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Disrespecting police a prelude to anarchy?

Published July 29. 2019 12:02PM

A no-nonsense guy like Frank Rizzo, who passed away 28 years ago, would have trouble coping with today’s anti-police environment.

In some respects, Philadelphia’s legendary tough cop was the Donald Trump of his day — a man despised by enemies on the left but seen as a warrior of the middle class by right-wing conservatives.

Just as Trump is publicly critical of those who challenge his core beliefs on American exceptionalism, Rizzo had the same kind of passion for law and order. He ascended the ranks to serve as police commissioner from 1968 to 1971 and then mayor of the city from 1972 to 1980.

Rizzo would have bristled at seeing police officers being disrespected in major cities like Chicago and New York. We recently saw NYPD officers hold back from responding after being mocked and having buckets of water thrown at them in the streets.

Charges of racism and police overreacting are rampant these days. The New York City Police Benevolent Association blames politicians for creating a climate that ties the hands of law enforcement.

“The NYPD is now frozen,” said Patrick Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association in a statement. “Disorder controls the streets, and our elected leaders refuse to allow us to take them back.”

“As police officers we need to draw a line,” he continued. “In situations like this, we need to take action to protect ourselves and the public.”

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani put the blame directly on liberal Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“This disrespect for the uniform in NYC is result of a Democrat-Progressive (Retrogressive)-Socialist Mayor,” Giuliani tweeted. “This is what happens with knee-jerk disrespect for police. It will only get worse until these left-wing idiots are defeated.”

President Trump also weighed in, calling the water-dousing of officers “a total disgrace” and tweeted that it was time for de Blasio to “STAND UP for those who protect our lives.”

De Blasio is not the only liberal mayor making headlines. Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, and Lori Lightfoot of Chicago have been heavily criticized by their own police departments.

Lightfoot, who took office in May 20, did not know there was an open microphone during a city council meeting when she whispered to a colleague that Patrick Murray, who leads Chicago’s Fraternal Order of Police, is a “FOP clown.”

The remark quickly circulated on social media.

Asked for a comment after the meeting, Lightfoot refused to directly apologize, simply stating that “it was not appropriate for me to say that out loud.”

A statement by one Chicago FOP chapter labeled Lightfoot’s remark as “a misguided and dangerous thing to say about a veteran police officer at a time when the city is facing such chronic violent crime.

Like Bill de Blasio, Pete Buttigieg is running for the Democratic presidential nomination. And like de Blasio, the mayor of South Bend doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends in his own police department.

The South Bend chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police president has slammed Buttigieg for the low morale of its own officers after a report of “mass exodus” in their ranks surfaced.

The shooting of a black man by an officer sparked intense racial tensions which boiled over during a protest at a recent South Bend council meeting. One FOP lodge criticized Buttigieg for using the shooting “solely for his political gain and not the health of the city he serves.”

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik, who is no fan of either candidate, said the fact that De Blasio and Buttigieg want to take those leadership skills on a national level would destructive for the country.

He stated that history has proven that Democratic leadership has been responsible for increased violence and crime, reduced real estate values and economic development, and higher welfare rolls in urban cities.

He is not alone in his criticism.

Seeing the men in blue not respond after having buckets of water thrown at them is not a good look for America. Street hooliganism may seem trivial and harmless to liberals but many conservatives consider it a step toward anarchy.

A public humiliation of police officers would have made Frank Rizzo’s blood boil.

By Jim Zbick |

President Obama with the social justice warriors can take some credit for the lack of respect for the police. Obama made chants like, “Hands up-don’t shoot” and “the police acted stupidly “ and “pigs in a blanket, fry them up like bacon” and “what do we want, dead cops, when do they want them, now” an accepted part of society. Police recruitment dropped, police became targets and society took a giant step backward as wrong became acceptable and right became wrong.
Stick with the point of the article Joe.
Obama owns more than "some credit".
He actually built it. The only thing Obama ever manufactured was this chaos.
You built that Barack!
You are right, Country Girl, about respect both ways. There are some crooked cops that should be removed. The recent technological advancements have served to educate society about this. In any occupation there are maybe 5% that are incompetent. The challenge is to eliminate the incompetents before they do any harm. The brutality videos are disturbing to watch. President Trump values the service of all first responders. Check out Trump’s speech at the Law Enforcement Monument a couple of months ago. Respect for LEO’s has risen since Trump became President. Getting shot at isn’t any fun, no matter how the pay is. The pay isn’t enough either. Thank God for the LEO’s. I disagree that your perceived “disordered mind” theory contributes to this. I am anticipating Antifa becoming a domestic terror organization. They are an organized, funded masked gang that needs to be extinguished. Also, I am looking for the sanctuary cities to cease harboring criminals.
This hatred of Authority flourished under the "community organizer" (kid from Kenya)... just saying.
Commissioner Kerik, is spot on, I'd say, any Democrat taking their leadership skills on a national level would destructive for the country. Worth repeat...
"He stated that history has proven that Democratic leadership has been responsible for increased violence and crime, reduced real estate values and economic development, and higher welfare rolls in urban cities."
He is not alone in his criticism, most of us agree.
Good Read Jim
Calling people names is getting old Joe. You have no idea what, or who I am. You and the rest of the folks in your camp are going to have to come up with something other than name calling, especially the racist BS. When I call him kid, it's because of his age, not skin tone. Perhaps you have already forgotten the fact the Barack Obama is not Black, he's not an African American Slave, nor the son of one. But most important, I don't see skin tone and color like you racist idiots on the fringe do. Now stop it Joe, you're making a fool of yourself.
Who the heck are you anyway? Joe Who?
When is this rag's comment section going to start calling for accountability? Why is it that people can come here and call names, accuse others of this and that, be rude, vile and obnoxious?
Hello? Editor? Hello?
Is there any adults in the room? This "Kid" Joe is becoming an irritant! Beat it kid, you bother me.

Sign me...
The bigotted/racist/xenophobe/sexist/Christian from Walnutport, PA
Have a great day Joe... who ever you are.
Stop it Joe... Just stop it already.
Come up with some viable debate or argument, that racist crap is old, and quite honestly, I don't believe in the word. It's a made up thing. I look at us all as being one race, all lives matter. We may have cultural differences, but we are all members of the human race. So stop it, you're being childish boy!
I can't see Obama as anything but a kid. He never worked with congress, did what he wanted through executive orders. He'd draw a redline across the International globe, and then back down like a little boy. He communicated best with other kids...
His was the, “have TelePrompTer, will travel” president as he would hit the road to be with his base... College Kids.
I don't recall the Kenyan Kid ever having a one on one debate with an adult from the conservative side. I'll tell you what Joe, you post a video of Barack debating and acting like a man, with another man, and I might change my view. Don't go to the Beer Summit either. Ha Ha Ha You may have to get some video of him shooting clay birds... naw forget that. Shooting hoops?
Is Obama’s age conjecture? Did you see his birth certificate Joe? I would like to see Obama’s grades. Do you have those. Isn’t it strange how not a single person ever came forward that was a professor or fellow student or girl/boy friend of Obama during college? Maybe Obama came here from Mars? Maybe Obama was an ancient alien!
Come on Joe. What “tells me what I need to know?” You are becoming unhinged. The Mueller Report and Testimony was an utter flop. The Democrat Debates were terrible. The truth about President Obama’s crooked Administration and the low ratings for CNN & MSNBC are ruining you. You are making spelling errors that indicate you are “ill”. That is ok since you still can get away with charging Trump supporters more at your business. So, if Meyers is over 75 years old he is not a racist, by your standards, right? Can you see how pathetic this is? You are arrogant and condescending. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. You are holding on to empty, fraudulent positions, just in the hope of Trump screwing up. America’s successes through Trump make you mad. You are so biased you should not be in charge of other people. Step back and take a look at yourself.
How about Billy the Kid?
Kid Fury?
Kid Rock?
The wrestler... Dynamite Kid?
I'm a racist, bigot who hates woman, babies, people in general... yeah, yeah that's the ticket.
I love when people call me this, or that, as I've become numb to it.
Bring it on Joey the Kid!
Come on little Joey. You insult President Trump all of the time. You even refuse to capitalize his name in a blatant show of disrespect. This behavior is ongoing with you. Now, you cry foul with Meyers over a perceived comment. Are you for real? If you are a self-proclaimed genius you need to be smarter than this. You can not control your extreme bias. You overlook anything positive for Trump. You ignore sources that answer the very questions you demand answers for. You refuse to consider anything you do not like, as you emphasize everything that may not even exist to further your own agenda.You are arrogant and ignorant. You have tremendous gaps in knowledge and understanding. Instead of correcting it, you reinforce your willful omissions. Then you ask an opponent to have integrity. “He (Obama) is a man, and was a man when President...” As I said before, I met President Obama years ago. That will be a memory I will cherish forever. However, I disagree with his politics. Just because I disagree with you, doesn’t mean that you should be hateful. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between. Don’t be either arrogant or condescending. You should have introspection toward your own integrity.
Come on Joe...that boy Obama sure messed up Benghazi, the Bowe Bergdahl Debacle, the Iran agreement, the Paris Accord, and about a thousand other things. I use “boy” as a sign of immaturity. That boy set America back fifty years. He sure looked good with that crease in his pants though. God Bless that boy.
Come on Joe. You are a provocateur. You project your racist feelings on to others as you ignore any semblance of your own shortcomings. Pull out the fake race card whenever the ideas are exhausted. Conservatives were racists because they didn’t agree with President Obama’s tardy budget. Liberalism fails whenever the truth about it is revealed. Watch as President Trump rescues Baltimore. After decades of failed Democrat control, things are about to change. There is a new Sheriff in Town. Watch as citizens get rescued from crime, terrible schools, and poverty, all by President Trump. Then the fraudulent racist accusations will be in the garbage just like the rats. Liberal policies have held African Americans down for up to 80 years in some cities. Republicans do not have any fingerprints on this. Trump does not either. If you stand in the way of African Americans reclaiming their city, you are the racist. Reference Dr. Ben Carson. Conservatives are tired of failed liberal policies, being framed for fake racism charges, and the endless parade of dysfunctional race-baiters that help themselves first.
Hey Joe,
Racism does not exist. It has never existed. It's an illusion — a lie created by the Children of the Lie to intimidate white people through fear, and to control blacks and others through anger. Jesse Lee Peterson clearly realized this after writing his book "The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood."
Jesse is an authority, as his daddy was a slave. Jesse is black, and he... dare I say? HE PICKED COTTON!
Look up Jesse Peterson
Jesse is a hated black man, and he doesn't care. He only cares that the truth be laid out for all to see. Check him out Joe.
I agree with my brother Jesse. There is no "racism" — there is only love or hate, truth and lies, good and evil. "Racism" is a made up word. Now stop drinking that Kool-Aid Joe.
Yes Country Girl, The Republican Party is going upward. Thank God we are rid of those scoundrels. Just wait till Baltimore gets cleaned up. Failure from decades of Democratic leadership is now about to change. Watch out rats in Baltimore! There is a new Sheriff in Town. Just wait and see what happens.
Joe, at first I was not a supporter of Donald Trump. First, he did not have a foundation of Conservatism that I like. He was in the NYC political jungle and was known as a Democrat...pretty much. Trump gave sizable donations to both Democrats & Republicans. He did not have a firm Conservative background that I could trust. Second, I thought Trump was too caustic. I was a traditional conservative that liked the Presidential disposition of George H.W. Bush. I got tired of liberals insulting Presidents, and, it was unfair even to rebut an insult. Somehow, Republicans were just supposed to lay down and take every vile insult. For years, we wanted a President that fought back. Now, we have a fighter. If you attack Trump, you get it right back. It is about time. Things have changed now...for the better. Sometimes Trump goes after people that I wouldn’t because he doesn’t make things easy for himself, but, you know where you stand with him. We went from one extreme to the other. With all of the Trump haters (some former supporters that changed the moment when he went down the escalator) and the resistance movement, Trump is right. He is a fighter.
I read his best selling book, “The Art of the Deal”. Trump is a successful businessman that has turned out to be a much better than I expected. Good things sometimes come from the unexpected. Trump grew up in a tough NYC business environment. He went to a Military Prep School (New York Military Academy) and was Cadet Captain. He later went to the Wharton School of Business. He has ran many businesses and employed thousands of workers. He has authored a best selling book. He has starred/directed a top rated TV show for years. Trump has turned out to be much better than I expected. You wait and see. MAGA!

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