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Kid reporter now lives in Arizona town where she made news

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    This November 2018 photo provided by shows Hilde Lysiak in Selinsgrove, Pa. The 12-year-old reporter who made national headlines for her confrontation with a marshal in an Arizona border town of Patagonia will now be able to report there permanently. (Stebs Schinnerer/ via AP)

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    This November 2018 photo provided by shows Hilde Lysiak in Selinsgrove, Pa. The 12-year-old reporter who made national headlines for her confrontation with a marshal in an Arizona border town of Patagonia will now be able to report there permanently. (Stebs Schinnerer/ via AP)

Published August 01. 2019 07:51AM

PHOENIX (AP) — A tenacious 12-year-old reporter who made national headlines for her confrontation with a marshal in an Arizona border town will now be able to report there permanently.

Hilde Kate Lysiak’s family moved from their Pennsylvania home earlier this week to Patagonia. But the young journalist isn’t interested in drawing more attention.

“As a reporter I think I should report the news, not be in the news,” Hilde Kate Lysiak said in an emailed statement to The Associated Press.

Lysiak announced the move in a “goodbye” editorial Monday on her online newspaper, Orange Street News.

“This wasn’t my choice. I didn’t ask for this move,” she wrote. “However, I’m not slumping my shoulders. I intend (on) making the most of the move and use it as an opportunity to grow.”

Lysiak said she plans to shift from covering local crime to more investigative pieces with “national interest.” She also offered a full refund to subscribers.

Her father, Matthew Lysiak, confirmed that his daughter was not happy about the move. But he has no doubt she’ll make the most of it as an opportunity to hone her reporting skills.

“She has something deep inside her that drives her. It’s just unique to her,” Matthew Lysiak said in a telephone interview. “I wish I could take more credit for this.”

He and his wife had been wanting to move to southern Arizona for some time.

A former reporter for the New York Daily News, he first fell in love with the landscape while covering the shooting of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in Tucson in 2011. In the last few years, the family — which includes three other daughters — has vacationed in Patagonia for three months out of the year.

It was during one of those vacations last February that Hilde Lysiak was stopped by a marshal while chasing a news tip on her bicycle. She filmed part of the interaction, in which she asks the marshal why he said she “could be thrown in juvie.” The marshal goes on to warn her against interfering even if she is a member of the media.

The video’s posting led to social media slamming the marshal and praising Hilde Lysiak for standing up for press freedom. She later received an apology from the town’s mayor.

Hilde Lysiak first made a name for herself in 2014 when she established an online newspaper for her hometown of Selinsgrove, the Orange Street News. In 2016, the then 9-year-old was the first to break news of a homicide in her neighborhood.

The youngest member of the Society of Professional Journalists, she also gave the commencement speech at the West Virginia University Reed College of Media in May.

Typical behavior of white male privilege. Edit: This article by Terry does not include the whole story only parts of it from the original article. She gave the officer her I.D. and said she was a reporter. He reportedly told her "I don't wanna hear about any of that freedom of the press stuff" She asked him to repeat that on camera, which he did. Read the whole article.
I view things a bit different Country Girl. A momentary Marshal meltdown was an individual thing. You can not say it is “typical behavior of white male privilege”. Was it white male privilege that won WWI & WWII? Look at the picture of the U.S. Marines raising the American Flag at Iwo Jima...was that white male privilege? You can not be fair unless you set aside gender and race. This young lady reporter proves that America is great to enable a gifted person to achieve whatever their heart desires. Could this be an example of white female priviledge?
Most educated people know the real meaning of white male privilege also known as male privilege. Women certainly do. Oh and the You Tube video of her speaking at a college is right on. Google it.
Also Male Entitlement. :)
I would be willing to bet, Country Girl, that if you were to spend some time in the Middle East under Arab laws, you would jump into the arms of the first “white male privilege” guy that walked by. Your hatred of white men would evaporate and your outlook would change. You seem to have a big chip of hatred for white men on your shoulder. You can not hold every man accountable for what one man did to you. I say this as I sense you were a victim at one point. I am sorry for that. However, I can not be held accountable for that. I don’t have any grudge against you. It seems you are in the dichotomy of stereotyping as you call others out for stereotyping. Also, please note that just because someone has a different opinion from you, that doesn’t make them stupid. You have noted this several times already.

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