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It’s time for fiscal responsibility

Published August 07. 2019 12:31PM

When will the community of Lehighton Area School District see fiscal responsibility from its school board? In November of 2018 the school board unanimously passed a motion to move their bank accounts to TD Bank. You can read the motion on Page 23 of the Nov. 19, 2018, board minutes at

At the Nov. 12, 2018, Finance Committee Meeting, this was discussed and recommended to be brought to a motion for the board. A presentation was given by TD Bank at the Finance Committee Meeting on Oct. 8, 2018. You can read the minutes for both of these meetings at

Now we’ve had $4 million shortfall and a 1-mill tax increase, and to date this transition has not been completed. Why did the majority board not question this? This was brought up at the latest board meeting by a minority board member apparently due to an email sent to the board by TD Bank.

Not only would more interest be generated, but TD Bank could offer key security enhancements for the accounts there.

When will we see the majority board do their job and oversee the administration to make sure that motions that are passed by the board are carried out? (There have been more motions passed that were not completed.)

They were elected to do a job. It’s time we make sure they do that job. After all, it’s for the kids.

Barbara Bowes

Mahoning Township

Does Barbara think the “shortfall” means the money is missing from the account? Barbara, shortfall means their bills are $4 million more than their tax revenue. The paper should not have printed this
No, Barbara A Bowes thinks motions passed by the board should be carried out by the Administration, PERIOD. This particular motion would have added additional interest income for LASD as well as adding security to the accounts held there and in these times, additional security for any bank account is paramount. And they've had a "shortfall" for years as they have been spending more than their revenue for years. Pointed out repeatedly by the minority board to the majority board I might add but it fell on deaf ears it seems. We were told that 3.5 million of the shortfall was due to increased health care payments but according to the documents in the corrected expenditure report given to the board at the July meeting, it shows benefits being $240,690.88 over budget. A far cry from 3.5 million. Perhaps, Joe, you should read the references given in the letter. I would give them to you here, but I cannot post snapshots from the PDFs. While you are there, take a look at the Budget Reports given to the board. To name a few areas, from the Budget Revenue Report, Nursing Services were over budget $93,635.65, Supervision-Op/Maint. over $65,738.54, Operation of Building over $557,674.69, Security Services over $148,688.12, Building Acquisition over $1,269,076.62 (this one had 0 budgeted for the category). And those are just a few of them. A total of $2,134,813.62. And the Building Acquisition account in the January report given to the board was over by $458,831.34. That's an almost a half million dollar red flag right there since there was no money budgeted at all. I asked for a meeting with the Business Administrator so I could understand all of this better, especially the differences in the Reports but was denied.
It was edited a bit, but minor. I answered your statement on "shortfall". And offered examples from their documents on where the shortfall occurred. So, the points I made were in response to your comment. Although the simple fact it was passed by the board should be enough. From what I understand, once a motion is passed it is not at the discretion of the administration whether or not it is carried out.

Good afternoon. Do you read any of the district documents? Since the old BM left they seem to contradict and often do not balance. The information given to the public cand to the State or Bond companies seem to not match.

I suggest an accounting class, and a meeting with your district government officials that have rubber stamped the corruption and waste. A balanced budget with a tax decrease was presented, and the board majority thumbed their noses. They voted to rubber stamp the administration with blind trust and implemented a ~$44M budget with a tax increase.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Comical, Joe thinks the Times News prints the actual story. That turnip truck pothole strikes again.

We love ya Joe for speaking out, and please do more, the conversations reform government. But, please, please, please verify, verify, verify. These people are collecting and consuming $40M+, year after year, escalating the budge with a reducing enrollment, borrowed and spent $100M and claiming it is for the children. Let's start fresh, boot/ant and we the people openly elect the foot in the boot.

Good afternoon. Please consider taking a basic accounting class. In this case, the 'shortfall' means they want to spend more that they are taking in, and are using the fund balance to cover the shortfall. How does a budget grow 10% after consolidation savings and the lack of need to build another stadium, Elementary center? Waste and corruption. The act of legally taking is a swipe of a pen.

The board rubber stamps all the hiring of any uneeded personnel, overtime, bonuses, vacations, educational benefits, family medical to extended members, supplies, cell phones, solicitor fees, and Larry's immunity plea etc. Fox and the hen house.

The year ending 2019 was balanced, and the fund balance was intact, as budgeted. It is the new 2020 year of tax and spend has returned with the consumption UP about 10%. Growing the budget is not unlike the ease of force required to take candy from a baby, the stroke of a pen. Here the authoritarian force CHOSE to CONSUME more than they know we will be receiving in revenue, WITHOUT changes in educational benefits to the students, there are staff consumption, not student consumption.

Oh, and BTW the State and Federal don't pay for waste or corruption, only us local foot that bill. Remember the old Superintendent memorandum of understanding? We footed that chaos created by the feckless slumlord board. Just sayin'.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
Dave, they have added some educational benefit, at least on paper. Under Regular Programs- Elementary/Secondary they added $375,299.00. Under Special Programs- Elementary/Secondary they added $789,671.00. (Is this Special Ed or LAVA is my question or does it also encompass other things?). Under Vocational Education they added $35,854.00. And under Adult Education Programs they added $4,887.00. For Pre-K they added $6,200.00. So for Total Instruction, they added $1,211,911.00. What I would like clarified is what does Instruction in the 1100 area actually encompass? For Support Services they added $33,380.00 for Students and $103,187.00 for support Services for Instructional Staff. Biggest add in this area was $771,142.00 for Operation and Maintenance of Plant Services which is 2600 object it was budgeted last year at $2,429,146.78 but over budget by $772,101.45. So in the 2019-2020 year is budgeted at $32,569.00. In the 2017-2018 school year, it was budgeted at $2,613,695.00.
I am a cpa, how about you?

Easy there, I don’t want to upset you since your the kind of guy that gets barred from being around the schools. I was just asking questions clarifying a very confusing letter.
Joe, as a CPA, do you take advantage of Republicans every chance you get? What is the extra surcharge Trump supporters pay? Is it ok if the “numbers” don’t quite even out if a customer has a Trump/Pence bumper sticker on their car? You bet that is ok. Republicans deserve to pay double if you can “pull it off.” They voted Trump so they should pay extra to “be taught a lesson”, right? A little extra money in your pocket from a Republican is all the better. It is not stealing if “Trumpies” deserve it, right? Of course. Any CPA has an open license to “liberate funds” from evil Trump supporters...they need to pay for being evil racists. You are condescending Joe. Keep your hands out of the pockets of Trump supporters. Trump Derangement Syndrome is wrong.
Ten citizens can sign a petition forcing the courts to review a directors removal for neglect of office. The citizens can hold their government accountable by signing such a petition.
Andy Yenser's emails reveal new information about his involvement with the TD Bank issues.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

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