Israel's policies, of course we all know only Republican's are permitted to criticize and everyone else that exorcises their rights need to "get out now". Yea, make you're grandfathers cry, vote for Trump. "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross".
LB, go ask your grandfathers what they really fought for. Your grandfathers fought for freedom. If they were in WWII, Korea, Vietnam or elsewhere, assuming they were Americans, they went into harms way to protect the interests of America. They saved the world from Nazi, Communist, and Fascism governments. They would cry because their grandchild is too stupid, to be frank about it, to realize what is going on. It is you liberals that are ruining America. I bet your grandfathers wouldn’t stand by as the American Flag gets desecrated by nut job haters. The Red, White, and Blue will always fly at my house. Just try and take it down. LB, you are a misdirected, misinformed malcontent. America is great. I love America. Go join the Army and learn what Patriotism is. Then your grandfathers will be proud. Don’t continue to embarrass your family name.
Isn’t it funny how Omar and the squad keep spouting out hatred to America & u liberal idiots keep defending them. Muslims hate America period. Don’t u see everyone that attacked us on 911 was a Muslim. They want to destroy us with there radicalizing Islam ways. That’s why Obummer was sent here & he almost succeeded. He managed to ruin the country’s economy for the next 3 generations with his radical spending. Spending more then all the previous 44 presidents in history combined. Sending the deficit to the moon. Soon Obummer care will be totally gone thank God that’s a good start. Thank God for Trump MAGA. I’m almost certain he will be re-elected with the stupidest coming from the other sides mouth & there radical ideas to socialize America. 4 more years then Pence for 8 years then America will have a good start on getting back to normal God guts & guns.
Wow a lot xenophobia messages here. Ignorant people living strong and stupid. Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. Should we prosecute all Christians because of his actions? And most you people bashing Islam don’t know a lick about it. Jesus is a prophet in the Quran. Which means guess what? Christians and Muslims worship the same god. oh my god it can’t be!
Wow a lot xenophobia messages here. Ignorant people living strong and stupid. Timothy McVeigh was a Christian. Should we prosecute all Christians because of his actions? And most you people bashing Islam don’t know a lick about it. Jesus is a prophet in the Quran. Which means guess what? Christians and Muslims worship the same god. oh my god it can’t be!
Why do you attack my faith? I'm surprised at you Joe. That's not right of you. It's become very obvious you are a disrespecting person, whoever you are. I will ask you to stop please. I'll also ask you to stop asking personal questions, as you definately prove to be thee kind of person who twists others words, and will throw them back in their face, only for personal gain. not good Joe
HeyGOP D, maybe it is time for you to visit the 911 Memorial in NYC. Then you can get a mirror and look at an example of, “ignorant people living strong and stupid”. Radical Muslims killed thousands of innocent Americans. Of course there are many good Muslims. Perhaps you might allow me to offer my opinion since I “faced” a couple of these radical Muslims in a not so fun environment. Have you ever seen a beheading? Understand that radical Muslims want to chop off your head if you don’t worship Allah. If that is ok with you and not xenophobia, why don’t you move over there? You won’t be able to learn “a lick about” anything with your severed head rolling down the hill. Wise up!
Country girl u touch yourself & live in a fantasy world. Women should remain bare foot & pregnant. They shouldn’t be allowed to vote either. If it wasn’t for the stupid woman voting Obummer our Muslim president would’ve never got elected. They fell for his supposed charm & charisma. What a joke stupid Muslim president with out the teleprompter could bearly put two sentences together. Born in Kenya should’ve never been allowed to ruin our country.

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