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What about the homeowner?

Published July 23. 2019 12:21PM

Lehighton school district taxpayers,

Well it does not shock me to see our school tax go up. You most likely can expect a tax increase every year. The question is how much? It’s no wonder after all, the district is always adding staff and new programs. Not to mention the bond for the new buildings, etc., and who knows what else they did. If you recall, you were told that the four school buildings were in bad repair, but yet one was sold for use as an academy, and is in use today. You were also told the school would save money by cutting staff, consolidated and more energy efficient.

So what’s the problem? I’ll tell you, it’s all about the board overspending money they don’t have. Getting the taxpayers in debt for decades, it’s a disgrace. By the time the bond is paid off, the building will need to be replaced, most likely. I am sick of hearing what’s best for the students. What about the homeowner that gets stuck with the bill? I only wish there were more Dave Bradleys on the school board.

Victor B. Leidy


They don't care about you. Visit
These teachers get very expensive benefits. You wouldn't understand, because you and I don't receive such..
Anyway, these teachers who fill little juniors head with mush cost big bucks to support. It's not about the Children, nor about you Victor.
It's all about teachers. Get yourself a part time job, cut back on groceries, medication, and creature comforts. Write that check, the teachers need it bad. Spending goes up for teachers during the summer vacation months.
I don't hate teachers Joe. I just hate the way they are funded, and the way they support the union. I don't like bullies. I don't like being bullied, and I certainly don't want to pay property taxes to support the Government Schools. I want choice.
You didn't read the page I selected, but you never do read, you just react.
You crack me up Joe.
Don't confuse yourself with your own thinking Joe!
What happens within the Government System of Training Camps, has NOTHING to do with capitalism.
You don't know what capitalism is built on.
Let's start with competition. Do the Government Trainers embrace competition?
Come on Joe!
Do those who instruct embrace choice?
Come on Joe, you're confused, but don't come on here in an attempt to confuse others.
Do the Instructors get payed on merit? What profit does a training camp make?
Trump used the laws available, I'm guessing, but what does that have to do with this story? I told you, I never was a fan of "The Donald". But it's what he's doing for thr country now that matters. Stop it Joe.
It's about 2019 and going forward. You keep hashing up things that feed your hate, and those things are insignificant to what he's now trying to do as President of This Country. Come on joe.
Eminent Domain sucks. I hate AC, Gambling, Casinos, Miss America BS, His arrogance, but he's working. He's winning. He's making mince meat out of the idiot Socialist Democrats... well that's easy to do. His economy is awesome, I've not seen construction like this... EVER! Stop it Joe, just Stop already. He's bringing back NASA, the Military, Jobs back to America.
You're a strange dude, or chick, or whatever you are.
Public school and quality education is a matter of national security in our technology and science driven world. Ignoring education will have people praying to invisible sky genies in Congress to solve real world problems... oh wait ... that is happening
Come on Joe!
I worship God, the author of Love, and you continue to tie me in with hate. By the way, who do you think created "Science"? God's very word (Bible), is packed with science!
It was God's words in the Bible, that suggested a round globe here under the sun. Stop it Joe, you're looking silly again. Stop and give thought, reread your words before hitting that "save" buttin.
In the beginning, God Created.
You created nothing o the such johnny.
Now I'm just a Ham-n-egger, but let's post these comments from some "Scientists".
Blaise Pascal was a brilliant mathematician in 17th century France. He is credited with discovering principles that would ultimately lead to the creation of the computer.
Pascal said, “Faith tells us what senses cannot, but it is not contrary to their findings. It simply transcends, without contradicting them.” Pascal also said, “Jesus Christ is the only proof of the living God. We only know God through Jesus Christ.”

Isaac Newton, the discoverer of gravity and one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, wrote more about the Bible and about Christian theology than he did science. Said the great Newton: “I have a foundational belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.”
This Ham-n-egger from Walnutport, PA also studies the Bible Daily. Any time you would like to have a sit down, look me up sir.

Good Day johnny
The problem with the examples you gave is those men are not infallible and do/ did make mistakes, plus you made a classical logical error and argued from authority, For example, pascal said (fill in the blank) so it must be true. Newton also believed in alchemy. This is why humans created the scientific process, to try and disprove each other and their running theories. The experiments that are tested and get the same results are the experiments and theories we hold as true, like the theory of gravity or evolution or flight control dynamics.
mind you none of this involves invoking an invisible sky friend, nor does it involve opening a quran or bible.
You started your comment with a claim before you jumped into a fallacy, how do you back the claim god created everything? and not a council of universe creating Pixies? How does one go about distinguishing between the two?
Higher taxes affect all of us. Regarding education, in 2016 China had 4.7 million STEM graduates, in the U.S. 568,000. Now read that again. China will eventually surpass us. Go ahead Mr. Trump keep focusing on maintaining Carbon industries while we get left in their dust. They will soon have the cars with a battery industry. My geology friend told me years ago our car makers were working on that but it got squashed by the OIL INDUSTRY. He refused to seek a job with them.

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