Lehighton prohibits scavenging people’s trash
Those with a penchant for picking trash in Lehighton may want to reconsider.
On a 6-0 vote, borough council on Monday adopted an ordinance prohibiting scavenging in solid waste and recycled materials. Councilman Darryl Arner was absent.
The ordinance prohibits scavenging from any container as defined in a section of the ordinance or any bin, container or other type of receptacle used for the deposit, storage, collection or transport of garbage, rubbish, recycling materials, including without limitation metal or plastic bins and plastic or paper bags.
It defines scavenging as the act or practice or removing, taking, scattering or disturbing garbage, rubbish and/or recycling materials which had been placed and assembled in containers, whether stored on private or public property or placed by a roadway, street or curb for authorized collection.
The ordinance states that anyone who violates or fails to comply will be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed $1,000 plus costs, and in default of payment of said fines and costs, to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Each day a violation of this article continues will constitute a separate offense.
Several residents approached council over the past few months with a flurry of complaints concerning trash picking.
After June’s meeting, borough Manager Nicole Beckett said there had been at least 50 complaints received.